Why I take the Bible literally


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Texas, USA
I wanted to address this to explain why I might be intolerant of those that take the bible out of context or pick and choose passages they like and leave out the rest.

I believe with all my heart that it's God's direct message to me. Think about how Holy and Sacred that would make it that God spoke and the written Word is the result. To deny that is blasphemy to me but I understand that not everyone believes as I do.. but when Scripture is twisted beyond recognition it would be as if I was giving permission for someone to blaspheme God by not answering back.

Ok as to why I take it literally. Question if you were wrong in interpreting it in a way God did not intend and developed a false teachings and shared that teaching with others.. the bible says their blood is on your hands. If I take it literally then when I face God I can stand on the fact that I took Him at His Word and didn't put my Self into it.

What this means. Yes the earth was created in six literal days. The earth is approximately 6000 years old. I'm more and more convinced we are not traveling around the sun 67000 mph and we are in an enclosed environment. I believe there is a place of torment Sheol and a Lake of Fire Hell. If I'm wrong then I'll find out later but by taking it literally I am secure in not fabricating based on mans teaching.

I believe the Bible is complete and doesn't need further interpretation or messengers with a different message. God's plan of Salvation is clear and that's what it's all about. How He is dealing with Mans rebellion and how He made a way for our redemption. I feel secure in my Salvation and it boggles my mind that someone could possibly try to convince me that it's wrong and they have a different truth. Funny right?

What a wild ride this is!
I wanted to address this to explain why I might be intolerant of those that take the bible out of context or pick and choose passages they like and leave out the rest.

I believe with all my heart that it's God's direct message to me. Think about how Holy and Sacred that would make it that God spoke and the written Word is the result. To deny that is blasphemy to me but I understand that not everyone believes as I do.. but when Scripture is twisted beyond recognition it would be as if I was giving permission for someone to blaspheme God by not answering back.

Ok as to why I take it literally. Question if you were wrong in interpreting it in a way God did not intend and developed a false teachings and shared that teaching with others.. the bible says their blood is on your hands. If I take it literally then when I face God I can stand on the fact that I took Him at His Word and didn't put my Self into it.

What this means. Yes the earth was created in six literal days. The earth is approximately 6000 years old. I'm more and more convinced we are not traveling around the sun 67000 mph and we are in an enclosed environment. I believe there is a place of torment Sheol and a Lake of Fire Hell. If I'm wrong then I'll find out later but by taking it literally I am secure in not fabricating based on mans teaching.

I believe the Bible is complete and doesn't need further interpretation or messengers with a different message. God's plan of Salvation is clear and that's what it's all about. How He is dealing with Mans rebellion and how He made a way for our redemption. I feel secure in my Salvation and it boggles my mind that someone could possibly try to convince me that it's wrong and they have a different truth. Funny right?

What a wild ride this is!
It is indeed a ride we are all taking. I would offer the words of the Bible do indeed speak to us, they are light and life.

I see science is a great bounty. Science has taught us that the Bible is indeed a spiritual guide, that the Words contain metephor and a reference to deeper spiritual concepts.

Seeing the Bible as literal, may be the essence of 'Man's Teaching', it may be the trap you are so passionately trying to avoid, it may be the path away from God.

Both Love and Fear can be our downfall.

I just wish you all the best, much love and a strong faith. Regards Tony
A day is the time the earth revolves on it's own axis. A year is the time the earth revolves around the sun.


Rocks each many millions of years old ...

It is indeed a ride we are all taking. I would offer the words of the Bible do indeed speak to us, they are light and life.

I see science is a great bounty. Science has taught us that the Bible is indeed a spiritual guide, that the Words contain metephor and a reference to deeper spiritual concepts.

Seeing the Bible as literal, may be the essence of 'Man's Teaching', it may be the trap you are so passionately trying to avoid, it may be the path away from God.

Both Love and Fear can be our downfall.

I just wish you all the best, much love and a strong faith. Regards Tony
Thanks for the lesson @Tony Bristow-Stagg
We are all so glad and lucky around here to have such a great and wise teacher as you are in our midst
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A day is the time the earth revolves on it's own axis. A year is the time the earth revolves around the sun.


Rocks each many millions of years old ...
Time, a reality we all face 😃 All the best RJM, have a most wonderful and happy day, but for you it will be night I guess, it is 5am for me. Regards Tony
A day is the time the earth revolves on it's own axis. A year is the time the earth revolves around the sun.

View attachment 3453

Rocks each many millions of years old ...
I could get into a deep conversation about all this. Who says that the rocks are billions of years old?

God created the rocks in the condition they are in now.

Who says that the day and year are revolutions around the sun? The bible doesn't say it.. the bible says many times that the earth is fixed in place and shall not be moved. Joshua commanded the sun and moon to stand still.. not the earth.

It's enough for me to question what I'm being told when it's in conflict with what the bible says. Whether I'm right or wrong I don't question it.. I'll find out eventually.
It is indeed a ride we are all taking. I would offer the words of the Bible do indeed speak to us, they are light and life.

I see science is a great bounty. Science has taught us that the Bible is indeed a spiritual guide, that the Words contain metephor and a reference to deeper spiritual concepts.

Seeing the Bible as literal, may be the essence of 'Man's Teaching', it may be the trap you are so passionately trying to avoid, it may be the path away from God.

Both Love and Fear can be our downfall.

I just wish you all the best, much love and a strong faith. Regards Tony
I can already tell this is going to get nasty and I can already tell I'm going to be patronized. I did not come by this without a lot of mental spiritual and emotional struggle and a lot of research.

About 8 years ago was talking to my brother about a mutual childhood friend... I asked if he was saved and my brother said that the friend said no that Christians were all flat earth believers and crazy. I was dumbfounded and insulted to the core.. I had never heard of this.. so doing my due diligence I started researching.. I spent hours and hours watching you tube videos and reading and I saw enough to put a bit of doubt in me. So I went to God and I prayed for 3 days straight. I submitted it to God and told Him if it was in His Word I asked Him to show me.

Everytime I opened my bible I literally saw something that claimed this.. it was creation itself that convinced me. This was 8 years ago and now they've censored so much of it that you have to really look for the information. The video that really put doubt into me was the rocket with multiple camera angles shot up and hit dead stop. You can still find that video.

I'm not looking to defend or prove this theory because it's exhausting but I've managed to convince several people who thought I was crazy. If one is seriously curious the information is out there.

The big question I'm asked is why would "they" lie. Are you serious? That lie that started with Copernicus led to the big bang theory and Darwin's theory of Evolution which I believe led to the worship of science. Life on other planets and heliocentricity instead of geocentricity. . and rejection of a Creator with the plan for Salvation for MANKIND and not some green entity from another planet.

I've asked Him to reveal the lies and He has been faithful.

This is not a salvation issue this just happens to be something I believe for me and I find great comfort that we aren't spinning around in circles at insane speeds around a sun that could blow up at any moment. I find comfort that we are established in place and the footstool of God Almighty.
What this means. Yes the earth was created in six literal days. The earth is approximately 6000 years old. I'm more and more convinced we are not traveling around the sun 67000 mph and we are in an enclosed environment. I believe there is a place of torment Sheol and a Lake of Fire Hell. If I'm wrong then I'll find out later but by taking it literally I am secure in not fabricating based on mans teaching.

What is the purpose of this place of torment?
What is the purpose of this place of torment?

You can read it for yourself
As the forum is christianity...we should couch questions from a Christian perspective.

Within the Christian perspective their are a wide variety of thought (3k+ sects or denominations)

But as to literal interpretations...which version are we taking literally? King James I believe was famously bisexual yet many who are anti homosexual and sex outside of marriage take his version of the Bible as the go to source.

Literal 6 day creation and 6k old earth are hard pills to swallow when we have so much proven science that show otherwise.

I know that some feel dinosaur bones were put here by G!d to test our faith, others believe if G!d could create heaven and earth He surely could make it look old as well, still others insist dinos and man walked here simultaneously.

Ignoring science just find too many challenges to be literal for me. Gen1 creation or Gen2? 2 of each animal or 7? To start with.
Some translations are more literal, whereas others are not. It makes a difference.
You asked which I read and I say I read them all.. if you want to know which I study I use the blue letter bible for side by side comparison that also utilizes the Greek lexicon.
Everytime I opened my bible I literally saw something that claimed this.. it was creation itself that convinced me. This was 8 years ago and now they've censored so much of it that you have to really look for the information. The video that really put doubt into me was the rocket with multiple camera angles shot up and hit dead stop. You can still find that video.
I am not sure what video you're referring to here.
As the forum is christianity...we should couch questions from a Christian perspective.

Within the Christian perspective their are a wide variety of thought (3k+ sects or denominations)
Firstly.. I can only speak from my Christian perspective as @RJM describes as a literalist non denominational trinitarian 🤭

But as to literal interpretations...which version are we taking literally? King James I believe was famously bisexual yet many who are anti homosexual and sex outside of marriage take his version of the Bible as the go to source.
I answered this in a previous message
Literal 6 day creation and 6k old earth are hard pills to swallow when we have so much proven science that show otherwise.
How long should these 6 days be? Since plants and trees were created before the sun.. how would that work?
I know that some feel dinosaur bones were put here by G!d to test our faith, others believe if G!d could create heaven and earth He surely could make it look old as well, still others insist dinos and man walked here simultaneously.
The bible has dinosaurs.. Job has descriptions of leviathan and behemoth. One sounds remarkably like a dragon. 😊

Ignoring science just find too many challenges to be literal for me. Gen1 creation or Gen2? 2 of each animal or 7? To start with.

He told Noah to bring 7 of the clean animals because after the flood the consumption of meat would be permitted and 2 of unclean and these were all "after their kind".. so it would not be two lions and two tigers it would just be two Panthera genus or Canis genus for dogs.

I don't believe blindly.. He gave us thinking minds to use and to reason with. In my years of study I had to reason all of this for myself. I have a thirst for knowledge of His Word.. I may not know much of anything else but He has given me more than enough to spend my time on.
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