Churchianity has hidden God for almost 2,000 years!

But who do you say believes this? Are you talking about 'the last day' resurrection of the dead?

I mean are you going with the idea that after we die, we know know nothing until we are resurrected to judgement on the last day -- however long that's going to be?
That's exactly the case!
Waves (God as One) vs. Particles (God as Three).

It really is that simple and it is what the Bible teaches through and through.

For some reason, folks choose to see one and not the other.
Waves (God as One) vs. Particles (God as Three).

It really is that simple and it is what the Bible teaches through and through.

For some reason, folks choose to see one and not the other.
Heh! I don't know what Bible YOU read!
I have found that everything Churchianity teaches about God is DISTORTED .
From who God and Christ ARE to the way we'll end up!
It is not. They teach he left his body ALIVE and went to heaven with that thief.
He had to be ALIVE when he 'did' that!
He DIED. Was in the tomb for 3 days. He wasn't alive. Nor, did God die!
Yeah- He was the Triune God and PRETENDED to die....😁
Little confused here, died and came back alive or alive and pretended to die?
I have found that everything Churchianity teaches about God is DISTORTED .
From who God and Christ ARE to the way we'll end up!
Did I miss your definition of churchianity?
Little confused here, died and came back alive or alive and pretended to die?
The issue is that if people believe in the Last Day resurrection of the dead and judgement, what happens to the souls of the dead until then? Christ promised the good thief would be Him this day in paradise ...
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I think I understand the point @theMadJW was trying to make. Death is a final thing.. like how can God die if He is God. I think I made the point that all flesh dies but the soul does not. The final death at the end is eternal separation from God or eternal Life is being with God. I don't even want to know what that looks like.. but my faith teaches that it's real.

As far has being taken up to heaven alive He was resurrected into His new glorified body.. how else would Thomas not know Him? He had to show Him the holes in His hands as proof.
I think I understand the point @theMadJW was trying to make. Death is a final thing.. like how can God die if He is God. I think I made the point that all flesh dies but the soul does not. The final death at the end is eternal separation from God or eternal Life is being with God. I don't even want to know what that looks like.. but my faith teaches that it's real.

As far has being taken up to heaven alive He was resurrected into His new glorified body.. how else would Thomas not know Him? He had to show Him the holes in His hands as proof.
That, again, is a Church distortion.
Gen 2:7- And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living SOUL. - KJV (with God's Name put BACK IN)
G-d can't die even for one millisecond .. He is eternal. :)
Human beings die, in the sense that they "give up the ghost" upon earthly death.
You've been reading the KJV to long!

The spirit that keeps us alive, and returns to God is not US as some disembodied soul-spirit thing.

Remember-"Spirit" is from the Hebrew and Greek words capturing the essence of an unseen force: "Wind, Breath"!
This is what keeps EVERY LIVING THING alive-

Isa 42:5- Thus saith God Jehovah, he that created the heavens, and stretched them forth; he that spread abroad the
earth and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein.-ASV
The issue is that if people believe in the Last Day resurrection of the dead and judgement, what happens to the souls of the dead until then? Christ promised the good thief would be Him this day in paradise ...
Usually the belief is we are unconscious until the Last Day. SDAs call it "soul sleep" but I don't think Christadelphians, JWs, or Armstrong churches use that term... I could be wrong about whether or not they use that term. But the idea is we are unconscious till the resurrection on the last day.
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Usually the belief is we are unconscious until the Last Day. SDAs call it "soul sleep" but I don't think Christadelphians, JWs, or Armstrong churches use that term... I could be wrong about whether or not they use that term. But the idea is we are unconscious till the resurrection on the last day.
Yes .. that is interesting..
"time" is very difficult to contemplate .. what exactly it is, and how it applies to different dimensions,
and how relative time changes in the physical universe depending on velocity etc. :)
It is not. They teach he left his body ALIVE and went to heaven with that thief.
Not in any church I've been in.

You do know the letter "J" is a recent addition to the English alphabet, right?

In other words, there is no way that G!d is "Jehovah," and Jesus is not "Jesus." Which means James is not "James" and John is not "John." So much for the historical grammar lesson.

If JWs can't even get grammar right, why should I care to read about more esoteric considerations? JWs in my experience don't know half as much as they pretend to. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing....
What are the notable differences between kjv and asv that significantly change the text and your viewpoint?
Unicorns, obsolete words, the removing of God's Name (alto it doesn't in four places), scriptures added dishonesty later, and so forth.