There has been some dialogue about facts and opinions here when it comes to Religions. I just thought that I would like to present a clear case about people ignoring facts. Yes, we have talked about facts as maybe being elusive and in many cases, pure facts can be. But let's look as a perfect example going on in American and will be coming to a country near you.
Factual: a male is born with an XY chromosome, females are born with XX chromosome. Any person with any sense understands this to be truth. Yet people are pushing gender reversal on the mob and the mob is buying into it. A male can never be a female and a female can never be a male. But according to a certain group, this can happen and the mob, (educated people who know better) are going right along with it. Of course the "news" media is pushing it all. There are no longer pregnant females, they are pregnant "people". I will leave this at this. Do you get it, intelligent, educated people buying into the lies, teaching our kids these lies and eventually like most lies, they will at some point in time become "truth". That's how it all works. "tell a lie long enough and it becomes truth" every politician knows this, since this is what most of them do to get what they want.
I could provide a little context on this. I am a mental health counselor and have worked with transgender/gender variant people at various points.
My take on it is this is not nearly as well researched medically as it needs to be for the growing population of individuals who identify as gender variant in one way or another.
One thing that is factually true, is that there are exceptions to the genotypes of XY and XX. Those genotypes are present in the vast majority of mammals and some non-mammal species. There are some genetic conditions where animals or people do not have the "normal" genotype. An example would be Kleinfelter's syndrome XXY.(This is most likely the genotype if for example you ever manage to encounter a male calico cat, vanishingly rare, but most likely a Kleinfelter's male or a genetic chimera)
There are a wide variety of exceptions to the phenotype-- that is, even if someone has the XY or XX genotype, still, their phenotype, or physical development, may not match the norm, either in primary or secondary sex characteristics. These are called intersex conditions and they are known medical issues. Sometimes they are apparent at birth, sometimes not until puberty.
What I believe is understood, or at least used to be? understood, is this:
Sometimes people who do not have an apparent, obvious, physical intersex condition, have some kind of condition where they are miserable in their body and experience persistent dysphoria from early childhood on. They have an unshakeable sense that they belong in the body of the other sex. It is bad enough they are often suicidal and often do complete suicide. When treated with the opposite sex hormones, there is often a near immediate reduction of symptoms of anxiety, depression, and sself loathing. I believe the thinking was that people with this experience may have something in their brain development which leads to a mismatch between sex dimorphic characteristics of the brain, and the way their body developed. In simple terms, it would be like having a female brain in a male body or vice versa. Now this isn't cut and dried, and very difficult to prove. But there are some, somewhat reliable differences between male and female brains ON AVERAGE so this seems, well, plausible enough. But I realize it can be very hard to understand.
(the reference earlier to CAIS is one of various examples of physiological issues related to gender variance)
Where the problem comes in is the incredible increase in transgenderism when it was long thought to be very rare. Some people think that there are things in the environment that are affecting prenatal development and making this outcome more common. I think there is just not enough medical research out there yet to keep up with it and make sense of it. I don't take blame the medical establishment for this, as there is A LOT out there to research.
The political side of all this has overtaken the medical side. I don't like that fact and I feel that what little "training" I got in this area was more political and social engineering rather than medically based. But even though I find it exasperating, I don't fully blame that side of things either. The political side of the transgender issue is like with the issue around sexual orientation: LGBTQ+ people are often as not fighting for their human rights and even their very lives. They speak up for themselves and people of conscience become allies and support them in their right to live, first of all, and their right to live their lives as they wish. At some point, like any social or political movement, it all takes on a life of its own.