Tony Bristow-Stagg
One Planet One People Please
That is the issue. It is harming the very thing you Love, it is making a mockery of Faith in Jesus the Christ in an age of discovery. It is when knowledge becomes a veil to truth.I just don't understand who I'm harming by believing what I believe.
Consider the harm you are imparting, you are basically accusing all those that try to show you the sound evidence as being part of a conspiracy to veil people from the truth of our material existence, when that truth is very easily researched and confirmed as trustworthy and truthful.
It is good you brought this topic out, as these are all God given challenges, for all of us, as this life is about self discovery.
"Dost thou deem thyself a small and puny form,When thou foldest within thyself the greater world?"
Regards Tony