Why Do People Like To Talk About Their Spiritual Beliefs?

The Wikpedia article on Interfaith Dialogue is a good read. Here's a passage I particularly like, about the preconditions for "constructive and enriching dialogue between religions".
  • humility (causes a respect of a person's view of other religions)
  • commitment (causes a commitment to faith that simultaneously accept tolerance to other faiths)
  • interconnection (causes the recognition of shared common challenges such as the reconciliation of families)
  • empathy (causes someone to view another religion from the perspective of its believers)
  • hospitability (like the tent of Abraham, that was open on all four sides as a sign of hospitality to any newcomer).
Good guidelines, I think.
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Yes, I was trying to put my finger on this, with my question about what it is about Arianism that is so close to your heart that you have brought it up in every thread for the past months. Responses have been scholarly (from Thomas), and personally offended (from RJM), due to the perceived soapbox stance of "how could anyone in their right mind believe such a thing as the Trinity", which even I as someone who does not believe in anything like the Trinity find to sound increasingly caustic with each repetition.

I don't think that I have ever said that .. i.e. "how could anyone in their right mind believe such a thing as the Trinity".

The issue that is perhaps still ongoing is that the "website articles" were about the early Christians and how Nicene Christianity became the uppermost.. The so-called "Arian dispute" is central to this debate about those articles.

The very refutation of the articles claims that the Arians were a group of Christians led by Arius into heresy.
That is the "official line", of course :)

How much did you win? ;)

I know you are online. I know you are avoiding answering my questions in post #133.
The reason I ask, is to sort out the crux of the matter once and for all.
Perhaps you think it would be boring if we had nothing to argue about ;)
How much did you win? ;)

I know you are online. I know you are avoiding answering my questions in post #133.
The reason I ask, is to sort out the crux of the matter once and for all.
Perhaps you think it would be boring if we had nothing to argue about ;)
It's ok, no hard feelings. But I am not going to continue this
It's ok, no hard feelings. But I am not going to continue this

As you like..
I must say, that I'm very disappointed.
I was hoping that I could learn something as to why you seem to get offended so easily.

I see Muslims also get offended easily, and in France for example, they get so furious
that they attack magazine editors etc. over cartoons.
The truth as I see it, is that it is satan that causes such ridiculous behaviour.
What is honour? Is it for the love of God, or is it about ourselves?
It is far more subtle and complicated, no matter how often it is explained, you like to oversimplify.

I personally do not see it is that complicated, God makes it easy for us all. There is a lot we do not and can not know and that is why there is Faith. We accept a Message from a source we see Knows all.

What makes it complicated is that Humans do not like to admit they have got it wrong and that has always been the darkest cloud that Christ always returns upon.

Regards Tony
Mind you .. I can see how the "bomb in turban" cartoon is very offensive to Muslims.
The prophet Muhammad, peace be with him, taught us not to become angry.
When we become angry, we become the "slaves of satan".

It is possible to take action, and rightly so imo, but without anger. This is what Almighty God wants from us.
The truth as I see it, is that it is satan that causes such ridiculous behaviour.
What is honour? Is it for the love of God, or is it about ourselves?

Mostly it is about our own selves.

God is One, God is Love, it is us that see all the colours of the rainbow and not the pure light.

Sometimes we hold on to our favourite colour.

From a Baha'i perspective, Baha’u’llah is the Source of that Pure White Light in this age. In the Past Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Krishna, etc were also a source.

I see none on this will change, until people start looking for the light, no matter where it shines from and has shone from.

Regards Tony
Mind you .. I can see how the "bomb in turban" cartoon is very offensive to Muslims.
The prophet Muhammad, peace be with him, taught us not to become angry.
When we become angry, we become the "slaves of satan".

It is possible to take action, and rightly so imo, but without anger. This is what Almighty God wants from us.

Time to be adults an beat our swords into plowshares. ;):D

Though in this day we go into battle with the swords of our tounges. :eek:

Regards Tony
From a Baha'i perspective, Baha’u’llah is the Source of that Pure White Light in this age. In the Past Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Krishna, etc were also a source.
You are against my belief. Krishna is supreme even today and not any 19th Century uneducated Iranian preacher. How can I beat the swords into plowshares?
And from the Christian POV, of course, Jesus Christ is the Light of this, any and every age.
You are against my belief. Krishna is supreme even today and not any 19th Century uneducated Iranian preacher. How can I beat the swords into plowshares?

That is entirely up to you Aupmanyav. Firstly I wish you safe, as your country is being torn apart by Covid-19. Stay safe, well and happy.

You will find only peace and love from me.

I see all that was Krishna was of God, but I also understand you do not beleive in God.

Regards Tony
Almighty God !

The source, the Most Great Spirit, the Creator of the Holy Spirit, the one that sends the Messengers.

Who some make into God. Which in itself is not wrong, if the line between flesh and spirit is embraced.

Jesus as Christ made it clear, that flesh amounts to nothing.

Regards Tony
Then all the Christains have to do is be that Light.

That is also applicable to all that say they follow the light.

Jesus as Christ made it clear, that flesh amounts to nothing.

There have been people so in love with the light, they wanted to do nothing but look into it. They had to be fed, or they would have starved.

That may be an extreme example of "following the light to the detriment of the flesh", but I think it bears repeating that without our flesh-and-blood bodies, we wouldn't be able to even talk about following the light the way we do, here.

I am very grateful of my body, and other bodies for reasons such as this. I do not think that the flesh amounts to nothing. (And neither did Jesus, I think, judging from all the stories of his healing people, caring for their physical well-being, and his prayer about letting the cup pass him by).
There have been people so in love with the light, they wanted to do nothing but look into it. They had to be fed, or they would have starved.

That may be an extreme example of "following the light to the detriment of the flesh", but I think it bears repeating that without our flesh-and-blood bodies, we wouldn't be able to even talk about following the light the way we do, here.

I am very grateful of my body, and other bodies for reasons such as this. I do not think that the flesh amounts to nothing. (And neither did Jesus, I think, judging from all the stories of his healing people, caring for their physical well-being, and his prayer about letting the cup pass him by).

The flesh is important in this matrix. It is the Temple of the soul.

What the passage means to me is, that in the end you take nothing in this life with you, but the fruits of the Spirit.

Regards Tony