Persecuted Religions

Thinking required

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Would you agree that the Jews and Christians are the most persecuted Religions in the world? Not trying to tie them together in the same sense. Why are these two groups so disliked in the Muslim countries?
I don't believe Christians are among the most persecuted in the world, no. Quite the opposite, they are the largest, most powerful and influential religious group on this planet today.

While there are without question countries where Christianity is disadvantaged, and Christians are subject to persecution, and while this is terrible and against religious freedom, which is a human right -

- all this being said, I also feel that a blanket statement like yours, implying that all Christians everywhere are being persecuted, severely diminishes the very real suffering of people who were and are being persecuted for their beliefs.

Your statement would benefit from a re-phrasing. As it stands, to me, it comes across as a rather crass reversal of the roles of victim and persecutor, given the historical and current demeanor of Christian majority countries.
As of 2018: Christians face harassment in 145 countries, Muslims face harassment in 139 countries, and Jews face harassment in 88 countries. Respectively: Christians account for 31% of the world's population, Muslims account for 24%, and Jews account for 0.2%.

On average, every day, 13 Christians are killed for their faith, 12 churches or Christians buildings are attacked, 12 Christians are unjustly arrested, detained or imprisoned, and 5 Christians are abducted for faith-related reasons. In the 21st century, it is still not possible to practice religion or belief safely.

I do not put myself in the same category as practicing Christians in other countries. We ar

e blessed in the US but Thinking Required did not specify the US he said the world. Your scorn Wil and your dismissiveness Cino is sad. We feel very personally the loss of our brothers and sisters in Christ that are killed just for trying to practice their faith and it's hard for us to deal with the apathy the rest of the world exhibits.

Even in Israel there is a group trying to pass a law criminalizing talking about Jesus.

I don't believe Christians are among the most persecuted in the world, no. Quite the opposite, they are the largest, most powerful and influential religious group on this planet today.
Then you are confused. Maybe you are just looking at the cult of Catholics. They certainly are not Christian since they are caving in to all the liberal crud going on, gay marriage, and such. Even in America, Christians are very persecuted for their moral beliefs. Muslim countries, they are just killed. Please don't tell me that I don't know what I am talking about, I have friends throughout the world. If you believe that they are this powerful, then you certainly don't understand or know what a Christian is. Christians are opposed to all the evil that is going on and yet, they are loosing in all the areas. Open your eyes to the truth. Abortion is certainly not a Christian desire, even getting Roe VS wade overthrown, it only fueled liberals to want more laws supporting abortion. Abortion is the out right murder of babies set up as a woman's right.

I noticed that you didn't say anything about the Jews. The 20th Century clearly defines that mess. Stop thinking that the Vatican is Christianity, it's not. You probably haven't even met a true Christian.
- all this being said, I also feel that a blanket statement like yours, implying that all Christians everywhere are being persecuted, severely diminishes the very real suffering of people who were and are being persecuted for their beliefs.
I understand blanket statements and try to avoid them, since there are always exceptions. People are always being persecuted for something. Look at the mess this world is in. I was talking on a grand scale. Especially when it comes Jews and the Nation of Israel. Christians have to stay in hiding in many parts of the world.
The woe is me brigade whining of a war on Christmas or Christians in the US is laughable, I cannot speak to the rest of the world.
.There are many types of war! If you live in the states and don't see what is going on in this county, you are either young or love the perversion.
Living where I am I can honestly say that I know nothing of religious persecution. However, writing as someone not following an Abrahamic faith I have on occasion been subjected to the sneer or something similar from both Christians and Muslims. As long as people of that type exist, the idea of persecution is not entirely extinct.
Even in America, Christians are very persecuted for their moral beliefs.

Words fail me.

Please don't tell me that I don't know what I am talking about, I have friends throughout the world.

I am glad you have friends.

If you believe that they are this powerful, then you certainly don't understand or know what a Christian is.

Oh, I've met the type.

I noticed that you didn't say anything about the Jews. The 20th Century clearly defines that mess.

I did imply that your equating the atrocities of a genocide with the situation of US American Christians feeling persecuted by granola eating do-gooders was in poor taste.
feeling persecuted by granola eating do-gooders was in poor taste.
I can understand your hat red of America, most people feel that way. I am certainly living in a different America than I grew up in. What has happened to this country is sad, People may not like us until they need us. You should understand this unless you think H was good for the world. There are so many recorded people who have been saved by American hands. We have never taken any land that came from a war outside of the US. We give land back and help them rebuild. This goes for Europe, England and Japan. Like I have said before, you don’t understand pure Christianity, you only see the Religion of people who claim to be Christians. I have worked hard my entire life, not expecting a hand out like these spoiled kids today. All they want is what the government can give them and that costs me, out of my pocket. Open your eyes, the truth is not hard to find.
I am glad you have friends.
All I was trying to say, is that I don’t sit around watching the US fake news like so many do. the last two times I was in England and Europe I was with mostly people who did not live in the US. The conversations were interesting, Especially about Trump. How they perceived the US. Like I have said before, people live in their imagination, truth hardly every gets in.
Words fail me.
I was just thinking about this, not sure of your back ground. If you are talking about the US somehow being a problem in the Middle East, I think that you need to read your history books. Muslims have been ki-ling Muslims since Muhammad started Islam. Just fact here, not trying to be vindictiv.
I see no sarcasm when "true" has yet to be defined.
Can you give me clear facts about any historical event or book ever written? I know you can and you know you can’t. You can only give me some information that was passed down from someone who doesn’t even live anymore. Unless you were there when the book was written or the event actually happened, all the “facts” can now be disputed and we can believe what want to believe. Most of my life is history to a 20 year old. they only know what they read or are told. I lived it. My knowledge is factual to my events, anyone can doubt them. Like I said earlier, you can assume what I meant by a statement, you that’s all you can do. Only I know the truth behind what I said.
A intelligent person understands how to find out if something can be reliably true or not. I have said it but you just keep coming back to what is impossible. We can only rely one what we can somewhat believe to be historical accurate. If I am told that there was a earthquake 100 years ago, all I can do is to find information that would support what I have been told.
True defined: in accordance with fact or reality, exact.
Can you give me clear facts about any historical event or book ever written? I know you can and you know you can’t. You can only give me some information that was passed down from someone who doesn’t even live anymore. Unless you were there when the book was written or the event actually happened, all the “facts” can now be disputed and we can believe what want to believe.
So what's your point?

You are right and everyone else is wrong. Your opinion matters, nobody else is entitled to any other opinion but yours.

You have no proof, you can't provide any information, you were not there either.

So why should your opinion be any better than any other person's that conflicts with yours?

I'm not a very smart person...and I'm a sinner, but your opinion doesn't line up with my understanding. No big deal to me, I try to get along with people who don't agree with me - and that is in accord with my understanding. I don't see where you have reached that point yet.
I'm not a very smart person...and I'm a sinner, but your opinion doesn't line up with my understanding. No big deal to me, I try to get along with people who don't agree with me - and that is in accord with my understanding. I don't see where you have reached that point yet.
I have no problem with people who don’t agree with me, if I did I would not have any friends. You are simply talking in circles. How do we try to find the truth about anything, do we just make up what we like. We believe something by what we read and research. Do I believe that WWII happened, yes, was I there, no. I believe it because there is so much evidence to support it.
Our “understanding” always comes from somewhere. Can I just sit here and dream up what I want to dream up, certainly, that’s my imagination. I have been studying people my entire life. Everyone wants to believe something and fit in somewhere. That’s ok, we all need people. Most people are just followers, not a lot of individual thinkers. They avoid conflicts, always thinking that peace should exit. That’s ok, my wife is like that. But reality is, there has never been peace on the planet between most people. Tribes have always been fighting tribes. Educating people hasn’t helped one bit. All I trying to say, if we can never come to finding some historical evidence of something, then we know nothing. Like I have said, the evidence (to me) is overwhelming when it comes to the Bible. I have read all the information by people who oppose that view. What I have learned, when I find a lie in something, then I will question it more. That’s what I was saying about opinions. When someone wants someone else to believe something that is a lie, they try to insert some truth into the story. It’s like trying to insert all the OT stories into the Quran, none of them make any sense without reading the Jewish text. I have enjoyed our dialogues, I have dug deep in these past few days.