Biblical beliefs....whatever they are.

Here is where you sit in judgment. You have set yourself up as judge, jury...and if you had your way, executioner. Ask me how I know...

The sad part is there are elements of your faith I think would be cool to discuss...but as long as your language is accusative, it is very difficult to reach out to you. I'm not trying to redirect you, and I guarantee you won't redirect me. You can try, but you better pack a lunch, 'cause it's gonna be a long, long day. If you can't meet me as your neighbor, then why should I bother? Accusing me and ranting at me is not going to convince me. It isn't going to convince anybody.

And I still come back to, what do you, personally, MadJW, DO with your religion? What does your religion teach you to DO?

Every major world faith I looked at years ago here, every single one I looked at, has at its core a message essentially identical to the Golden Rule. Do Unto Others As You Wish Done Unto You. It ain't rocket science. It is, in common parlance, Phileo..."brotherly love." What does your faith teach you to DO?

I seriously don't think G!d is going to be fussing over what t's were crossed and what i's dotted, when we stand at the Great White Throne Judgment, He is going to ask "What have you done for these my children?" And we are ALL His children. We are ALL His creation.

You want a linguistic exercise, Mad? Look up the word "love" in the New Testament Greek. Let's talk about that, shall we?
Patiently waiting on a response, @theMadJW

Yet you sit in judgment routinely. So your comment is inaccurate @theMadJW , and you are only misleading yourself.

Now to mention the glaring dodge of the question:

You want a linguistic exercise, Mad? Look up the word "love" in the New Testament Greek. Let's talk about that, shall we?

BTW, good to see you return. :)
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Yet you sit in judgment routinely.
You judge ME. heh

So your comment is inaccurate @theMadJW , and you are only misleading yourself.
How so?
Now to mention the glaring dodge of the question:
What did I 'dodge'?
You want a linguistic exercise, Mad? Look up the word "love" in the New Testament Greek. Let's talk about that, shall we?

BTW, good to see you return. :)

You have a bizarre way of showing it.
You judge ME. heh

How so?

What did I 'dodge'?

You have a bizarre way of showing it.
For pointing out how you are so judgmental of others? Perhaps...but not to the point of condemning you to any form of "hell."

You dodged the invitation to discuss the words translated as "love" in the Greek New Testament...a dodge you still continue.

But that doesn't surprise me, it is stock in trade for JWs...all fire and brimstone for those who don't toe the party line. Love has no place in such teachings, does it?
I am familiar with the 3 Greek words (or is it FOUR) that express love as different kinds.
That show YOU to be judgmental.

I am familiar with the 3 Greek words (or is it FOUR) that express love as different kinds.
That show YOU to be judgmental.

OK, gloves off Mr Smartass, what are they and what do they mean???

Without looking it up, and using your cheat sheets and consulting with your handler?

Good thing your ass is as wide open as your mouth, I will have no problem shoving my boot up there so high you'll taste it. And I just stepped in dogshit, just for you.
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Only 144 thousand JWs get to heaven...out of how many millions in the US alone?

Odds are, you ain't gonna make it with your judgmental attitude. Guess you're going to your JW hell.

NOW I'm judging you. And I've got you pegged.

Bring it on, asshole.
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Only 144 thousand JWs get to heaven...out of how many millions in the US alone?

Odds are, you ain't gonna make it with your judgmental attitude. Guess you're going to your JW hell.

NOW I'm judging you. And I've got you pegged.

Bring it on, asshole.
My, my! Such a way to (whatever-you-are) to act!
Why bring out the scriptures to one who doesn't wish to learn....
Thank you so much for showing the "love" in your faith. There is none.

Not sure what JW is, but Christian or Biblical it ain't.

So carry your madness to someone who cares. That person is not me.

I'm adding this here because the title of the thread is Biblical Beliefs -- but if any mod thinks this should be a new thread -
