And what do you mean by love? Is it love for my enemy, hitting me on the head with a stick knowing all things are one in the great divine: that damage to one is damage to all, to himself but of course in the present hitting on me? What is this word love?
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself"
(Matthew 22:37-39)
So we can ask our own selves, why is there hate or predudices in our heart for any other person, people or nation, why do we fight wars and why do we argue over God and Religion?
I can answer that.
This would be contrary to the will of God and according to the will of Satan, by which we mean the natural inclinations of the lower nature. This lower nature in man is symbolized as Satan—the evil ego within us, not an evil personality outside.
- Abdu’l-Baha, -
Yes, there is "a satan" in all of us, I would agree.
How to triumph over satan is an extremely complex topic.
A Muslim is supposed to recite "A`udhu billahi minash-shaitan nir-rajim" when becoming angry,
which means "I seek refuge in God from the accursed satan"
trinity trigod voted on at nicea 325ad foreign to jesus30%+ are Christian, who believe in the crucified, resurrected and living Christ -- with no concern for or obligation or judgement towards what Muslims believe, but granting them freedom of belief and worship, and of respect for what they believe -- and wishing for the same grace in return ...
bible ' god is not a man he who dies on cross is cursed 'Same old..
It's about whether Jesus is God.
..or as trinitarians claim .. whether Jesus and God are of the same substance.
Personally, I say that they are, but that doesn't mean that Jesus is God.
God is of an infinite nature.
Yes this thread title is hurtful and hopefully now you know how Christians feel when they see thread titles like these:My friends, the title of this post hurt(uncomfortable) to me and my family. Here we have to respect everybody, every religious book, every prophet, and every religious personality.
That's all well and fine, but to Christians Jesus is much more than a prophet and to say he did not die on the cross is an affront to our core believes. Especially when posted on the Christian board. So just as you are offended by the title of this thread, many Christians may be offended by the title of threads you start. Just something to think about as these things go both ways.My friends, We all Muslims respect Jesus (as) as a true prophet
The Muslim who started this thread chose the title: Islam is nasty?My friends, the title of this post hurt (uncomfortable) to me and my family. Here we have to respect everybody, every religious book, every prophet, and every religious personality.
Sorry @Namaste Jesus but I disagree.Yes this thread title is hurtful and hopefully now you know how Christians feel when they see thread titles like these:
"30 verses of Bible say Jesus did not die on the Cross" - "Quran says that Jesus Christ died a natural death"
Not very respectful at all, IMO.
Neither am I as I'm sure not every Muslim is offended by the title of this one. I find such notions more absurd than anything else. Just saying, like the title of this thread, the potential is there for reasons already stated, for others to take offence and we should be mindful of that.I am not hurt or offended by @Ijaz Ahmad Ahmadi titles for these discussion threads. I do not find them disrespectful.Why should Christians be offended if their beliefs are questioned?
I haven't recently been offendedTo repeat: the title of this thread was chosen by the Muslim member who started it, and he can have it changed
Apologies all round. I mean no offence to anyone ...