I'm trying to convert a friend. Can you help me?

I dont see how you can take those scriptures out of context.. Im not trying to beat you up about your belief Im trying to show you the freedom that you have through the grace of Jesus. You just called me a hyprocrite and I have Showed extensively in the Why Sunday thread my beliefs on that subject. What I was referring to on this post was how Someone can post scriptures as a source of reference then when others do the same they say ohhh those scriptures are corrupt.
I will be as plain as day on here.. Nowhere in the OT does it call SATURDAY as being the SABBATH.. God said we are to work 6 days then rest.. DO you honestly think that God created the world monday-friday and rested on the roman calendar day SATURDAY? Think about it!! use the brain the good lord gave you and try to reason it out in your head without being an advocate of the roman calendar.

You are injecting a law based on a Roman Calendar. I work 6 days I rest with my lord on the seventh.. why is that so hard to understand.

Matthew 11:28-29 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

He is my sabbath in him I rest from my labor and dreary days. I take his yoke upon me because its easy to bear his burden on me is light. I learn from him he is gentle and lowly in heart. He gives me rest for my soul. Amen
I fear I have set an example to our friend who is asking for help in leading her friends to salvation ..... and a negative one that

I must now make this right
Servant please Forgive me we are both very strong in our faith and our Doctrine.
I am reminded of when Paul and Baranbas were leaving on a trip Barnabas wanted to take John Mark his Cousin Paul Held that Mark had deserted the in Pamphylia and was not willing to take him again this resulted in a split where Barnabas and mark went there way preaching the Gospel and Silas and Paul went theres and many great works were done by both teams.
I have made a terrible mistake in my implications. The Doctrine I live by has the ability to reach people and lead them to Christ I pray that Happen. The doctrine That you live Buy has the abbility to reach people and lead them to Christ also I pray it does.
Any body who reads this form Let it be know that I consider Faithful servant my Brethren and wish her nothing but good will and Gods blessings

To the starter of this thread a lesson from this for you.
Had your friends you are trying to lead to Christ read this dispute I would have been ashamed on my part.
Paul described to levels of Gospel Milk for Babes in Christ and Meat for who have progressed to that stage of there Christian life.
Dont make the Mistake of feeding meat like you have read here to Babes in Christ Keep it simple

And again Faithful I as In Gods Name you forgive me as well as the rest who have seen this dispute.

Hold none of this against our friend Faithful Servant I left her no choice but to defend her faith.

There is nothing to forgive.. we are in agreement on the most important part of it all .. Jesus Christ who alone saves us. Be at peace Basstian we are both human beings and only hope to achieve the perfection of our Lord who would have probably scolded the both of us harshly. :)

wouldnt that have been grand?
When there is anguish or frustration there is impatience, we are not being guided by GOD in our soul but by human will it is for you to differientate between the two. We are given many tests upon our journey and this one may be for you Mariah, the heart can speak with many tongues. When GOD is guiding you there is pure peace and this peace emanates from you to others. GOD gave us the greatest gift of free will, and so it is the other people have free will and this should be honoured always.

Respect is a state of being but to honour another is to pay homage to their sacred divinity. So Mariah ask yourself how AM I paying homage to the other's free will and sacred divinity and why should I wish to control the outcome?

The one thing that I have learnt in recent years is that when it is GOD's will it is effortless, GOD does all the work all we have to do is choose to align our will with GOD's will.

If you push your beliefs on unwilling ears they will just move away more and more, they will disconnect with you energetically and turn away. So more damage can be done then good so be careful what you choose to do and say. For it is for the soul themself to find GOD in their own way and in their own time, it is their saced journey and soul's evolution to find the path to peace and their way home to oneness with GOD.

As Jesus said 'Let those that have the ears to hear, let them hear, Let those that have the eyes to see, let them see then their hearts will embrace.

Love beyond measure

Faithfulservant said:
So you're basically saying that Rome sabbotaged the entire bible? Thats a cop out if you ask me. I see people taking parts of the bible they want for themselves then using that excuse as a reason for not taking the rest of the stuff that they dont like as the word of God. You cant have it both ways you either believe or you dont.. By rejecting one part of Jesus you're rejecting the whole. By rejecting any part of Gods word you are rejecting it as a whole. All throughout the bible it is written that it is inspired and written by the Holy Spirit. Oh wait.. Rome must have added that too.. LOL

Oh..have to add.. this post is my belief as a Christian.

Dear Faithfulservant

If you have the ears to hear, the eyes to see and the heart to embrace I recommend you seriously look at the how the bible was complied as scholars have done. St Jerome's letters are particularly revealing. I have looked at many scriptures and what resonates with my heart and soul. As Jesus said scripture is dead you will only find the living GOD in your heart.

I am also a Christian and work with Christ and his legions of light but I listen and abide by GOD's words given to me direct not a book compiled by man to control the masses. One does not need an intermediary when one is in communion with GOD. I and my father are one.

"GOD is love and love is the way to live life forevermore."

GOD's words not mine.

Love beyond measure

Interesting a few weeks ago I was reading about one of the ancient philosophers who talked about there had always been eight days in the week, I will have to look at the reference and interesting to note how seven started in the first place. Could make an interesting thread if I can locate the original reference.

Rome had 300 years to establish a religion before the bible was ever passed out.
IOW- a mind set of how it should be through the Nicene Creed and things like that.
They did not want the people to have bibles. What we see today are those traditions being kept by some and also being broken by others.
I don't think Rome messed with the bible enough to change the true meanings in the scripture because God just would not allow it. We need to also remember Joseph how he was sold into slavery but became a right hand man to pharao to establish.

I see Rome as very crooked and in many ways twistng the truth. But within that God had His hand in it, preserving all of the truth for the right day, for the perfecting of the saints.
There is no difference in what Rome tried then, and what people are doing today by altering scriptures into 20 different versions of the same book.

There are many supposed methods for salvation today. I would reccomend looking not only at what Jesus said and taught, but also EVERYTHING that the Apostles did and taught. It was passed down to them by Jesus and they recieved power when the Holy Ghost came to fulfill what Jesus gave them to do.

I am seeing the Keys to the Kingdom are the
and resurrection
of Jesus.
Death-Repentance and remission of sins
Burial-Buried with Christ in a water baptism
Resurrection- Made alive with Christ recieving the Holy Ghost.

Matt16:16And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 16:17And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. 16:18And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
16:19And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 16:20Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ. Below is the very FIRST sermon ever taught by the apostles after they had recieved the Holy Ghost, the message was about salvation- the keys to the Kingdom- DEATH, BURIAL, RESURRECTION.

Acts2:36Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
2:37Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
2:38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
2:39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call.
2:40And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.
2:41Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
2:42And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. .........2:46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

2:47Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
I want to add, what everyone here has said is true, but I will not base my salvation on anything outside of the DEATH BURIAL and RESURRECTION of Jesus.

Everything about it comes under his death, burial and resurrection.:)
That is how I see it.
Faithfulservant said:
Brian.. I disagree. Read Marsh's post.. Jesus called us to be fishers of men. We are told to go out and spread the gospel. How else are people to know the means of salvation if they dont even know who Jesus is or what his purpose was? As far as denominations are concerned Christ taught against organized religion...........He scolded the priests for the doctrines and hypocrasy I agree with that you say in the #2 segment. People are so caught up in the Church doctrine that they forget what God says in the bible.
Indeed - and Marsh makes the point of showing by example to gain converts. Nearly caught me that way before now. :)
Sacredstar said:
As Jesus said scripture is dead you will only find the living GOD in your heart.

I agree that God lives within us, but please refresh my memory of when Jesus said that scripture is dead? I seem to remember Jesus using scripture extensively in his ministry; why would Life use something dead to teach with?
Dear Marsh it is in the Essene Gospels and I also think it is mentioned in one of the other scriptures that I have read that as nothing to do with the Essenes.

Dear All

I repeat read all the other scriptures and you will find for yourself that a lot of the teachings of Jesus were not included purposely, because St Jerome writes himself when he changes the first Origen translation, Origen was accused of many things including being a heretic. I am really surprised at how few Christians seriously investigate the origins of the bible and all the changes that were made. For instance the quotes about 'the salt of the earth' were included by Tyndale in the 1611 it was never in any original translation in any original language. I think it was Augustine that requested various aspects to do with astrology be removed and the church fathers had text removed to do with Jesus singing and dancing as this was perceived as pagan, we also know that Sunday worship and many doctrines in the bible originated from paganism.

The truth sets people free.

Love beyond measure

Just a question not a slam or attack just simply want to find out what you think.

the Bible has been influenced and corrupted by Rome and false/bad translations.
well how come the essense gospils, all the gnostic books, etc and etc dont seem to have been corrupted and/or had false/bad translations?

What makes them any more of an authority than the Bible itself?
How to convert a friend
I havent acomplished it yet but wanted to share this.
I take care of my Dad he has been an Alcoholic all his life he is 65 and 2 yrs ago O scraped him of the floor of a whinos house put him in ICU got hime detoxed and in stable condition. And moved him in to a place I had provided for him on my Property for the first time ever I had A dad IRL we talk I administer his meds clean etc I try to be a good son.
H e has proclaimed to not believe in God and beside if there was a god he could never be forgiven for all he has done that was his view point.

Well this week Has been Bad he is really weak relying on me for all his basic needs its real hard on him.
This evening I asked a simple question (fully expecting a NO)
I asked Dad we have tried all the Meds we can we do everything the doctors say, I would like you to pray with me It cant hurt but I only want to if you believe there is a chance it will work.

He agreed and told me when he was young he used to be the first on the church bus.

35 years I have had my Dad in my life but only 2 without the alcohol ruining every encounter
I am Glad and thank God to say I help his weak Hand and asked God to help and come into his life and strengthen Him. I prayed with my DAD you would have to live my life to understand what a miracal this is. He asked me can we do this every night I siad we can do thid anytime day or night.

I did not save my Dad but my devotion and alot of work from the spirit is bringing him around
Kepp us in your prayers and donot give up on your own HARD CASES
it can take years but believe me with tears in my eyes and Joy in my heart I say it is worth it
Sacredstar said:
Dear Marsh it is in the Essene Gospels and I also think it is mentioned in one of the other scriptures that I have read that as nothing to do with the Essenes.

To everyone listening:

Last Sunday we had a guest preacher from a Methodist church (I attend a Baptist church, but don't really care much about denominations). His message was a simple one but at the same time quite profound: How can a Christian understand his or her purpose if they don't know the mind of God, and how can one know the mind of God if one does not read God's message via the Bible?

I've heard a lot of people trash the Bible as being out-dated, as being unreliable, as being filtered and edited, and even as being dishonest. Strange thing is that these people, typically, have not even read it! This isn't a shot at you, Sacredstar, by any means.

Even five years ago I considered the Bible to be a relic of the past, and completely unreliable. I thought that if God ever read it he would laugh, recognizing parts of it but on the whole being astounded by how confused and erroneous the message had become. And then I read it.

I think it's important for every believer to read the Bible daily for many reasons. I agree with Sacredstar insofar as scripture taken alone, out of context, or for non-spiritual purposes is dead. However, I also believe that the Spirit makes them alive by directing our attention to certain verses or lines, by taking the seemingly confusing information and turning them into meaningful lessons, by using the lessons within it to convict us of our sins and make see the need to be humble, and for a host of other reasons.

In encourage every Christian believer who does not trust the Bible or who does not feel the need to read it regularly to test this: For one month, first thing in the morning, read for about 10 minutes. That might be one chapter in one book; it isn't too much. Read slowly and deliberately, so that you understand. And please don't read from the King James Version; it's too heavy for the morning. The NT in a new translation is lighter reading, and suitable for the early morning. Do this for one month and compare your state of mind to the usual. You may be surprised with the results.
How can a Christian understand his or her purpose if they don't know the mind of God, and how can one know the mind of God if one does not read God's message via the Bible?
Marsh, I do see this also. I know it is possible to know and at least try to understand God (in part). It can only be done by the spiritiual man, not with a carnal eye. So, some think it is impossible to do.

I also feel can and must know the mind of the enemy, especially if we want to win the war. I do not believe it is just soemthing in the mind (our own natural or spiritual mind) but there is another mind (s) out there.:)
I also notice the difference. I read an article about a journalist that was captured in the middle east by extremist muslims.. he was an athiest.. Ironically all they gave him was a bible and he spent 5 years in that prison with nothing but the bible he came out a devout Christian.. It goes to prove that if all we have is the word we can be sustained. Its our food. I suggest that every Christian that does not do so.. make sure you get your daily nourishment.
the Bible has been influenced and corrupted by Rome and false/bad translations.
well how come the essense gospils, all the gnostic books, etc and etc dont seem to have been corrupted and/or had false/bad translations?
maybe that is exactly how God wanted it to be done.

when I read the bible it fits together perfectly like a masterpiece plan that no one will ever be able to duplicate.
everytime I read the 66 books something new is shown to me and established.
I love it!:)

maybe it just everyones approach and bouncing off of others negative feedback that influences those to despise it so much and get nothing out of it.
Faithfulservant said:
I want to know this as well if you could please provide the source for that.
Be your self. Be silent, act the part. How we behave BOOMS (or sings) the sound that the unbeliever wants to hear. What we do in everyday life, catches their eye (and they watch like hawks).

They don't look or listen for our ocassional faultering, but rather our consistent get up and go.

One of the most powerful "Godly" men I ever met, swore up a storm. But that was part of his life, his behavior towards others however, is what caught my attention...get my point?

