I'm trying to convert a friend. Can you help me?

Faithfulservant said:
Are you scolding me again Q? :p
Me?, Never! I wouldn't think of such a thing...(yer tie's a little crooked)
I believe in live and let live (there's a scuff on yer shoe)
People have a right to do as they see (fingerprint on your brass buckle) fit!
Everyone can dance (keep in step soldier, this ain't no Irish jig we're doin') to their own beat.
I'm just here to help in any way I can (even if it kills ya')

That is the sole purpose for God makin' drill sergeants...;)

CWO Q sends

p.s. sorry about that
Want to know what I like about you Q?

Everything :)

Feel free to scold me anytime.

Its tough being under a microscope all the time.
Thankz guys. You're helping me now, especially Basstian and Q. thankz. I continue to try to tell these people about God, and I hope I can help them before it's too late.
Thankz again,
***Mariah*** :)
Mariah said:
Thankz guys. You're helping me now, especially Basstian and Q. thankz. I continue to try to tell these people about God, and I hope I can help them before it's too late.
Thankz again,
***Mariah*** :)
Just don't place it up their collective backside. Nobody likes that. Gentle and firm is a great way to get people's attention. They might laugh at you, so let them. Remember to back off if you are being too heavy. You'll know when.

Better yet, just chill, and take things slow. You can always ramp up later.



p.s. you can never force people. They gotta wanta...:D
You cant convert anybody.. thats Gods job. Your job is to spread the good news and the Holy Spirit is the one that calls people to God. Pray that the Spirit calls your friend and be there to answer questions. :)

Christian missionaries have been an excuse for European imperialist and colonialism in the past. Why does Christianity have to convert people? Don't play some verse from a book I don't recognize either (You can't use bible verses to prove something because most of the time they are taken out of context anyway). Millions of Native Americans were killed because of Missionaries. Missionaries were evicted in early Japan because of being corrupt. Southern churches used the bible as an excuse for slavery. Millions died during the crusades. WHEN WILL IT ALL END??? Don't play some revelations verse because EVERY generation since Jesus thought they were living in the last of days. Hell, read the bible, the way Jesus speaks makes you think he would be back in thier lifetimes. Guess not, 2000 years later with one corrupt religion.
bodhi_mindisfree said:
Why does Christianity have to convert people?
that is the work of the holy spirit through the church to spread the good news of the gospel so that all men might be saved through christ jesus.
bodhi_mindisfree said:
Millions died during the crusades. WHEN WILL IT ALL END??? quote] yes ,false religion has a lot to answer to God.and false religion is most certainly going to come to its end .down through the ages and today,false religion is not doing the will of God .that is why God is going to destroy false religion ,and the book of revelation tells Gods people to GET OUT OF HER revelation 18;4 because this (world wide empire of false religion) is going to go down in a big way .false religion is near its end.
bodhi_mindisfree said:
Why does Christianity have to convert people?

Christians don't have to convert people.
They have to witness. And the best witness is a good example.
Mariah said:
see, i've got this friend that has been an atheist since he was born, and i want to convert him to Christianity. I've already tried getting him to understand the basic idea of the whole thing.

also, there's this kid i know that used to be a Christian, but he lost his faith because of a "friend". if he brings it up again, i want to know what to say. can you help me?

Hi Mariah,

If a person who held beliefs contrary to your own (such as atheist or Muslim) tried to convert you to their way of thinking, would you be happy to let them? Would you be comfortable with that? Maybe your atheist and lapsed friend might feel the same as you would.

And when you look across the world and across history do you not see any linkage between this sort of desire and endless ethnic atrocities? And of course the killing is always in the name of false religions, on both sides.

You may not find my comments helpful to you, but they are sincere.

And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite Daniel 2;44 hey ,now that is GOODNEWS just what we need . and Jesus is the king of this heavenly goverment , his Father Jehovah (the ancient of days)gave him the kingship. Daniel 7;13-14 and he wants his kingship to be heralded all over the world. and that is just what is happening .
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14the end of imperfect manmade goverments . now that is GOODNEWS but before the end comes , the GOODNEWS has to be preached first.
(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.
(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to evey nation and tribe and tongue and people..............................Jehovahs faithful angels are directing this preaching work , and it sure is being heralded. send me, send me.:)
Jehovah [said]: ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ And I proceeded to say: ‘Here I am! Send me.’"—ISAIAH 6:8.
Hi Mariah,

If a person who held beliefs contrary to your own (such as atheist or Muslim) tried to convert you to their way of thinking, would you be happy to let them? Would you be comfortable with that? Maybe your atheist and lapsed friend might feel the same as you would.

And when you look across the world and across history do you not see any linkage between this sort of desire and endless ethnic atrocities? And of course the killing is always in the name of false religions, on both sides.

You may not find my comments helpful to you, but they are sincere.


I agree with this. Maybe what I said earlier was harsh, but this is truly what I meant.
You can't MAKE a person believe in your god.... It is 100% up to them. Not you. If they wish to choose to make jehovah their god... Then they will, but if they don't want to there is NOTHING you can do. And as jesus said go make disciples from every nation and blah blah blah baptising them and so forth but the context of this wasn't forceful. Remeber you can show people something but it is up to their -free will- if they decide to take it on... :)
You can't convert people by force. It has to come from them. I would be very offended if someone tried to convert me, and would likely cut off all contact with that person.

You may be sad and upset that not everybody sees the world as you do, but it's their choice.

Frankly in my opinion people who try to convert others despite being told such action is unwelcome deserve a place in the darkest hole of hell, keeping company with mass murderers and the scum who sexually assault children.
17th Angel said:
You can't MAKE a person believe in your god.... It is 100% up to them. Not you. If they wish to choose to make jehovah their god... Then they will, but if they don't want to there is NOTHING you can do. And as jesus said go make disciples from every nation and blah blah blah baptising them and so forth but the context of this wasn't forceful. Remeber you can show people something but it is up to their -free will- if they decide to take it on... :)
totally agree with that
17th Angel said:
People agree with my opinion? I must be seeing things.

The Bible tells us that God created man in his ‘image and likeness,’ and one of the faculties God himself has is freedom of choice. (Genesis 1:26; ) When he created humans, he gave them that same wonderful faculty—the gift of free will. That is one reason why we find it frustrating to be enslaved by oppressive rulers.
God gave us free will as part of our very makeup. Since he knew the way our minds and emotions would work, he knew that we would be happiest with free will.
but Humans were not created to be independent of their Maker and be successful.
The prophet Jeremiah says: "It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. Correct me, O Jehovah." (Jeremiah 10:23, 24) So in every way humans were created to live under God’s rulership, not their own.
we were created to be happiest when subject to God’s laws for human behavior. It is similar to being subject to God’s physical laws. For instance, if we ignore the law of gravity and jump off a high place, we will be injured or killed. If we ignore the internal laws of our body and stop eating food, drinking water, or breathing air, we will die.​
As surely as we were created with the need to submit to God’s physical laws, we were created with the need to submit to God’s moral and social laws. (Matthew 4:4)
Everyone needs to follow moral and social laws, or else we couldn't function as a society. That doesn't mean everyone wants to submit to God's laws. I certainly don't, as for me there is no such thing. That doesn't make me amoral or a criminal.
manephelien said:
Everyone needs to follow moral and social laws, or else we couldn't function as a society. That doesn't mean everyone wants to submit to God's laws. I certainly don't, as for me there is no such thing. That doesn't make me amoral or a criminal.
Gods laws are only for our benefit, the fact that our first parents Adam and Eve moved away from those laws is the reason that the world is not now the way God intended it to be . wars, crime, sickness, old age ,death ,were not part of Gods purpose for the earth.thinking that we dont need Gods laws only leads to our downfall. but the loving God that is Jehovah, has made sure that we will be able to get a paradise earth back again . and Gods purpose to have humans living on the earth in happiness and never dieing will come about just as he purposed it to be. and it will all come about through Gods heavenly kingdom goverment Daniel 2;44 before i took in knowledge about Jehovah God and his son Jesus christ in the bible John 17;3 i thought i didnt need God i was doing quite alright without God. but taking in the right knowledge about the true God Jehovah, and his son Jesus christ leads to even greater happiness than i had before. some people such as yourself are good people living good lives . but no matter how Good we are we still have to suffer the things that are happening around us . and we also have to die in the end. it was not Gods original purpose for humans to get old and die ,it was his purpose for humans to live forever in paradise , and that purpose will come to be just as he originally intended. and the bible is the place to find out all about Gods original purpose and how that original purpose will come to be.