I'm trying to convert a friend. Can you help me?

17th Angel said:
I see what you're saying.. I kind of got a feeling like that from another topic "see god everywhere and in everything." And it feels like if you don't obey and bow down to a deity than you cannot love or be kind.
love is the foremost attribute of God and the fact that we are made in Gods image means that we are capable of putting love into practice .love in the end comes from God . so as the bible tells us that God is love ,it is because of God that we can put it into practice.
Not really. But if that's what you believe fair enough.. One thing our pure desires of the flesh.... Our violence and evil and so on and so forth these traits are somehow not from the image of your god? Let me guess, that is Satan's doing?
to say nothing of what christians did to the jews in the name of "the love of jesus". this world will never have peace in the Name of G!D until idiots stop trying to convince other people that their way is the only true way and that everyone else is going to "hell".


I really believe the best way to 'convert' anyone is to live your life. And allow others to come to you and ask how, why... And then the door is open. My experience is that those that are actively converted...are likely actively converted again...away and by someone else. Namasste BB, I hear your plea.
bodhi_mindisfree said:
Christian missionaries have been an excuse for European imperialist and colonialism in the past. Why does Christianity have to convert people? Don't play some verse from a book I don't recognize either (You can't use bible verses to prove something because most of the time they are taken out of context anyway). Millions of Native Americans were killed because of Missionaries. Missionaries were evicted in early Japan because of being corrupt. Southern churches used the bible as an excuse for slavery. Millions died during the crusades. WHEN WILL IT ALL END??? Don't play some revelations verse because EVERY generation since Jesus thought they were living in the last of days. Hell, read the bible, the way Jesus speaks makes you think he would be back in thier lifetimes. Guess not, 2000 years later with one corrupt religion.

Oh, I don't know...why do you appear to be so angry? Unanswered questions? Feeling slighted? Indignant over man's indignities to man and the planet? See, Christianity says, Jesus can take all that away from one and fill them with serenity, hope and peace beyond all understanding. Christians also say, Jesus will answer one's questions, if one is willing to listen.

The message in this case isn't too good to be true. Its truth is just so good.
bananabrain said:
to say nothing of what christians did to the jews in the name of "the love of jesus". this world will never have peace in the Name of G!D until idiots stop trying to convince other people that their way is the only true way and that everyone else is going to "hell".



For that, I am truly sorry.
We idiots dont have to try to convince anyone of anything... God doesnt need to prove Himself to anyone.. one either accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or they dont..
Quahom1 said:
For that, I am truly sorry.

Why are you apologizing? Noone in their right mind would think you an idiot... I thought that was unbelievably rude of him. Being a mod doesnt give Him a license to be rude.
bananabrain said:
to say nothing of what christians did to the jews in the name of "the love of jesus". this world will never have peace in the Name of G!D until idiots stop trying to convince other people that their way is the only true way and that everyone else is going to "hell".


false religion is near its end
Faithfulservant said:
Why are you apologizing? Noone in their right mind would think you an idiot... I thought that was unbelievably rude of him. Being a mod doesnt give Him a license to be rude.
For some reason, some people feel justified in their beliefs by dwelling on the past mistakes of others.:confused: