Innocence vs drag queens

Nicholas Weeks

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Good article on this sign of the times...


The innocent child instinctively and implicitly knows what is good or bad, beautiful or ugly. Like the innocent child denouncing the emperor’s “new clothes,” he recognizes the drag queen as ugly and sinister as a wicked witch in a fairy tale. The child does not bend to the politically- correct opinions and says what he thinks.
More from this trenchant piece:

The drag queen makes no secret of his links to the LGBTQ+ movement, and he serves as its unofficial spokesman to the children. He is not reading fairy tales but telling toddlers that men can be women and that same-sex marriages are good under the label of “family-friendly” entertainment. Schools, libraries, or other public places become platforms for his anti-Christian morality message.

Thus, parents have every right to reject this shameless advocacy that will corrupt their children and present sinful relationships in a favorable light. Indeed, one drag queen in Lafayette, Louisiana, admitted at a town hearing that the purpose of his performance “be the grooming of the next generation.” idiot says...
Indeed, one drag queen in Lafayette, Louisiana

Therefor we should color all Christians with the same brush!

Seriously? Flip Wislon, Milton Berle, Danny Kaye, Tom Hanks, Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams...allnprofessional drag queens....grooming were they?

Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

I am considering making a kilt outta my overalls. Cutting off the legs and sewing them together tonget some breeze on the boys during the hot and humid months.

If your note is any indication that it will irritate the homophobes install do it and prance around chikafila!
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The innocent child instinctively and implicitly knows what is good or bad, beautiful or ugly.
I rather think this is nonsense, it reads to me like small 'c' conservatism claiming the moral high ground.

What is 'good' or 'bad', 'beautiful' or 'ugly' are determined by cultural values, not innate, but shaped by nurture.

Children are. by nature, accepting of difference, but slowly absorb the imprint of parents and broader societal influences, and their prejudices.
Wonder if any fans of drag queens parading semi-nude in front of small children, have or ever had any tiny tots of their own?
Wonder if any fans of drag queens parading semi-nude in front of small children, have or ever had any tiny tots of their own?
I had tiny tots when we saw drag queens in parades. But why are you taking your tiny tots to pride parades if you are homophobic?

What is your obsession to research this topic?

My kids are now near 30...when I was a kid homosexuals were referred to as ****...or their flamboyance was put off as actors showing off...but the likes of Liberace and Elton were out, heartthrobs like Clark Gable and Rock Hudon had to stay in the closet. The discriminatory indoctrination sunk in me for decades till I escaped the hate.

I was proud to raise my kids without the racist and homophobic bigotry of my youth.

Over my years as a Sunday school teacher, scout master and soccer coach I have seen kids grow up in a less hateful environment and across the lgtbqia+ spectrum.

Before my time society used to shame folks who wrote left handed...interacial marriage, interfaith marriage....During my time it was it is transgender. Yet all these people have existed here since the beginning of time.

This site is not the place to perpetuate that hate...but to abolish it! Imo
There's a traditional Japanese theater art that specifically has an all-male cast requirement (I can't recall what it is atm, but others here might be familiar with it.) Then again, the same was used in theater during Shakespeare's time iirc.

Heck, boys used to be castrated in Italy if they had a particular type of voice that choir directors wanted to preserve to replace the usual female voices (again, iirc.) The last one died a few years ago, his voice never changed since pre-puberty (he was in his sixties or seventies, perhaps even older than that.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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The trans lobby doesn't appear to be suppressed and suffering in silence, does it? Politicians are terrified to try to answer the question 'what is a woman' and someone like JK Rowling is cancelled for saying/thinking the wrong thing. A lesbian can't reject a trans woman with male equipment as a partner without being cancelled as transphobic.

Trans women set new incredible records in women's sports. 'Top surgery' amongst young people has now become a 'cool' fashion statement like tattoos or piercings. Primary school children are bothered with correct gender definitions and not allowed to say 'mummy and daddy'

I believe society will get it sorted out. But right now there is a discussion to be had. It should not be silenced and cancelled, imo
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<...> A lesbian can't reject a trans woman with male equipment as a partner without being cancelled as transphobic.<...>
Sure they can, just as a man can reject a trans woman with male equipment. (They have to disclose that they have sex equipment contrary to their gender presentation, at least here in the US they have to.) There is a difference between sex and gender.
Sure they can, just as a man can reject a trans woman with male equipment. (They have to disclose that they have sex equipment contrary to their gender presentation, at least here in the US they have to.) There is a difference between sex and gender.
Yes, but ordinary lesbians attracted to female equipment are down the ladder in the trans world, just above cis men*. It's not cool to be homosexual/gay? It's not fashionable ...

*Cis white men, the most hated and despised of all ...
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The extreme left and right deserve each other imo. But everyday folks don't like their kids being used as part of the ideological warfare. It causes resentment towards the people who are trying to gain acceptance from wider society.

It will work itself out in the long run. But the cancelling is self defeating in the short term... just my own thoughts. And I'll be quiet now
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... if you are homophobic?

What is your obsession...?

This site is not the place to perpetuate that hate...but to abolish it! Imo

Perhaps the principal thing to remember for these online discussions: We do not, we can not, know the motive or character of anyone. Even those we know in meat life, have mysteries beyond us.
Good article on this sign of the times...


The innocent child instinctively and implicitly knows what is good or bad, beautiful or ugly. Like the innocent child denouncing the emperor’s “new clothes,” he recognizes the drag queen as ugly and sinister as a wicked witch in a fairy tale. The child does not bend to the politically- correct opinions and says what he thinks.
This reminds me of an instance when I had my 10-month-old son in a stroller at the store. He was VERY large for his age at that time--too big for me to carry--hence the stroller. We were waiting in line at the cash register, and he was having a grand old time energetically kicking his feet, making the whole stroller shake, and then laughing in delight. We were behind a mom with her 3 to 4 year old son and her about 9 to 10 month old daughter, who was very diminutive--maybe half the size of my son, if that.
The 3 to 4 year old boy pointed to my son and asked me, "What's that?"
I said, "It's a baby."
The boy looked confused and asked his mother, she looked, and said, "That would be a baby."
The boy kept looking at my son, then at his little sister, and said, "No way!" His mother assured him that my son, indeed, was a baby.
All of the adults in the area laughed. The boy still didn't seem convinced.

Was this an instance of the emperor's new clothes phenomenon?
But everyday folks don't like their kids being used as part of the ideological warfare

I preferred having my kids exposed to reality and have discussions about it.
Perhaps the principal thing to remember for these online discussions: We do not, we can not, know the motive or character of anyone.
True dat...up to you to explain them.
Wonder if any fans of drag queens parading semi-nude in front of small children, have or ever had any tiny tots of their own?
How old are your tiny tots?

Isn't it a place for discussion?
Yes it is.

And I exposed my kids to folks I knew were racist and homophobic so they could be exposed to and identify ignorant behavior. I took them to tattoo parlors to have tattooed people teach them about patience and their regrets for tats they had to have removed or recovered because they acted to impulsively.

And when folks here bash Catholics or Jews I gladly point out that this is not the place for that hate...even tho I am not catholic or Jewish.

This white cis gender hetero male will continue to defend people that are not my race, sex, or religion and point out ignorance when I see it.
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Perhaps the principal thing to remember for these online discussions: We do not, we can not, know the motive or character of anyone. Even those we know in meat life, have mysteries beyond us.
You are correct....all I have to go on is your words presumably written or shared by you in your posts.

And I probably should not write the words or thoughts in my mind about this thread.
The trans lobby doesn't appear to be suppressed and suffering in silence, does it? ...
It's a pendulum swing, isn't it?

I mean, to be fair, the marginalised have suffered in silence for so long, it's to be expected that once the pressure is eased, there's gonna been some steam blown off until things settle down.
It's a pendulum swing, isn't it?

I mean, to be fair, the marginalised have suffered in silence for so long, it's to be expected that once the pressure is eased, there's gonna been some steam blown off until things settle down.
I agree. It's an over correction that will settle eventually. However in the meantime the extreme left is the big part of what is creating the extreme right and then the right creates the left -- and the division goes on getting wider; all rational discussion lost, and so the damage is done, imo these are troubling times