I would.say it is mostly the trappings that are used to draw folks.in...the extra parts that commercial enterpris.(and churches) capitalize on to increase revenue.Interesting opinion, care to give a concrete example of how the essential elements of Christianity are pagan?
So we have Christmas! The big one...the date (not his birthday) selected to male people choose between bachanalian fests or the church...of course for most lay folk.christmas has returned to the party, eggnog for all!
Then of course yule logs, christmas.trees, Santa clause, flying reindeer delivering gifts
Easter another one eh? Fertility, spring, eggs, bunnies, and astrology?
For many the only 2 days they go to church....and if you wiped out the pagan trappings...you would lose easily 50% of them and 50% of the non church going believers....and so many kids...and we know for a fact if you don't plant the seed young ya barely have a chance.
Again...this stuff is like CRT to me. If you aren't willing to discuss without raising your blood pressure it is evidence it needs to be discussed openly.
Without the pagan rituals that they lay people love....you are gonna lose a lot of them.
Then of course when Christianity entered other areas of the world the missionaries accepted a little mixing of voodoo or whatever...as long as they accepted Jesus n Mary too...
It's all a mixed blessing...more "believers" by upping acceptable fun rituals....and watering down the message...but here we are.
Me? I sort of drive around on the side road of most of these religious hiways, I am sure I have a lot wrong and missed a lot more...but you get the jist....it's the marketing material, not the core.