
You make it sound like perception is an object.
What do you mean by perception?
What inputs our (limited) sensory organs give to the mind (brain) and what (under the influence of evolution) the mind (brain) makes of it (the image that it creates).
It's just occurred to me that Shipwright did mention photons in one of his lectures. Maybe the soul is a photon or photon-like particle.
Electricity has a positive and a negative charge. The electric monopoles are the proton and the electron. All magnets have two poles: north and south. There's a search for a magnetic monopole, so far unsuccessful.

But I don't think electromagnetism (light) can be said to carry a charge. It is measured by frequency and wavelength, I think. I don't know what an EM monopole could be.

The photon has no charge or mass. A photon doesn't experience time, I think. It is forever in the now. But a photon doesn't experience anything, I think, although it interacts with gravity. Photons are identical. It seems an unlikely vessel of the soul.

More about the photon here:


The photon is a type of elementary particle. It is the quantum of the electromagnetic field including electromagnetic radiation such as light and radio waves, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force. Photons are massless, so they always move at the speed of light in vacuum
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What inputs our (limited) sensory organs give to the mind (brain) and what (under the influence of evolution) the mind (brain) makes of it (the image that it creates).
I'd put it like that, too. Only I come to the opposite conclusion that this process is well able to pick up on the subtle differences in configuration on the atomic level which yield red, white, and pink mixtures of wavelengths to be emitted/reflected. Perception already dives down to the level you evoke, I think.
Free will is correctly used by doing good deeds to other souls, and by doing good deeds to oneself without causing harm to other souls. Playing the agreed part in another soul’s life plan is also a correct use of free will, even though some deeds may be perceived as harmful without the context that knowledge of such life plan provides.

Which safeguards are there in Shipwrights teachings to prevent this from becoming an excuse for abuse or power games?
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Electricity has a positive and a negative charge. The electric monopoles are the proton and the electron. All magnets have two poles: north and south. There's a search for a magnetic monopole, so far unsuccessful.

But I don't think electromagnetism (light) can be said to carry a charge. It is measured by frequency and wavelength, I think. I don't know what an EM monopole could be.

The photon has no charge or mass. A photon doesn't experience time, I think. It is forever in the now. But a photon doesn't experience anything, I think, although it interacts with gravity. Photons are identical. It seems an unlikely vessel of the soul.

More about the photon here:


The photon is a type of elementary particle. It is the quantum of the electromagnetic field including electromagnetic radiation such as light and radio waves, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force. Photons are massless, so they always move at the speed of light in vacuum

That's the point where I leave the subject to specialists.

I'm retransmitting a message from around 20 years ago on a subject I know nothing about - frankly, I don't know what I described or if I described it as I should. I'm actually surprised I've been able to come this far in this conversation.

High school physics is very rudimentary in Brazil, and there is no physics in law school. There's no way I can get technical on this.
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Which safeguards are there in Shipwrights reachings to prevent this from becoming an excuse for abuse or power games?

I guess there's a point where it all comes down to faith and believing we're doing the right thing. Sometimes we do things because we think they're right, sometimes we don't know why we do them. Free will may be about trying our best to do the right thing while knowing we have the option go down a bad road if we want to.

As far as safeguards go, Abrahamic religions have the notion of hell, and Shipwright teaches that hell is on Earth and we will pay for our abuses next time our soul gets a body. We may abuse and play power games in this life, but next time around we will be the victims of the same transgressions. In one life you're the predator, in the next you're the prey.
I'm retransmitting a message from around 20 years ago on a subject I know nothing about - frankly, I don't know what I described or if I described it as I should. I'm actually surprised I've been able to come this far in this conversation.
Of course. I’m just interested in 21st Century science as an amateur, @Cino knows more, but there’s a lot to be learned from layman science books, and nowadays from You Tube. It has come a long way in 20 years. I don’t think Shipwright’s use of the term ‘electromagnetic energy’ is technically correct, that’s all.

It falls outside the hard-nose scientific view of EM. It doesn’t mean there is no such an energy as that Shipwright is talking about – it’s not the right terminology, that’s all. Imo

It’s a great thread, and threads here do tend to wander around a bit, lol
I don’t think Shipwright’s use of the term ‘electromagnetic energy’ is technically correct, that’s all.

It falls outside the hard-nose scientific view of EM. It doesn’t mean there is no such an energy as that Shipwright is talking about – it’s not the right terminology, that’s all. Imo

Maybe he put things in a way I would be able to remember. The terminology probably isn't correct or accurate, but just enough so that people who actually know what he was talking about could figure it out.
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As far as safeguards go, Abrahamic religions have the notion of hell, and Shipwright teaches that hell is on Earth and we will pay for our abuses next time our soul gets a body. We may abuse and play power games in this life, but next time around we will be the victims of the same transgressions. In one life you're the predator, in the next you're the prey.

That's a very long-term view. Other new faiths such as Western Buddhism have been struggling with the phenomenon that such long-term consequences don't seem to prevent the abuse of power in this life. While it may be part of the Buddhist faith that this will ultimately play out well in the coming cosmic ages until every being is enlightened, most Western Buddhist groups also found it to be compassionate and skillful to put measures into place today, to address power abuse by teachers claiming to know better than their students why they should play along their harmful intentions, for a promise of future advancment on the path.

So I was wondering whether Shipwright has anything specific to say about such dynamics in this present life.
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That's a very long-term view. Other new faiths such as Western Buddhism have been struggling with the phenomenon that such long-term consequences don't seem to prevent the abuse of power in this life. While it may be part of the Buddhist faith that this will ultimately play out well in the coming cosmic ages until every being is enlightened, most Western Buddhist groups also found it to be compassionate and skillful to put measures into place today, to address power abuse by teachers claiming to know better than their students why they should play along their harmful intentions, for a promise of future advancment on the path.

So I was wondering whether Shipwright has anything specific to say about such dynamics in this present life.

It's long term, indeed. That's why I was surprised by a comment here claiming that the philosophy on abortion is conservative. A lot of people may as well read it and see it as a free pass, something like: "there's no hell, there's no devil, and I get to choose how I pay for it in the next life (if there is one) - it's liberating".

It's about taking responsibility for our actions and understanding that we'll have to bear the consequences in a life in which we don't remember why we're going through all that pain and suffering. If you don't remember why things are happening to you, you'll probably feel like it's unfair, which adds to the punishment. I personally see slow, long lasting pain as worse than fast pain.

Anyway, the system is not designed to instill fear, but to teach people that they should do the right thing because they choose to be good. If fear of immediate consequences did the job, there wouldn't be crime on Earth - the sword of Damocles that are criminal codes and law enforcement would be enough.
Wrong actions are often not malicious or deliberate. The things I've done wrong were mostly mistakes. I just didn't know better at the time. I may have been insensitive, selfish, immature: but it was never -- seldom -- my intention to hurt anybody, especially not, as mostly happens, to most hurt those whom I most love.

On the other hand, I've tried to help someone and ended up giving hard earned money to someone who just lies and invents stories.

It's not often possible at the time to know what is the right way and the wrong way. Sometimes I may help someone without knowing it, or to hurt someone without knowing it?

Just thoughts for the wind ...
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It's long term, indeed. That's why I was surprised by a comment here claiming that the philosophy on abortion is conservative.
Conservative political parties tend to strongly hold the view that adult women should not be allowed to make decisions about their own reproductive organs.

But that's a discussion for another thread.

Anyway, the system is not designed to instill fear, but to teach people that they should do the right thing because they choose to be good. If fear of immediate consequences did the job, there wouldn't be crime on Earth - the sword of Damocles that are criminal codes and law enforcement would be enough.

Playing devil's advocate: So by being an abusive cult leader, I'll only be learning lessons, now or in a future life? My victims probably deserve to be exploited, because they did something horrible in a past life?

Edited to add: That's why spiritual organizations, as they mature, tend to introduce rules, precepts, or professional codes for the teachers or priests. Learning lessons for future lives is all well and good, but here and now, it is also the right thing to learn from (comparatively) short-term experience.
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Wrong actions are often not malicious or deliberate. The things I've done wrong were mostly mistakes. I just didn't know better at the time. I may have been insensitive, selfish, immature: but it was never -- seldom -- my intention to hurt anybody, especially not, as mostly happens, to most hurt those whom I most love.

I actually had written something along those lines in my last post but deleted before posting. Most people mean well most of the time. There are those who tend to think otherwise, but people who do wrong on purpose are a minority.

On the other hand, I've tried to help someone and ended up giving hard earned money to someone who just lies and invents stories.

Maybe you agreed to provide financial support for such person when both of you were in the spiritual plane designing your life plans. Maybe you took money from such person in a past life (not necessarily in a bad way) and didn't get the chance to return it, so you're doing it now. Maybe such person is taking advantage of you and will have to pay for it in the next life in a way that both of you will agree in the spiritual plane. Maybe such person will realize (through communication from the perispirit) that he/she did wrong to you and will try to make up for it while still living this life.

It's not often possible at the time to know what is the right way and the wrong way. Sometimes I may help someone without knowing it, or to hurt someone without knowing it?

Being in the corporeal plane with the interferences imposed by the body and a memory restricted to this lifetime makes it very hard for all of us. Often there's no time to think.

We definitely can help or hurt someone without knowing, and that may be part of the life plans of both people involved. It's very hard for us to discern whether it's the case while we're still in the corporeal plane.

There's no bonus without a burden. The bonus of free will brings within it the burden of uncertainty.
I wonder where the deliberate intention to do evil comes into effect? Did Mao Tse Tung act from the deliberate intention to do evil, in causing 70 million deaths?
I think the more corporeal power a person gains, the more he becomes a desirable tool for evil powers. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The devil takes over. Many people begin with good intentions. There's nothing more scary than a bent cop, for example? But how many people become cops with that deliberate intention?

Or perhaps in occasional cases a person gains power who remains incorruptible and becomes a force for good in the world. It's Dante's Divine Comedy: who goes to hell and who gets to heaven?
Playing devil's advocate: So by being an abusive cult leader, I'll only be learning lessons, now or in a future life? My victims probably deserve to be exploited, because they did something horrible in a past life?

While it's possible that the victims are paying karma, I think most of the times (if not every time in known history) it's not the case. Even if the victims are paying karma (which I don't think is likely in this scenario), this kind of situation easily leads to abuse that will have to be repaired by the leader.

If you're talking about how the spiritual system deals with this situation, then yes, the leader will have a very heavy karma to offset in the next life. It's possible that part of the payment comes in the present life (often through children and/or disease), but there will be a debt to be paid to every victim in the next life.

Edited to add: That's why spiritual organizations, as they mature, tend to introduce rules, precepts, or professional codes for the teachers or priests. Learning lessons for future lives is all well and good, but here and now, it is also the right thing to learn from (comparatively) short-term experience.

Not that you're implying anything (just for clarity for other readers):

Shipwright intended Fluidology as a branch of knowledge. Maybe a school of thought. Definitely not a religion.

People should practice a religion if they deem proper, and may take this knowledge (or parts of it) if they deem proper. This is knowledge that should be shared with anyone who may be interested in it, without an organization or a leader, and without preventing people from practicing a religion of their choice.

Having said that, I do agree that any organization needs a code of conduct and the means to double-check compliance. The flesh is weak, and any precaution is welcome.
In my own life I know I can only try to act from the highest place within myself that is possible for me at the time and with my experience, from the place of the 'superior man' vs 'inferior man' Taoist expression -- including my corporeal needs and desires as ordered by my own present state of wisdom and soul development or whatever -- and then try to let God take over completely. Give it all to Him.

Right or wrong, He brings it around to the best. Though it might not always seem that way at the time
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Talking too much. Great thread Clocking off now, lol ...
I wonder where the deliberate intention to do evil comes into effect? Did Mao Tse Tung act from the deliberate intention to do evil, in causing 70 million deaths?

Mao probably had a mission to improve the living conditions of the Chinese people and probably got lost somewhere along the way. He probably abused his free will in a position where it does a lot of harm to a lot of people, probably with evil intent.

I think the more corporeal power a person gains, the more he becomes a desirable tool for evil powers. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The devil takes over. Many people begin with good intentions. There's nothing more scary than a bent cop, for example? But how many people become cops with that deliberate intention?

Or perhaps in occasional cases a person gains power who remains incorruptible and becomes a force for good in the world. It's Dante's Divine Comedy: who goes to hell and who gets to heaven?

There are spirits who enjoy doing evil, and they spend a huge amount of energy to influence people in influential positions. Sometimes people are evil on their own, and sometimes their cognition is biased by influence from evil spirits. Free will makes it hard to tell who belongs in which category.

There are good people whose bodies are less susceptible to outside evil influences, and then there are those who are susceptible but have the strength to fight such influences (sometimes with spiritual help). Those people become a force for good in the world and manage to fulfill their missions (often where others had failed before).