Facts and Opinions

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There has been some dialogue about facts and opinions here when it comes to Religions. I just thought that I would like to present a clear case about people ignoring facts. Yes, we have talked about facts as maybe being elusive and in many cases, pure facts can be. But let's look as a perfect example going on in American and will be coming to a country near you.
Factual: a male is born with an XY chromosome, females are born with XX chromosome. Any person with any sense understands this to be truth. Yet people are pushing gender reversal on the mob and the mob is buying into it. A male can never be a female and a female can never be a male. But according to a certain group, this can happen and the mob, (educated people who know better) are going right along with it. Of course the "news" media is pushing it all. There are no longer pregnant females, they are pregnant "people". I will leave this at this. Do you get it, intelligent, educated people buying into the lies, teaching our kids these lies and eventually like most lies, they will at some point in time become "truth". That's how it all works. "tell a lie long enough and it becomes truth" every politician knows this, since this is what most of them do to get what they want.
You are apparently ignorant about, among other things, CAIS.
I realize that your have some agenda here. There can of course aways be abnormalities. And that is what CAIS seems to be. I am talking about males and females without this abnormality. We can not all be brilliant is all areas, I was speaking generally about the general population and the insanity of men just calling them selves females or females calling themselves male. Much of this comes from problems within childhood from what I have read. Yes, can I be ignorant, yes, but do doctors assign gender at birth from either having a peni or vagi, happens every day. There are exceptions to everything. There are even exceptions with chromosomes at times. My wife has HD and I have hemochromatosis. These are both genetic problems and can be passed on sometimes. In the beginning when God created them male and female, there was no CAIS.

Most individuals with CAIS are raised as females.[1] They are born phenotypically female and are usually heterosexual with a female gender identity;[41][81] However, at least two case studies have reported male gender identity in individuals with CAIS.[81][82

Ignorant is much like stupid, we are all both In many ways. Admitting it is another thing.
ssrco,baseball_cap,product,FFFFFF 97ab1c12de,front,square,600x600-bg,f8f8f8.jpg
(donning my official robes)

Moving this thread to the "Science" sub-forum.

(off with this stuffy cap)
There has been some dialogue about facts and opinions here when it comes to Religions. I just thought that I would like to present a clear case about people ignoring facts. Yes, we have talked about facts as maybe being elusive and in many cases, pure facts can be. But let's look as a perfect example going on in American and will be coming to a country near you.
Factual: a male is born with an XY chromosome, females are born with XX chromosome. Any person with any sense understands this to be truth. Yet people are pushing gender reversal on the mob and the mob is buying into it. A male can never be a female and a female can never be a male. But according to a certain group, this can happen and the mob, (educated people who know better) are going right along with it. Of course the "news" media is pushing it all. There are no longer pregnant females, they are pregnant "people". I will leave this at this. Do you get it, intelligent, educated people buying into the lies, teaching our kids these lies and eventually like most lies, they will at some point in time become "truth". That's how it all works. "tell a lie long enough and it becomes truth" every politician knows this, since this is what most of them do to get what they want.
It is very important that we be fair and just when searching for truth.

The issue we will face is that Truth is relative to our nature, nurture and conciousness. We do no possess absolute truth, only God's Messengers are born with that capacity, they one and all are the 'Spirit of Truth'.

Regards Tony
There has been some dialogue about facts and opinions here when it comes to Religions. I just thought that I would like to present a clear case about people ignoring facts. Yes, we have talked about facts as maybe being elusive and in many cases, pure facts can be. But let's look as a perfect example going on in American and will be coming to a country near you.
Factual: a male is born with an XY chromosome, females are born with XX chromosome. Any person with any sense understands this to be truth. Yet people are pushing gender reversal on the mob and the mob is buying into it. A male can never be a female and a female can never be a male. But according to a certain group, this can happen and the mob, (educated people who know better) are going right along with it. Of course the "news" media is pushing it all. There are no longer pregnant females, they are pregnant "people". I will leave this at this. Do you get it, intelligent, educated people buying into the lies, teaching our kids these lies and eventually like most lies, they will at some point in time become "truth". That's how it all works. "tell a lie long enough and it becomes truth" every politician knows this, since this is what most of them do to get what they want.
I could provide a little context on this. I am a mental health counselor and have worked with transgender/gender variant people at various points.
My take on it is this is not nearly as well researched medically as it needs to be for the growing population of individuals who identify as gender variant in one way or another.
One thing that is factually true, is that there are exceptions to the genotypes of XY and XX. Those genotypes are present in the vast majority of mammals and some non-mammal species. There are some genetic conditions where animals or people do not have the "normal" genotype. An example would be Kleinfelter's syndrome XXY.(This is most likely the genotype if for example you ever manage to encounter a male calico cat, vanishingly rare, but most likely a Kleinfelter's male or a genetic chimera)

There are a wide variety of exceptions to the phenotype-- that is, even if someone has the XY or XX genotype, still, their phenotype, or physical development, may not match the norm, either in primary or secondary sex characteristics. These are called intersex conditions and they are known medical issues. Sometimes they are apparent at birth, sometimes not until puberty.

What I believe is understood, or at least used to be? understood, is this:
Sometimes people who do not have an apparent, obvious, physical intersex condition, have some kind of condition where they are miserable in their body and experience persistent dysphoria from early childhood on. They have an unshakeable sense that they belong in the body of the other sex. It is bad enough they are often suicidal and often do complete suicide. When treated with the opposite sex hormones, there is often a near immediate reduction of symptoms of anxiety, depression, and sself loathing. I believe the thinking was that people with this experience may have something in their brain development which leads to a mismatch between sex dimorphic characteristics of the brain, and the way their body developed. In simple terms, it would be like having a female brain in a male body or vice versa. Now this isn't cut and dried, and very difficult to prove. But there are some, somewhat reliable differences between male and female brains ON AVERAGE so this seems, well, plausible enough. But I realize it can be very hard to understand.

(the reference earlier to CAIS is one of various examples of physiological issues related to gender variance)

Where the problem comes in is the incredible increase in transgenderism when it was long thought to be very rare. Some people think that there are things in the environment that are affecting prenatal development and making this outcome more common. I think there is just not enough medical research out there yet to keep up with it and make sense of it. I don't take blame the medical establishment for this, as there is A LOT out there to research.

The political side of all this has overtaken the medical side. I don't like that fact and I feel that what little "training" I got in this area was more political and social engineering rather than medically based. But even though I find it exasperating, I don't fully blame that side of things either. The political side of the transgender issue is like with the issue around sexual orientation: LGBTQ+ people are often as not fighting for their human rights and even their very lives. They speak up for themselves and people of conscience become allies and support them in their right to live, first of all, and their right to live their lives as they wish. At some point, like any social or political movement, it all takes on a life of its own.
?? Do you breath? Do you have a heart beat? this is absolute truth. "relative" My truth is my truth, your truth is your truth. that's the thinking of the world.
Are we material flesh, or are we Spirit?

What is the Absolute truth? Remember Jesus has said that the flesh amounts to nothing.

Regards Tony
Are we material flesh, or are we Spirit?
Both, imo

In the case of the Christ -- fully both.

It is the symbolism of the Christ crucified: suspended bleeding on the vertical between the heavens and the earth, pinned by His humanity upon the horizontal axis
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Factual: a male is born with an XY chromosome, females are born with XX chromosome. Any person with any sense understands this to be truth.
But that's not the whole truth, is it?

There are other factors at play, the linked study talks of 'regulators' and 'enhancers' in dna which play their part is sexual determination and can have an outcome both on biological gender and the broader question of gender self-identification.

'The Y chromosome carries a critical gene, called SRY, which acts on another gene called SOX9 to start the development of testes in the embryo. High levels of the SOX9 gene are needed for normal testis development. However, if there is some disruption to SOX9 activity and only low levels are present, a testis will not develop resulting in a baby with a disorder of sex development.'
There's one example.

'We discovered three enhancers that, together ensure the SOX9 gene is turned on to a high level in an XY embryo, leading to normal testis and male development ... Importantly, we identified XX patients who would normally have ovaries and be female but carried extra copies of these enhancers, (high levels of SOX9) and instead developed testes. In addition, we found XY patients who had lost these SOX9 enhancers, (low levels of SOX9) and developed ovaries instead of testes.'
There's another.

So not quite as cut-and-dried as you might think.

Personally I have met the über-male testosterone-on-legs kinda guy (they tend to kill themselves off in significant numbers) and on the other hand quite 'feminine' men who nevertheless identify as male, etc., etc.

No one man sets the standard for the type. The ideal is determined largely by Hollywood and the fashion industry.

Same with women. I've met some very 'masculine' women, that would make you wonder ...

And this is just biological determination. There are also neural studies which also impact the determination of self-identification when it comes to gender ...

The simple view of life is that there is this, and there is that, and that's all there is – the reality is more there is this, there is that, and there are all stops in between.
So not quite as cut-and-dried as you might think.
I agree, But inside the fringes it is cut and dried. There will always be abnormalities in just about everything. I have never stated that everything is a 100% blanket statement. It does seem that you are more qualified in this area. But would you agree that the fringe is not the normal? People are born with defects often. Is that how they were created in the beginning. What God created perfect we have perverted.
I agree, But inside the fringes it is cut and dried.
No two people are exactly the same. What is evident in God's creation is variation, There is day and night, but there is dusk and dawn ...

If the Bible shows us anything, it is that Jesus walked and talked and loved people you call 'fringe'. He got a lot of stick for it.

It's a lesson by example we often ignore.
If the Bible shows us anything, it is that Jesus walked and talked and loved people you call 'fringe'. He got a lot of stick for it.
Matthew 23:33 “You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?

I would assume that you see this as "love". There is more spoken in the Bible about judgement and hell than of love and heaven. But people just shut their eyes to the wrath part.

New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Mt 23:33.
Matthew 23:33 “You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?

I would assume that you see this as "love". There is more spoken in the Bible about judgement and hell than of love and heaven. But people just shut their eyes to the wrath part.

New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Mt 23:33.
Oh no they don't. Many thrive on it.
It's the inverse of the old saw about impractical ministers who were said to be "so heavenly minded they were no earthly good"
Many evangelists of yesteryear and today are so hellish minded they are no earthly good.
Matthew 23:33 “You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?
I would assume that you see this as "love". There is more spoken in the Bible about judgement and hell than of love and heaven. But people just shut their eyes to the wrath part.
And who is He railing against ... hmmm?

The people who sit in judgement on their fellows. The people who possess power and condemn theose they regard as lesser than them.

The Trans, the Whores, the Blind and the Beggars, the Sinners and the Alcoholics ... the condemnation is not aimed a them, is it? Read the text. It's aimed at those who judge. Who look to find reason to condemn.

Those who lack love, and mercy, and compassion and understanding.

The Bible says:
"Come to me, all you that labour, and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light." Matthew 11:28-30
For they surely are the burdened, don't you think? And it's our duty, as Christians, to act towards them in the same way He did. They are His children too, as we are.
But would you agree that the fringe is not the normal? People are born with defects often. Is that how they were created in the beginning. What God created perfect we have perverted.
Ready to toss all the left handed people in the trash again?

Are black people the fringe in white society?

Are white people the fringe in sub-saharan African society?

Amazing how people still use the Bible to denigrate others and ignore science.

Ready to toss all the left handed people in the trash again?

Are black people the fringe in white society?

Are white people the fringe in sub-saharan African society?

Amazing how people still use the Bible to denigrate others and ignore science.
Thanks for ripping this all out of contest.