Actually, no. As I said, I like to let the sources speak.
The sources speak and one chooses to hear what they say.
Back in the 90's, I had many conversations with my mother, at that time a born again Christian about Jesus and God.
One day I decided to read Bible front to back, Old and New and find passages that showed Jesus was Not God. I ended up with 5 x A4 pages of 4 columns of verses that indicate clearly that Jesus is Not God, but the Spirit that was Jesus was of God.
Then I sat down to write the letter to prove the case. I actually only got down to the Dear Mother part of the letter, because as I contemplated which verses to start with, I saw the magnitude of the task I had taken on.
If I had seen so many passages in the Bible that proved undoubtedly that Jesus was not God, how was it my mother did not? I then realised that it is not I that changes hearts and no matter what I tried to offer, my mother would not see it as God had allowed me to.
I realised it is our own choices that are our reality. I never started the letter, but I still have the A4 pages of quotes.
I know no amount of explanations will change the way you choose to see Jesus.
Peter said it best when asked as to who Peter saw Jesus was.
"Who do you say I am?" Simon
Peter answered, "
You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus replied, "Blessed
are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this
was not revealed to
you by man, but by my Father in heaven."
The Son is not the Father, but the Son can become the Father. Baha'u'llah (Glory of God) has said that He is the Father promise to all.
Such is the Quandary of Faith and I see this quandary will not change until we as a united humanity see that there is only One God, and all Messengers were from that One Same God.
That is how I see it Thomas.
I also see the old ways are changing.
Regards Tony