Does anyone have thoughts about new Messiahs?
I followed someone who I believed was God-incarnate.
The main reason as to why I was attracted was because he claimed that he has "knowledge of God/Truth" and can show it to people.
(At that time(1973ish), when I first heard about it, I was living in Israel and had just come out of a war, realising that death can come at any time to anyone.
My religious knowledge was mainly Judaism(my upbringing). I was also somewhat familiar with Islam, Christianity and Bahais.(NB no internet, so no knowledge of Dharmic or Pagan religions).
So, I was very impressed when he claimed that he could show me God/Truth directly. No beliefs were necessary.
I'd never seen that claim before.
So, I went to receive this knowledge, which took the form of an initiation into meditation techniques, which supposedly only one person on the planet had the authority to give. This person was the Master/Saviour of the age.
At the close of the initiation we had to prostrate completely to his picture and make a vow of dedication, 3 times.
The techniques blew my mind(at the time). I experienced things completely new to me. I was convinced that this is The Truth.
So, I stayed for 23 years believing I was following 'The Living Lord'.
When I came online 1995, I propagated like mad until I saw clearly that the techniques were well known and taught by numerous teachers/gurus both spiritual and secular. By 1997 I was out.
So, I hope I have presented some insight as to why these New Messiahs are attractive. It is the appeal to have a living teacher/master.
Seasons greeting and a great new year.