Where do WE begin & end?

Why not just answer my points, Jn.Jean?

I don't think the organisation behind this 'new religion' would object to the quoting of their material... they crave publicity.

You are right to point out the laws pertaining to (c) though, and all quotations should acknowledge their source. :)
You know, I have to laugh at you all. This is a group apparently about "other" religions. From the posts I reckon Buddisim is the general prevailing thought. Though you seem to be getting caught up in esoteric idealism and doctrine.
You are who you are. That's what its about nothing else.
It's dead simple:
"The cows in the field"
"The Flowers that grow"
It's bloody complicated but also incredible simple. It's the cycle of life.
Don't believe that by spouting esoteric ramblings you'll achieve enlightenment.
You're here and alive apparently, so frigging get out, meet like folk, have a party, make mistakes, regret them but have a party and stop talking bullshit that just bores people and makes them feel depressed. It's tedious and you'll never find you what you seek.

You know, I have to laugh at you all. This is a group apparently about "other" religions. ... Though you seem to be getting caught up in esoteric idealism and doctrine. ... stop talking bullshit that just bores people and makes them feel depressed. It's tedious and you'll never find you what you seek....
Namaste Paul...

Tis the glory of the world everyone is entitled to their opinions. A little housekeeping though...tis the belief and spirituality section...which means anyone who enters may discuss from their perspectives...the perspectives posted are contingent therefor on who partakes in the discussion, and quite often as it interests a particular group most of the responses come from that group.

It appears the information contained herein didn't bore you, it interested you enough to post...you read what you perceived as BS and commented upon it. We are all aware this is your perception and opinion...and I for one am chagrined you were depressed by it. I suggest you find a more uplifting thread or website which contains less BS and more inspirational material for you.

In this community we allow people to post the esoteric and dogmatic, we just ask that one show some amount of respect. We actually don't require you or anyone else to read it.

I'm speaking in the community member/contributor we, not the organizer/moderator we as I am not part of that group.
Talk about sifting theosophical thistles! While I understand what you are saying, thistle, your tone here is not exactly conducive to a party, I'd say! Unless, of course, we may laugh at you, as well! :) ;)

Party on...oh, and er, umm, welcome? :confused: :D

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You know, I have to laugh at you all. This is a group apparently about "other" religions. From the posts I reckon Buddisim is the general prevailing thought. Though you seem to be getting caught up in esoteric idealism and doctrine.
You are who you are. That's what its about nothing else.
It's dead simple:
"The cows in the field"
"The Flowers that grow"
It's bloody complicated but also incredible simple. It's the cycle of life.
Don't believe that by spouting esoteric ramblings you'll achieve enlightenment.
You're here and alive apparently, so frigging get out, meet like folk, have a party, make mistakes, regret them but have a party and stop talking bullshit that just bores people and makes them feel depressed. It's tedious and you'll never find you what you seek.


That's good advice, but you forgot the most important thing: Never accept a blind date with a woman named Dave.

That's good advice, but you forgot the most important thing: Never accept a blind date with a woman named Dave.

Even more important...

Never eat at a place called "Mom's"

Never play poker with a man named "Doc"

And never, ever, marry a woman with more problems than you. (reference China Cat's post)
Hey juantoo3, Blue

Just finished my 4th thesis, now I have 2-3 months of editing, adding, etc. But if I may, I would like to make a short comment on the original subject. Reference, The Gospel According to Thomas, Log 18.

"The disciples said to Jesus: Tell us how our end will be. Jesus said: Have you then discovered the beginning so that you inquire about the end? For where the beginning is, there shall be the end. Blessed is he who shall stand at the beginning, and he shall know the end and he shall not taste death."

Guess we still have a lot to learn.
I Am, as always.

Victor G
Hi Juan:

Against that age worn admonishment of Nelson Algren's to "never eat at a place called Mom's" I once did in a town in Utah. The meal was wonderful and the banana cream pie was extra special. But when I went into the parking lot to unlock our car to continue the trip, I tried to put my key in the wrong car !

Let me give a prime example of a "sixth sense" this happens to me all the time.

Im a mother of a 2 1/2 year old and it never fails that when Im doing something or involved in something I suddenly get a nudge from some 6th sense or an angel or something that makes me look at my son or check on him and it never fails that hes doing something which is a serious danger to himself..
Another one.. I drive the same route to work every day for 5 years and one day I just happen to miss the on ramp to the freeway.. I was MAD! I couldnt believe I did that I had never done it before.. So rather than turning around I decide to go hit the next on-ramp up the road... the traffic was jammed on that one.. I couldnt figure that out since it wasnt jammed at the first onramp... so I went ahead and took the long way to work and come to find out.. If I would have been on the freeway at the first ramp I would have been involved in a fatal pile-up.. Someone like Blue might say that was all chance.. You tell me.. Do you think that was a chance happening?


It has been my experience that people often 'remember the hits' and 'forget the misses'. Many people have reported the sorts of experiences you describe. Yet, when someone actually observes them and records the data, they find that such guesses do not actually come out to being more than random chance would have yielded. I would suspect you have received such feelings many times, checked on them and saw nothing of interest, but these incidents are easily forgotten because they are not seen as significant. Then, looking back, it seems like the most interesting events happened more frequently than they actually did.

In addition, there are a lot of things we pick up on with our 5 senses that we don't fully appreciate. Often, children making noise becomes something that is so 'taken for granted' by parents that they don't even think about it anymore (those without kids who visit they sure notice it haha). BUT, when suddenly there is actual silence (as when a kid is injured or doing something they know they shouldn't) then the parent suddenly notices how quiet it is. They may not even realize why things seem different. Examples of all the little subtle cues we pick up with our 5 senses go on and on.

But none of what I said rules out 6th senses - they're certainly *possible*. The real way to know whether or not we have such a thing or whether or not we're just fooling ourselves is to actually observe, study, and record what's going on objectively. When we look at the data we can determine whether we're actually achieving something that couldn't be achieved with the 5 senses. So far, nothing of the sort has ever been measured or observed under such controlled conditions. But who knows what things might be discovered in the future :)

With compassion,
All that means is what I said re: an individual's behaviours and the effects of those behaviours upon others through communicative measures... hitting someone, speaking to them, writing a book or article to persuade or entertain others, etc., even just painting a picture... but you are still trapped inside your skin.

Could you please define the words I've bolded above Blue?
Talking of 6th senses..

A few weeks ago I was walking along to the local shop and as I passed a seat by a small park I "thought about" a chef I had worked with for a short time some years ago. There was no reason to think about him and I do not recall thinking about him before in a random way. I specifically thought about the woman troubles he was having when I worked with him. I carried on to the shop and on my return trip who was sitting on that very bench....this chef. He was sat there with his phone trying to phone anothwer girlfriend who had just kicked him out.
I dont see how such an event can be dismissed as chance.

That is eerie and interesting tao, Id say the Universe sent you a little message. Not so dramatic and life threatening as some, but It doesnt have to be a huge deal for all and sundry, just you. many years ago I had just left a very scary situation and was in the process of making a new life for myself and boys. I had severed all contact with family and friends and changed my and my childrens names etc. One night I got a phone call. it went like this. "Hello Tracy .......(my real name) its deb, goodbye mate). I freaked out. I knew a few "Debs" but I didnt understand how anyone had my number. A year later I had established some contact with family and heard that a friend of mine had died the day before I got the phone call. Her name was Debbie and she had been isuffering from Cancer. She didnt have my number and actually no one did. And she died the day before she called me but I know it was her. Suprisingly I was totally at ease with realising it was her. It was far better than thinking someone had tracked me down.
aboot here.......... To, there.

Talking of 6th senses..

A few weeks ago I was walking along to the local shop and as I passed a seat by a small park I "thought about" a chef I had worked with for a short time some years ago. There was no reason to think about him and I do not recall thinking about him before in a random way. I specifically thought about the woman troubles he was having when I worked with him. I carried on to the shop and on my return trip who was sitting on that very bench....this chef. He was sat there with his phone trying to phone anothwer girlfriend who had just kicked him out.
I dont see how such an event can be dismissed as chance.


lolz omg!$£!$£!$ You are teh sighkick!!! Look in teh cristel ball! What do you c in meh futuer?

*clears throat*

I don't think there is anything special with stuff like that it's just chance or something lol... I do that all the darn time... I know when someone has bought me a suprise... Such as if my wife comes home with a bag of Turkish delight (very rare occasion.... :\) I know she has... Such as I know she has got me a new pair of Ice skates, Detroit Red Wings hockey Jersey and a Stone Island sweater for X-mas... She is hidding it over her mothers house... :) I walked in there and new straight away, almost gave her mother an heart attack lol. I know everything she or someone else in a face to face conversation is thinking about and what they will they say, can even say it for them... I know when there will be an acciden't or something I want to see on TV (without tv guides lol) I think it is just some of us are really flukey.... How the hell do you spell that? Is there an E? Fluky? No that isn't right....

You just get feelings.... off others.. You can sense stuff like that from reactions and behaviour... And such... And just... I think it means you can read into a situation more than average... That I wouldn't say is spiritual, or spooky or of another world... Just you pay some deep attention to detail.
I (and others would agree) am not one of the top hitters here for the Spiritual team... So I doub't I could have a spiritual skill at predictions and such when I myself do not even believe in spirits... As Grey said there is some fluke there mixed with a bit of body action reading...
(note: just FYI, this is all written from a naturalistic/materialist perspective, without inclusion of the supernatural or traditional duality. Ideas of souls and such would definitely affect these points.)

Interesting topic to speculate upon, but if you take the possibility of a soul or some form of higher existence out of the discussion, then it's ultimately a closed question.

there is similarly no further material evidence we exist on some different level after our physical death.

I would strongly disagree, as researchers such as Ian Stevenson and Raymond Moody (amongst others) produced some highly well documented case-studies on the matter with evidence both for life beyond physical death, and potential remembrance from past-lives.

... Neemai :)