Why I take the Bible literally

Look.. I get that this is a lot. When I first started researching I felt like the rug got yanked out from under my feet.. like everything I've ever known was a lie. It literally made me feel sick to my stomach. I feel like I was brainwashed and I was coming out from under a cloud. It seriously messed me up and it wasn't until I did a deep search in the bible and prayer fervently that God gave me peace and comfort. What it also did was open my eyes up to many other lies we are told and it caused me to study the REAL history of the USA. There are a lot of lies out there.
I don't believe blindly.. He gave us thinking minds to use and to reason with. In my years of study I had to reason all of this for myself. I have a thirst for knowledge of His Word.. I may not know much of anything else but He has given me more than enough to spend my time on.
May we one and all dive headlong in to the Ocean of God's Word for the pearl's of great price.

Regards Tony
See #26 below
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What do you think is happening here?

I see a rocket jettison a flight stage to fall back to earth, releasing the satellite into orbit and then picking up a flash of the sun every time it turns on its own axis?

No idea what the other (weather balloon) is supposed to prove? The curvature of the earth is not really apparent at that stratospheric balloon height of around 50km*

*A curvature of 1° appears as a circle of angular radius of 57.3° corresponding to an altitude of approximately 2640 km above Earth's surface. (Say the video comments)

Sorry, I don't see how flat earthers cannot see the irony of posting theories from a mobile phone or computer that relies on heliocentric physics and orbiting satellite technology ...
This is not a salvation issue this just happens to be something I believe for me
Glad to know that ;)

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I wanted to address this to explain why I might be intolerant of those that take the bible out of context or pick and choose passages they like and leave out the rest.

I believe with all my heart that it's God's direct message to me. Think about how Holy and Sacred that would make it that God spoke and the written Word is the result. To deny that is blasphemy to me but I understand that not everyone believes as I do.. but when Scripture is twisted beyond recognition it would be as if I was giving permission for someone to blaspheme God by not answering back.

Ok as to why I take it literally. Question if you were wrong in interpreting it in a way God did not intend and developed a false teachings and shared that teaching with others.. the bible says their blood is on your hands. If I take it literally then when I face God I can stand on the fact that I took Him at His Word and didn't put my Self into it.

What this means. Yes the earth was created in six literal days. The earth is approximately 6000 years old. I'm more and more convinced we are not traveling around the sun 67000 mph and we are in an enclosed environment. I believe there is a place of torment Sheol and a Lake of Fire Hell. If I'm wrong then I'll find out later but by taking it literally I am secure in not fabricating based on mans teaching.

I believe the Bible is complete and doesn't need further interpretation or messengers with a different message. God's plan of Salvation is clear and that's what it's all about. How He is dealing with Mans rebellion and how He made a way for our redemption. I feel secure in my Salvation and it boggles my mind that someone could possibly try to convince me that it's wrong and they have a different truth. Funny right?

What a wild ride this is!
I love /sic/ your candidness.

For one person to have different beliefs than another does not mean one is igniring or "denying" science. It means that different people, with different backgrounds and experiences, looking at the same bits of evidence, reach different conclusions. That happens in every field (biology, physics, philosophy, literature) and in no field (which ice cream bar tastes best, what makes the best pet, whose dad is the dtrongest).

Human beings have spoken freely from the beginning. One does not need an alleged formal science education before one is fully competent to discusd science any more than one needs a formal art education before one can draw competently, or a degree in film and cinema before one can critique films, or a degree in education before one can teach. Should only people with formal degrees in religion be allowed to participate in interfaith discussion and the dummies<s> that can't prove by a piece of paper that they are smart enough be ostracized?

I consider religious faith to be an integral part of being human. I admire those with faith, conviction, confidence, especially Christians. I pity those who don't understand or appreciate the value and usefulness of those and other common religious traits
What do you think is happening here?

I see a rocket jettison a flight stage to fall back to earth, releasing the satellite into orbit and then picking up a flash of the sun every time it turns on its own axis?

No idea what the other (weather balloon) is supposed to prove? The curvature of the earth is not really apparent at that stratospheric balloon height of around 50km*

*A curvature of 1° appears as a circle of angular radius of 57.3° corresponding to an altitude of approximately 2640 km above Earth's surface. (Say the video comments)

Sorry, I don't see how flat earthers cannot see the irony of posting theories from a mobile phone or computer that relies on heliocentric physics and orbiting satellite technology ...

Glad to know that ;)

That's not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing the rocket stop suddenly at the dome and continue to spin as it did it's entire way up. Remember we are supposed to be traveling 18.5 mps I believe both videos show a local sun. I don't believe we have satellites orbiting in space.. every image I see on Google look like pure CGI to me. I believe everything is ran through fiber optic cables underneath the sea.

Neither have anything to do with satellites orbiting space.

Project Fishbowl was a huge one to me. I believe they were trying to break through the firmament.

I am open to proof because this is still just a theory for me. I do not rely on what I see on TV as they can make something like Avatar Way of the Water look so realistic or the 30 billion in taxpayer money for some imaginary space program called NASA that just happens to be Hebrew for to deceive or to beguile.

I do not believe that we ever walked on the moon with some janky looking equipment and photos that look like the set and props of the old Lost in Space TV show or how they *lost* the ability to go there again?? My favorite is Nixon calling on an old rotary phone to talk to the astronauts on the moon. The Van Allen radiation belt just suddenly happens to be impassable?

Like I said I didn't come to this conclusion blindly. I had to dig deep and this is just my personal belief.. and it's not a salvation issue. I asked God to please never let me be deceived again because this one just happened to break my heart in a million pieces.
That's not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing the rocket stop suddenly at the dome and continue to spin as it did it's entire way up. Remember we are supposed to be traveling 18.5 mps I believe both videos show a local sun. I don't believe we have satellites orbiting in space.. every image I see on Google look like pure CGI to me. I believe everything is ran through fiber optic cables underneath the sea.

Neither have anything to do with satellites orbiting space.

Project Fishbowl was a huge one to me. I believe they were trying to break through the firmament.

I am open to proof because this is still just a theory for me. I do not rely on what I see on TV as they can make something like Avatar Way of the Water look so realistic or the 30 billion in taxpayer money for some imaginary space program called NASA that just happens to be Hebrew for to deceive or to beguile.

I do not believe that we ever walked on the moon with some janky looking equipment and photos that look like the set and props of the old Lost in Space TV show or how they *lost* the ability to go there again?? My favorite is Nixon calling on an old rotary phone to talk to the astronauts on the moon. The Van Allen radiation belt just suddenly happens to be impassable?

Like I said I didn't come to this conclusion blindly. I had to dig deep and this is just my personal belief.. and it's not a salvation issue. I asked God to please never let me be deceived again because this one just happened to break my heart in a million pieces.
I concede that much internet technology is terrestrial. I wanted to clear that. But the heliocentric science is the same used for GPS and space applications. I mean, do you think the people who design computers don't know what's going on elsewhere in the field of science?

IMO its not really possible for there to be any sort of reasonable communication about 21st Century science starting from a premise that Copernicus was a set-up.

I need to stay away from this one

Wish you well, though ;)
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@Faithfulservant -

I am really staying out of this discussion, but two things caught my eye that do need to be noted - 1) I assume that it was simply a digital hiccup that had you substituting Moses for Noah when you wrote about animal selection for the ark - 2) The Hebrew word you cited as sounding just like NASA…. does not sound just like NASA. The Hebrew letter shin is pronounced “sh”.
@Faithfulservant -

I am really staying out of this discussion, but two things caught my eye that do need to be noted - 1) I assume that it was simply a digital hiccup that had you substituting Moses for Noah when you wrote about animal selection for the ark - 2) The Hebrew word you cited as sounding just like NASA…. does not sound just like NASA. The Hebrew letter shin is pronounced “sh”.
Oops yeah my mistake on the Moses and Noah thing.. I read through Wils post too quickly. I also understand that nasa is pronounced Nasha but being the spelling is the same is the link I was making
I also understand that nasa is pronounced Nasha
Nope. It's Naw-shaw

I REALLY have to leave this thread
Logging out now ...
I REALLY have to leave this thread
Logging out now ...
Probably because I think you are taking this personally. Lol. I see this a lot btw.. it makes people mad. How dare you question science. It's ok my skin is pretty thick at this point.

I never understood why it's easier to believe that the universe is this ever expanding endless thing with hundreds of galaxies and uncountable planets stars and suns than an enclosed environment hanging on nothing fixed and unmoveable Did God really create all this chaos and uncertainty? All the major religions have flat earth believers and have their own ancient cosmology maps. It wasn't until mid 19th century that Americans started adding the globes into schools.

Why would Joshua command the sun and moon to stand still and not the earth?

It looks like this guy, or someone similar:

Some flat earthers have picked it up and put it on tik-tok to say it hit the SKY -- lol, lol, lol
When I read that, I immediately thought of a line in a song by Jimi Hendrix(Purple Haze) which says "Excuse me while I kiss the sky".
So, I called upon Google which yields:

  • Hendrix claimed this was inspired by a dream where he was walking under the sea. In the dream, he said a purple haze surrounded him, engulfed him and got him lost. It was a traumatic experience, but in his dream his faith in Jesus saved him.
Full article at https://www.songfacts.com/facts/jimi-hendrix/purple-haze.

This is what convinced me and the questions it brought up.
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

What waters? Read further

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

What is this light? So there is light not of the sun?

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

waters above and below the firmament?

9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

so why would God create grass herbs and trees before the sun? If the sun was so important as heliocentricity claims?

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

so much here. He already created day and night but He created the sun moon and stars for signs for seasons and days and years. Wait the moon gives off light? So the stars aren't suns billions of miles away? How does this even support heliocentricity? Why has the sun been made so important to life as we know it? But that's for another discussion maybe

Ignoring science just find too many challenges to be literal for me. Gen1 creation or Gen2? 2 of each animal or 7? To start with.
It was brought to my attention that I may have read through your post too quickly. I apologize.

Rather than type up a huge post of why the creation acct in Genesis 1 and 2 I'm just going to link a post that explains it for me better than I could explain it myself. As far as the number of animals my mind went straight to Noah and the Ark.
