Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

I didn't take it that way........

Now there's currently threads on the Christian and Islamic boards all but calling Christianity a lie, while strongly pushing the Islamic POV...
I hope you won't mind if I respectfully see things a bit differently regarding the video.

I do, however, agree that there have been comments made, and attitudes expressed, about Christianity that, to my mind, have crossed the line from civil discussion and respectful disagreement and have degenerated into the kind of invective that this forum is meant to counter. It is not an easy thing to know always where that line is and I know nobody wants to be accused of stifling conversation simply because it is becoming contentious.

At some point someone may have to decide, even if on an arbitrary basis, where the line is to be drawn.
End of the day should this place be used as a pin-up notice board for tracts and videos, by posters who then disappear from further discussion?
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Of course a person might want to quietly go on in their faith, without listening to negative influences, and most probably prefer to. But posting on an open forum is to be open to debate, and that"s likely to include some things that are difficult, imo
Of course a person might want to quietly go on in their faith, without listening to negative influences, and most probably prefer to. But posting on an open forum is to be open to debate, and that"s likely to include some things that are difficult, imo
As far as I'm concerned, so long as it's posted in the proper section and falls within our established code of conduct, folks can say whatever they want. Even if it's a quick one time thing. It's when the rules are clearly breached or someones's being deliberately disruptive, I take issue and my tolerance wanes.
It looks like you're just going to pop off your video and then disappear? Are you not interested in joining the debate that you initiated?
Sorry, I have been bussy. I post also to other sites and people are so negative so dont want to spend too much time in forums.
Sorry, I have been bussy. I post also to other sites and people are so negative so dont want to spend too much time in forums.
Ok. There are other threads. You are welcome to participate in other threads not just your own. Peace
As far as I'm concerned, so long as it's posted in the proper section and falls within our established code of conduct, folks can say whatever they want. Even if it's a quick one time thing. It's when the rules are clearly breached or someones's being deliberately disruptive, I take issue and my tolerance wanes.
You are answering peoples questions here about Christianity so good and fast so i dont need to. My english is not so good and my phone is old so takes time for me write anything. Thanks for taking the pressure of answering all the questions off me. People need to be more patient.
There is a very long and strong tradition of The Jesus Prayer, aka The Prayer of the Heart, in the Orthodox Tradition.

Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

It is the most profound prayer, it figures significantly in Hesychast practice, and is fundamental to the four volumes of The Philokalia.

Liturgically, the Kyrie is the only part of the traditional liturgy in Greek and not Latin: Kyrie eleison ('Lord have mercy'). It's a nine-fold hymn, Kyrie eleison, Christi eleison then Kyrie eleison again, each said three times.

It's a useful and efficacious mantra.

In this modern age there is sometimes opposition to its premise, and it's sometimes regarded as nihilistic, but that's a zeitgeist, context thing. For others, its quite the reverse.

I checked YouTube, and there's hours (literally hours) of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware talking on the subject. If you have an interest, and time to spare, he is always worth listening to, who speaks from the heart, and who is erudite and entertaining, but I must admit I haven't watched them, my own collection is of audio recordings of his lectures.
He couldn't even save himself . . .
He was not suppose to, He sacrificed Himself for those who want to receive the gift of eternal life and not death. Only you can make that difficult choice. Is there any god you know of that is offering you eternal life as a gift other than working for it?
He was not suppose to, He sacrificed Himself for those who want to receive the gift of eternal life and not death. Only you can make that difficult choice. Is there any god you know of that is offering you eternal life as a gift other than working for it?
Our soul is already immortal . . . you've been scammed :D
Does that really work when the same religion that invents Sin is the religion that has the cure for it?
Seems like a trap to me :confused:
You have to have a law to function in a society, to be righteous and just, otherwise you have chaos. I believe most religions have some kind of guidance towards good and evil. Good and evil has existed right from the beginning, even before any religions. So where did it come from?
You have to have a law to function in a society, to be righteous and just, otherwise you have chaos. I believe most religions have some kind of guidance towards good and evil. Good and evil has existed right from the beginning, even before any religions. So where did it come from?
I'm down with Plato on this, each of us already knows instinctively what is Good or Evil, we don't need Faith or Religion to be our Moral Compass, it's already built-in.
Sure, our spirits don't die, the issue is where will our spirits go when our bodies cannot contain it anymore...... when our bodies cease to exist(die)...
I wonder who was truly scammed.. o_O
Probably the biggest aspect of my Left Hand Path practice is centered around the Tibetan Bön Po idea of Phowa, the transference of consciousness upon physical death. The majority of religious adherents are engulfed in their religion/faith, they have some sort of life-after-death explanation and the faith is based on some type of Supreme Being/All. Since the adherent is entirely engulfed in this Supreme Being/All their consciousness, upon physical demise, will be transferred to their Supreme Being consciousness. The problem is if there is no Supreme Being then where will your consciousness go?

On the Western Left Hand Path, particularly the Æ0N 0f IBLĪS ŠAYTĀN, we work to strengthen our relationship with our Greater Self as well as create and evolve, a Subjective Universe where we will become the Supreme Being/All and upon physical demise, we transfer our consciousness into that Universe and become our Greater Self.
Does somebody need to believe in Jesus's death on the cross, after reading these verses of the bible?
1. (II Chronicles 7:14) “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land”.

2. (Ezekiel 18:20-21) “The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, and neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son.

“The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.…. But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keeps all my statutes, and does that which is lawful and rightful, he shall surely live, and will not die”.

3. (1Timothy 6:18-19) That they do good, that they are rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

4. Matthew 19:17 (New Living Translation)

“Why ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. But to answer your question—if you want to receive eternal life, keep the commandments.”
Probably the biggest aspect of my Left Hand Path practice is centered around the Tibetan Bön Po idea of Phowa, the transference of consciousness upon physical death. The majority of religious adherents are engulfed in their religion/faith, they have some sort of life-after-death explanation and the faith is based on some type of Supreme Being/All. Since the adherent is entirely engulfed in this Supreme Being/All their consciousness, upon physical demise, will be transferred to their Supreme Being consciousness. The problem is if there is no Supreme Being then where will your consciousness go?

On the Western Left Hand Path, particularly the Æ0N 0f IBLĪS ŠAYTĀN, we work to strengthen our relationship with our Greater Self as well as create and evolve, a Subjective Universe where we will become the Supreme Being/All and upon physical demise, we transfer our consciousness into that Universe and become our Greater Self.
Do you have any proof that you will be able to transfer your consciousness into any universe of your making? or is it your belief?