
In my own life I know I can only try to act from the highest place within myself that is possible for me at the time and with my experience, from the place of the 'superior man' vs 'inferior man' Taoist expression -- including my corporeal needs and desires as ordered by my own present state of wisdom and soul development or whatever -- and then try to let God take over completely. Give it all to Him.

That's the human condition in the corporeal plane, I suppose. We try to do our best and hope for the best.

The judges will know how to evaluate circumstances, causes and effects.

Right or wrong, He brings it around to the best. Though it might not always seem that way at the time

I totally agree with this. Sometimes only later down the road we realize that something that seemed bad was actually good for us.

Talking too much. Great thread Clocking off now, lol ...

It has been entertaining. I don't think there's such a thing as talking too much in a forum, and you certainly are making great contributions here.

Or perhaps never without it? :)

I guess you're right.
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Perhaps my sins and vices are the shades that come between God and me; they barrier me from the Divine assistance? It's the learning of it ...
Perhaps my sins and vices are the shades that come between God and me; they barrier me from the Divine assistance? It's the learning of it ...

Some mistakes may be free will, some others may be needs of the flesh, and yet others may be outside influence, while others may not be mistakes at all. Nobody is free from making mistakes. I guess our job here is basically damage containment while learning what we can.
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I hope it's not wrong to quote @powessy here:


... it was a grid that seemed to spread infinitely in all directions. On top the first pathway stood a man arms spread extended outwards towards the voids to his left and right facing away from me. From this vision formed my mantra that I have spoken thousands of times over and over again during the past forty or so years. Spirits of evil and good enter into my soul and body. Walk with me down the path of limbo, with good on my right and evil on my left walk with me into the light
. A lot of people may as well read it and see it as a free pass, something like: "there's no hell, there's no devil, and I get to choose how I pay for it in the next life (if there is one) - it's liberating".
That is a believers myth as far as I am concerned.

We don't find a lot of atheists and agnostics in prison...it is only religionists that need the threat of hell to be good, or a devil to blame for their indescetions imo. The rest of us just do it because it is the right thing to do.
EM moves as a wave. The idea of the soul as an electromagnetic monopole (photon?) outside of time/space doen't agree with 21st Century science. So this 'fluid' can't really be a form of EM by modern definition?

I believe that 'fluid' refers to what nowadays is commonly known as 'astral'. This is an existence layer beyond the physical. 'magnetism' could then apply to the law of attraction that applies there: similar vibrations attract each other.
I believe that 'fluid' refers to what nowadays is commonly known as 'astral'. This is an existence layer beyond the physical. 'magnetism' could then apply to the law of attraction that applies there: similar vibrations attract each other.

Good point. Terminology of this type of experience is not standardized, and the models don't line up neatly either.

Question to all astral/fluid travelers, dreamworkers, pathworkers, skryers, visionaries, and spiritists who read this: How to check the credentials of the source of such communications? My limited experience with diving into this region of consciousness, is that there is a lot going on, most of it of dubious trustworthiness. I tend to view the content as analogous to the ramblings of a destitute person on the subway - meaningful in their own context, but probably not to me. And even if it is coherent, is it in my best interest to take the advice of a random stranger on the subway to heart?

I understand Shipwright was a long-term acquaintance of the medium, but even in this case, how did they establish that Shipwright was to be trusted?

(Yes I'm atheist, and I find psychological models of spirit communication the most interesting, but the question still applies, and I ask in good faith.)
Without reference to the Shipwright medium in particular, imo the fact of having psychic or fortune-telling or spirit-medium abilities doesn't make a person 'spiritual' or spiritually pure? It's like having ability to play tennis or get languages -- it's just a gift that where a person goes with it depends.

Perhaps a bit more complicated than that, but in essence having a psychic gift doesn't make the possessor pure or good, and there are many malignant or malign or just mischevious 'lesser' spirits around?

I mean: because it comes through a medium doesn't make it 'higher truth'?

But I suppose that's obvious
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I also have a problem with repeated physical reincarnation upon the planet earth. As soon as I hear it, my guard goes up.

What do you have against reincarnation if I may ask? Personally I find it very plausible to incarnate multiple times on a planet -- the same one or different ones. After all you can't learn everything in one corporal life.

(I realize this may be a dead horse, but it fits in this thread about a particular view of how life works)
Question to all astral/fluid travelers, dreamworkers, pathworkers, skryers, visionaries, and spiritists who read this: How to check the credentials of the source of such communications? My limited experience with diving into this region of consciousness, is that there is a lot going on, most of it of dubious trustworthiness.

Good question. I think it is the same as with all information: you cross-ref with similar sources and match against what you already know to be (not) true. A combination of a curious open mind with a healthy dose of skepticism. Solving the puzzle is part of the fun... :cool:
What do you have against reincarnation if I may ask? Personally I find it very plausible to incarnate multiple times on a planet -- the same one or different ones. After all you can't learn everything in one corporal life.

(I realize this may be a dead horse, but it fits in this thread about a particular view of how life works)
Would it mean repetitive reincarnation as a human being, or perhaps as a squirrel or a beetle?
The planet's human population is now around 8.5 billion, increased and still increasing since the stone age? Are we the same bunch of souls, going around and around?
The planet's human population is now around 8.5 billion, increased and still increasing since the stone age? Are we the same bunch of souls, going around and around?
I'll answer for Buddhism, whose cosmology has many realms of existence, where sentient beings are "born". Human birth is rare in that cosmology, and subject to so many factors as to make it unpredictable. Maybe a Buddhist answer to your objection would be to speculate about a statistical bunching up of factors favorable to human birth.
Good question. I think it is the same as with all information: you cross-ref with similar sources and match against what you already know to be (not) true. A combination of a curious open mind with a healthy dose of skepticism. Solving the puzzle is part of the fun... :cool:
Makes sense. Is it common to provide details on such a "background check" along with the received communication?
I mean: because it comes through a medium doesn't make it 'higher truth'?
That's another thing to consider, but I assume the skills involved in establishing trust with a human being are more widespread and commonly known than the astral counterpart.
I assume the skills involved in establishing trust with a human being are more widespread and commonly known than the astral counterpart
It's hard enough knowing who to trust on the internet, lol?
What do you have against reincarnation if I may ask? Personally I find it very plausible to incarnate multiple times on a planet -- the same one or different ones. After all you can't learn everything in one corporal life.
I'll answer for Buddhism, whose cosmology has many realms of existence, where sentient beings are "born". Human birth is rare in that cosmology, and subject to so many factors as to make it unpredictable. Maybe a Buddhist answer to your objection would be to speculate about a statistical bunching up of factors favorable to human birth.
Thanks. Yes, I do accept rebirth in the Buddhist sense amongst many, perhaps infinite different worlds and levels and dimensions of existence. My Father's house has many mansions.

But I have a problem accepting the idea of repetitive 'reincarnation' back onto the planet Earth, if you think it through?

It seems to be one of the differences between Hindu and Buddhist belief?
But I have a problem accepting the idea of repetitive 'reincarnation' back onto the planet Earth, if you think it through?

It seems to be one of the differences between Hindu and Buddhist belief?
Ah, I missed that bit about only human birth. Not sure that's the Hindu view, though? @Aupmanyav?
Ah, I missed that bit about only human birth. Not sure that's the Hindu view, though? @Aupmanyav?
I think (most? some?) Hindus believe in repetitive reincarnation back upon this planet, but not always as a human being: I might come back as a horse or a cat -- I think -- (or perhaps as some sort of ghost or astral spirit of the 'earth surround'*) -- but I always land back here, this world, the planet Earth?

*Am uncertain about this as part of Hindu belief
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