Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

If God tells me himself, I will sure accept it. But if someone says that God told him that, I will have received no solid proof. Of course, people have right to believe if they so desire.
If "God" told me Himself, it wouldn't convince me. ;)
You brought God in the discussion.
I said God telling me something will be sufficient proof for me for God's existence. Did I say something wrong?
Why would not I believe it? It will be 'first person, first hand' evidence.
Though some one else may not believe it, since it will be 'second hand' evidence for that person.
Is the afterlife true or false? Do you have any proof? I don't.
That is why I have Faith in Jesus Christ...who do you have faith in?

It is my opinion that emphasizing the next world over this one would be an act of denial of my own limits, my own mortality, and of the only certain knowledge I have. Further it is my strong opinion that going into denial is harmful to me.

Instead of going into denial of death, I vastly prefer going into more life-affirming things.

If by faith you mean that which is boosting my confidence, then I would include the company of my friends and my loved ones at the top of my list, and all those who work to make this world a better place.
I said God telling me something will be sufficient proof for me for God's existence. Did I say something wrong?
Only you know that.. [and God, of course]

"I must see it for myself" is an argument to hide behind..
You never will .. Almighty God does not talk to people who deny Him. ;)
[and not directly to anybody else, for that matter]

There is plenty to "see" while we are alive in this world ..
I "see" that mankind is foolish. They think that they have all the answers.
I also "see" where that is taking us .. to a climate-change, warring apocalypse.

Jesus will "save us", that is, if we are prepared to save ourselves. :oops:
Almighty God does not talk to people who deny Him. ;)
[and not directly to anybody else, for that matter]

I also "see" where that is taking us .. to a climate-change, warring apocalypse.

Jesus will "save us", that is, if we are prepared to save ourselves. :oops:
That is his wish and I am OK with it. I do not need his services.
Oh, the Bahais also tell me the same thing.
World climate has always been changing, what is new in this? Extinction of a few species does not matter to nature.
There have been five great extinction events in the history of earth: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction_event#The_"Big_Five"_mass_extinctions
Do you think that humans will survive for all the time? We are not that important to nature. We have been around for just about 200,000 years out of 4.7 billion years.
I will probably live for five or ten years. I do not believe in or need life after death or resurrecftion. Therefore, I do not need either Jesus, Mohammad, Bahaollah or Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
Getting back to the OP... sort of. Needing something and wanting something is very different. Everyone keeps telling me I need a new car. Hell, even I know I need a new car. The 58 year old beast I currently drive is on borrowed time. Thing is, I don't want one and the more folks try to push me to make the purchase, the further I dig my feet in. :)
I do not believe in or need life after death.
I believe in it, but do not need it.
..but it is a not a question of whether I need it.

Eternity .. it's a long time .. I am endowed with the intelligence to understand and ponder what that means.
I wonder why "man" has this unique ability to question and discover?
Are you thinking animals don't have souls?
No. Jesus did not die to save animals..... In my opinion, animals do not have any faith in a god and do not believe in an afterlife at all.... only lives from day to day, almost like atheists...:D
God created man in His own image, not animals....so there must a difference between man and beast. No?
In my opinion, animals do not have any faith in a god and do not believe in an afterlife at all....
I wouldn't be too sure about that. Diwali 2013. Our cat walks into our Mandir all by himself, kneels at the alter and puts his front paws together. He stayed like that for a moment or two, long enough for me to snap the pic, then got down and left again. He's done similar things since. All on his own.
