What happens when God enters a life

Oh, and you are saying this due to your actions (posts) and words? That is a level of honesty and self awareness that did not expect.
Then you certainly have not understood my posts. Truth is so often sharp and painful.
That is a great compliment from you, thank you.
"self-awareness" has been littered through out my posts. I am glad that you have finally seen it.
Btw...ya think it is possible you are believing the lie that you claim not to be attempting in post after post to foist upon us.
"the lie" My main point is always about seeking truth. Am I trying to make you believe something? That can't be done. You are the only one that change what you believe. There have been dialogues here that have helped me see something that I did not fully understand, helping me to change what I thought. Every interchange of ideas and thoughts should help all of us in life. It's only when a person believes that they are not sick is when they can not be healed.
Then you certainly have not understood my posts.
I believe we understand your posts, just have issues understanding you.

But since you believe it is pearls before swine, seems we are reinforcing your opinion.

But you haven't answered the question.

The same question you asked of us...you claim to seek the truth, but is it possible you believe a lie?
Truth is so often sharp and painful.
maybe, sometimes, but there's nothing particularly sharp or even painful about anything you say. just obscure, confusing, seemingly pointless and very often disrespectful. telling yourself that people react poorly to you because you tell a "painful truth" helps you make yourself feel better, and stops you from learning what you are doing poorly.

somehow, any thread you contribute to ends up becoming about you.
In Arabic some of the Quran is written as poetry, which explains the repetition?
Have you ever read the Quran? Repetition is one every page, you want to know how many times words, statements, people, places are repeated? It's amazing, the word "clear" over 200 times, the word "communications" over 200 times, "heavens" some 194 times, "Musa" (moses) 144 times, "book" 244 times, "mighty" 144 times, "Firon" 79 times about Eqypt. And on it goes, every page repeats every page. This is suppose to be one book, unlike the Bible that is 66 books, of which the NT is 29 books and you will not find the unnecessary repeating there. If you took all the repeats out of the Quran it would probably be cut to 1/4 of it's size. (my opinion) How many of the books were written entirely in poetry? NO, it does not explain the repetition from one book.
The same question you asked of us...you claim to seek the truth, but is it possible you believe a lie?
Do you have dementia? I have stated many times here that I know that I could and do believe lies. How many more times to I have to say this before you understand my words. I am wise enough to understand that everyone can be deceived, just watch a couple of hours of tv commericals. The entire point of advertising is to make people want something that they do not need. The entire point of politics is deceit, to get votes. I thought you understood people. Seems you have a way to go yet.
Do you have dementia?
Maybe early onset Alzeimer...lol, but I have had 4 strokes!

I am a big boy, but personal attacks posed as questions can get ya the boot...oh that right you openly refused to read our CoC and ai evaluations of your posts indicate your biggest violation is demeaning other posters and their beliefs...not very Jesus like.

I have stated many times here that I know that I could and do believe lies
First time I have seen it! Many is a big word. More than a bunch, I would challenge you to show me 3, but I would not want to rub salt in progress.

Seems you have a way to go yet.
Don't we all...glad to be a mirror for you.
First time I have seen it! Many is a big word. More than a bunch, I would challenge you to show me 3, but I would not want to rub salt in progress.
OK, 'many" was the incorrect word, probably 3 or 4 times, I am not going to look them up. If I show you 3, what to do I get? A apology? You can just as easily look them up. But I guess my word is not to be respected! I have never tried to hide or deceive anyone here. I don't mind the truth, even when it hurts.
I am a big boy, but personal attacks posed as questions can get ya the boot...oh that right you openly refused to read our CoC and ai evaluations of your posts indicate your biggest violation is demeaning other posters and their beliefs...not very Jesus like.
If you were a "big boy" you would not get your feelings hurt. I am not "demeaning others beliefs", I am simply asking if everyone understands that they believe some sort of lie and can be deceived. Like I have said before, they both apply to me. Why do you think that I have spent 39 years trying to disprove the Bible. And why would I waste 30 hours rereading the Quran?
And since you don't know Jesus, (that is not an intellectual know) (just to clarify for you) don't think that you understand Him.
If you were a "big boy" you would not get your feelings hurt. I am not "demeaning others beliefs", I am simply asking if everyone understands that they believe some sort of lie and can be deceived. Like I have said before, they both apply to me.
You don't come across like that, however. There is a massive gap between what you say and how you are saying it.

It bears repeating that electronic communication is very weird. A shockingly large amount of information is lost. The written content is just a few percent of what we as human beings expect in communication. So if this is all we have, as is the case with forum posts, it pays to put some thought into how it will come across.
Have you ever read the Quran? Repetition is one every page, you want to know how many times words, statements, people, places are repeated? It's amazing, the word "clear" over 200 times, the word "communications" over 200 times, "heavens" some 194 times, "Musa" (moses) 144 times, "book" 244 times, "mighty" 144 times, "Firon" 79 times about Eqypt. And on it goes, every page repeats every page. This is suppose to be one book, unlike the Bible that is 66 books, of which the NT is 29 books and you will not find the unnecessary repeating there. If you took all the repeats out of the Quran it would probably be cut to 1/4 of it's size. (my opinion) How many of the books were written entirely in poetry? NO, it does not explain the repetition from one book.
I've read it, but not in Arabic, of course. However the Quran is said to be in poetic form, as an aid to recitation.

The Protestant Bible is 66 books. Catholics and others include more books, and parts of books
You don't come across like that, however. There is a massive gap between what you say and how you are saying it.
My words are what I believe and reveal how I think. Like I said before, maybe I am hard to understand and seem confused, but I have stayed on course when it comes to the bottom line. Why do you believe what you believe and could you be deceived in what you believe. We all have our bias that we inject in our beliefs. Never did get a college degree and flunked English in High School. Yet I have run 5 business' over the last 60 years.
it pays to put some thought into how it will come across.
I can not help how someone interprets what I write. I do think about what I put down and realize that anytime anyone speaks, they will be misunderstood by someone. That's just the way it is. When a statement says; the apple is red, someone will argue about what color red is. Or maybe they have seen green apples. We are all influenced by how we have lived and what we have been taught, but does that make it truth? NO

Many times truth has to dug out of a situation. The willingness to do this is more my concern. This world is a mess and a hateful place in case you have not looked around. Everyone wants what they want! They could care less if it hurts others or if it is even true. Marx had some good ideas, but they will never make mankind whole, healthy or happy,
Never heard of a mantra?
What are yo looking for? How to create a universe?
Maybe that is why the Bible supposedly failed, it is not written as a mantra. I understand using mantra if something is never to be written down as in the case of the Quran (recite) before someone realize that 30 hours of memory work would eventually fail.

I am looking for truth and honesty, creating a universe I leave to God. I learned a lesson from the Book of Job real quick, be careful of wanting to sit down with God.
You don't come across like that, however. There is a massive gap between what you say and how you are saying it.
Was just getting up and thought, maybe I should just tell you that I love satire. Not saying I deal 100% in it here, but sometime.....