Biblical beliefs....whatever they are.

Skimming the article, I did not find any definition of what the researchers considered "biblical beliefs" to actually mean.

Last time I read the bible, there was a lot of internal contradiction in the literal sense of the texts, especially between the "old" and "new" testaments. The way to harmonize these is by developing commentaries, oral traditions, and entire theologies - but they are not part of the bible text, so are such beliefs "biblical" in the sense the article uses the word? I wasn't able to tell.

Example: eating pork. The Bible contains both prohibition and license to eat pork. Whether to do so depends on the tradition one adopts? Another example, more of a grey area: wearing socks made of mixed fibers. There is no explicit license given by the new testament writers. So, Biblical or not?

What do you think the word means?
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Churchianity distorts the Bible at EVERY TURN! It even believes Jesus NEVER died- that he was ALIVE the whole time!
He PRETENDED to die!
Churchianity distorts the Bible at EVERY TURN! It even believes Jesus NEVER died- that he was ALIVE the whole time!
He PRETENDED to die!
Where do you get this stuff?

He died and went to the Father, he completed the 'harrowing of hell' and then appeared after 3 days in his resurrected body, and after which he ascended bodily back to the Father

Nobody is forced to believe it happened that way -- but that's the undisputed narrative of the gospel accounts?

"A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father."
John 16:16
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Where do you get this stuff?

He died and went to the Father, he completed the 'harrowing of hell' and then appeared after 3 days in his resurrected body, and after which he ascended bodily back to the Father

Nobody is forced to believe it happened that way -- but that's the undisputed narrative of the gospel accounts?

"A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father."
John 16:16
In other words he was ALIVE.
In other words he was ALIVE.
Ok, leaving Jesus out of it, just for now -- what do YOU believe happens to a person after that person's body dies -- whether of old age, an accident, being killed in war, or whatever?
I just wish evangelical Christians were as good as JW at spreading their message. When they come to my door with their tracts my 110 lb German shepherd scares them off but I know that they say that they use the same bible as I do.
Ok how do you get around John 3:16? Whoever that believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. I'm assuming when you say they die it's final.. nothing afterwards??
I have everlasting life ahead.
Do you have it NOW?