Wild speculation


So it goes ...
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London UK
Does anybody wonder over the fact that Jesus Christ offered Himself as the 'Paschal Lamb' (cf 1 Corinthians 5:7), the 'perfect sacrifice' – "And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." (Hebrews 10:10) – "For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified." (Hebrews 10"14).

And that within a generation the practice of Sacrifice would cease ...
Of course. That is central to my understanding of the matter.

Jesus wasn't just any Lamb, He was *the* specific Lamb.

But in order to understand the significance, one must first understand Passover, and the significance of that Holy Day.

So what is the "wild speculation" of the title?
That some
It's central to my understanding of the matter.
I think its axiomatic to most of Christendom.

So what is the "wild speculation" of the title?
His bringing an end to Temple sacrifice within a generation of the destruction of the Temple.

Some might consider his Incarnation as providential ... a bit tongue-in-cheek.
An end to Temple sacrifice within a generation *by* the destruction of the Temple.

I think this is a crucial moment in history glossed over by all but the Jews.

While Jesus' sacrifice may be axiomatic, I think most Christians don't give it much thought, and few pulpits put any emphasis. What little emphasis there is, is confined to Easter.

So, what does the Paschal Lamb mean to you, my friend Thomas? If the Paschal Lamb is an axiom of Christianity, perhaps you could explain how that fits into the paradigm?
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An end to Temple sacrifice within a generation *by* the destruction of the Temple.
Yep. My slip.

So, what does the Paschal Lamb mean to you, my friend Thomas? If the Paschal Lamb is an axiom of Christianity, perhaps you could explain how that fits into the paradigm?
The Paschal Mystery is how God draws all into union with Him – the Son hoist high, his arms spread wide in acceptance of all.

A lot to be said, but I'm not in the right place to do so succinctly at this present time.
I never understood any of it. Never understood tossing virgins in volcanoes...talk about last ditch thinking...the volcano keeps erupting...well we like young girls...maybe molten Lava will too.

So then we quit human sacrifice and think since we like meat...gods will too? Dang mythology was powerful.

We gave up blood sacrifice...but still think we need to kill and grill to sustain life?

I am just always confused. Still understand none of it.
I am just always confused. Still understand none of it.
To me sacrifice means surrendering material attachments. It was giving to God a valuable animal from the herd, or in the case of Abraham, even his own most beloved son. It wasn't about the blood. But the concept of sacrifice became corrupted to mean the blood on the altar and not the giving of oneself to God. Sacrifice became a 'whipping boy'. Christ came to fix that? And more, of course ...
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Does anybody wonder over the fact that Jesus Christ offered Himself as the 'Paschal Lamb' (cf 1 Corinthians 5:7), the 'perfect sacrifice' – "And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." (Hebrews 10:10) – "For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified." (Hebrews 10"14).

And that within a generation the practice of Sacrifice would cease ...
I consider that every Manifestation that brings God's Messages, give their lives as a sacrifice so that we may be given God's Mercy and bounty. The age of the Messengers is our day of Judgement.

The Story of the Bab is parallel to that of Jesus, Jesus Message was for 3 years, the Bab Message lasted 6 years, from the year AH1260, 1844 to 1850.

Regards Tony
But then I read the priests and temple keepers ate the food...

Suddenly made sense why they said ya gotta donate your best your fattest..

Similar to televangelists with private jets saying they need more money...
None of which has anything to do with the spiritual concept of sacrificing material attachments and fasting in order to become open to the Spirit?

"Those who know the secret of sacrifice, and engaging in it, partake of its remnants that are like nectar, advance toward the absolute truth. O best of the kurus, those who perform no sacrifice find no happiness either in this world or the next ... If one offers to Me with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or even water, I delightfully partake of that item offered with love ...
(Bhagavad Gita 4:31; 9:26)
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I never understood any of it.
I don't think any contemporary sensibility does, or indeed can.

But then, we sacrifice the lives of young black men to keep the penal system going because it supports the economy and we would have to shoulder a greater burden if we didn't.

And we sacrifice the future of the Third World on the altar of our consumer gods.

And we rape the planet for better, smarter tech ... so it's not that far removed, really.

So then we quit human sacrifice and think since we like meat...gods will too? Dang mythology was powerful.
'Was powerful'? Still are, my friend. Just new clothes.
Homily on the Pasch (On the Passover, or Peri Pascha) Melito of Sardis, written c.170)

1. First of all, the Scripture about the Hebrew Exodus has been read and the words of the mystery have been explained as to how the sheep was sacrificed and the people were saved.

2. Therefore, understand this, O beloved: The mystery of the passover is new and old, eternal and temporal, corruptible and incorruptible, mortal and immortal in this fashion:

3. It is old insofar as it concerns the law, but new insofar as it concerns the gospel; temporal insofar as it concerns the type, eternal because of grace; corruptible because of the sacrifice of the sheep, incorruptible because of the life of the Lord; mortal because of his burial in the earth, immortal because of his resurrection from the dead.

4. The law is old, but the gospel is new; the type was for a time, but grace is forever. The sheep was corruptible, but the Lord is incorruptible, who was crushed as a lamb, but who was resurrected as God. For although he was led to sacrifice as a sheep, yet he was not a sheep; and although he was as a lamb without voice, yet indeed he was not a lamb. The one was the model; the other was found to be the finished product.

5. For God replaced the lamb, and a man the sheep; but in the man was Christ, who contains all things.

6. Hence, the sacrifice of the sheep, and the sending of the lamb to slaughter, and the writing of the law – each led to and issued in Christ, for whose sake everything happened in the ancient law, and even more so in the new gospel.

7. For indeed the law issued in the gospel – the old in the new, both coming forth together from Zion and Jerusalem; and the commandment issued in grace, and the type in the finished product, and the lamb in the Son, and the sheep in a man, and the man in God.

8. For the one who was born as Son, and led to slaughter as a lamb, and sacrificed as a sheep, and buried as a man, rose up from the dead as God, since he is by nature both God and man.

9. He is everything: in that he judges he is law, in that he teaches he is gospel, in that he saves he is grace, in that he begets he is Father, in that he is begotten he is Son, in that he suffers he is sheep, in that he is buried he is man, in that he comes to life again he is God.

10. Such is Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever. Amen.

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How does his not understanding validate your point? What point did it validate? Sorry, somehow wasn't clear to me either.
"While Jesus' sacrifice may be axiomatic, I think most Christians don't give it much thought, and few pulpits put any emphasis. What little emphasis there is, is confined to Easter."
"While Jesus' sacrifice may be axiomatic, I think most Christians don't give it much thought, and few pulpits put any emphasis. What little emphasis there is, is confined to Easter."
Interesting.... while easter has its pomp and circumstance, a whole ceremony of prep leading up and thru it.

I think the sacrifice (or maybe the reward) is what most Christians focus on...tis what they bought into. Maybe not the sacrifice, but the promise. He died for your sins....now it may be different as we travel from Catholics to Protestants to me...but each seem fully aware that he made a choice 33 years in...
Interesting.... while easter has its pomp and circumstance, a whole ceremony of prep leading up and thru it.

I think the sacrifice (or maybe the reward) is what most Christians focus on...tis what they bought into. Maybe not the sacrifice, but the promise. He died for your sins....now it may be different as we travel from Catholics to Protestants to me...but each seem fully aware that he made a choice 33 years in...
Being aware doesn't mean the sacrifice isn't taken for granted.
but each seem fully aware that he made a choice 33 years in...
He made the choice before his birth, imo.
He always knew what was going to happen
easter has its pomp and circumstance, a whole ceremony of prep leading up and thru it.
It is the most important Christian feast, really -- the feast of the Resurrection?
I think the sacrifice (or maybe the reward) is what most Christians focus on.
Don't you accept that sacrifice of material attachments can give any benefits in this present life? The 'peace that passes understanding' -- the freedom from desire that leads to inner peace?

It's like when I quit smoking, and finally freed myself from that attachment, I suddenly didn't have to worry about carrying cigarettes around anymore. It was a great release ...
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