"It is the same with cows: The only thing that matters is what comes out at the end!"
To people like me, lurking in the corners, the finer details do matter. Sometimes it is vital to understand more about the various ends in such a matter.
I suppose .. but I find it frustrating when somebody is trying to avoid the issue.
i.e. Arians [ non-Nicene trinitarians ] and their historic battles
It matters little to me whether you want to call people Saracens or Muhammadans or Nestorians or Arians or bla-bla.
I'm sure there is fine detail of different battles and people's creeds, but the common factor in these conflicts is Nicene Christians !
One could accuse Muslims of doing exactly the same thing .. battles with "kafirs" etc.
However, I was referring to the apparent GREAT IMPORTANCE of Jesus being God. Why is it such a crime to believe otherwise???
It's all very well saying that that is the past, and since the 1800's Western society is more tolerant .. but it is very clear
that the "undercurrent" of Christian thought remains the same. On just has to read RJM Corbet's posts to know that.
He becomes angry about the issue . WHY??? Why does it matter so much?
May I ask a personal question? At one point in the past weeks, I read a post by you, saying you consider yourself Christian, in that Islam is a superset of Christianity. You also mention the various unitarian Christian denominations. And you keep bringing up the topic of violent persecution of such Christian denominations by the churches of Rome and Constantinople.
My question is: What's your stake in this?
I'm trying to get to the bottom of these issues. Why did / do people feel so "hot" about it?
I know the majority of Christians are trintarians. It is a belief that they are brought up with .. as was I.
What is so threatening about Jesus
NOT being God? Does God vanish from sight in such a scenario?
Why were people persecuted for thnking otherwise up until very recently?
[ I mentioned the emigration of the Amish to USA from Europe, for example ]
It must be very close to your heart, but I haven't been able to see it yet.
is close to my heart. I did not like the way that Thomas and RJM Corbet [ amongst others ] behaved over the issue
of refutation of "website articles", as you know. I have no problem with people believing whatever they like, for whatever reason.
..but I do not like the attitude of "THIS SITE IS TOO ATHEIST", and we will now get rid of anything that disagrees with Jesus is God.
Do you see now .. or do you not?