New HOMEPAGE Design by Aupmanyav

They ask for $1.99 for that. I do not have a credit card but my son has (I do have one, but he uses it. Periodically asks me for money and I show him my empty trouser pockets, as I have transferred all my money to him (sure, not a Midas chest). If I (only sometimes) need money, I ask my wife, she is the treasurer of the house). Perhaps I will ask him to pay for me. :D

It was so easy at Make a .zip file and load it.
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I am trying filezilla. Will load it on my computer with Filezilla server.
:I won't lay-down my arms; nasti, nasti, na nasti kinchana: <- Text Smiley
(no, no, not even in the least - supposedly from Panchatantra)
:ma vichintaya, ma bruhi, mangikuru parabhavah: <- Another Text Smiley
my own line, not from any scripture
(Never think, never say, never accept that you are defeated)
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I appeal for someone with requisite computer skill to give @Aupmanyav mantav a hand here
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They ask for $1.99 for that. I do not have a credit card but my son has (I do have one, but he uses it. Periodically asks me for money and I show him my empty trouser pockets, as I have transferred all my money to him (sure, not a Midas chest). If I (only sometimes) need money, I ask my wife, she is the treasurer of the house). Perhaps I will ask him to pay for me.
Surely you can raise $2 for a one month WordPress trial? Do you have a paypal account? I'll send you $2 Aup
I meant no offence. I thought you wanted to try it on WordPress on your own free trial installment? I meant if the fee is an issue, it can easily be sorted out, Aup

I apologise if I caused offence
As I have already said I am almost never offended. That will be as frequent as Earth being hit by a big asteroid. 2 USD is equivalent to Indian Rupees 150, which is not a large amount in India. It will buy me 2 packets of my cigarettes and will buy me a coffee at Starbucks (I checked, Caffe Americano Grande - Rich Espresso with Hot Water). Will it help to have a trial page in WordPress? Let me think. I saw at a very simple way to do it, though I have not been able to get back to that post.
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Well, hit upon a new method. Loaded my current 'Final' directory on Google Drive (link below). Click the link and download the folder, unzip it, and click 'Interfaith.html'. And the new homepage will appear on whatever browser you are using. It works perfectly. Try it.
With the page open, bookmark it, and you can use it without going into any further exercise.
Then, kindly give me your comments (using it on desktop as well as on your mobile phone).

The problem about loading it on WordPress remains as before. :(
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Well, hit upon a new method. Loaded my current 'Final' directory on Google Drive (link below). Click the link and download the folder, unzip it, and click 'Interfaith.html'. And the new homepage will appear on whatever browser you are using. It works perfectly. Try it.
With the page open, bookmark it, and you can use it without going into any further exercise.
Then, kindly give me your comments (using it on desktop as well as on your mobile phone).

The problem about loading it on WordPress remains as before. :(
That comes out great on Chrome, Aup


Regarding the Wordpress difficulty, you suggesting that you might get the $1.99 Wordpress one month trial package, and mess around with it?
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The existing homepage isn't on ZenForo. It's on WordPress only
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Now trying Ubuntu Server Edition.
"Never say die".

Ubuntu Server seems promising. Loaded it correctly on my computer. Got .ssh id from Github. Now 1. Connect server to internet, 2. Add .ssh id to my profile, 3. Make homepage available on internet. The problem is that Ubuntu server has no GUI. All things have to be done from terminal. :)
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