Why I take the Bible literally

Means that 93% of the Brazilians know that the earth 🌎 is round. And 100% of Brazilian pilots know it, else they would get lost...
Interesting statistics for Brazil since we are using sarcasm.

The number of Muslims in Brazil, according to the 2010 census, was 35,207 out of a population of approximately 191 million people. This corresponds to 0.018% of the Brazilian population.

According to the 2010 census, the most recently available data from official sources, 65 percent of the population is Catholic, 22 percent Protestant, 8 percent irreligious (including atheists, agnostics, and deists), and 2 percent Spiritist.Jun 2, 2022

The people in Brazil know that Jesus is Lord God and aren't lost.
David Weissd debates a scientist

Yeah and that's all your going to find on you tube these days. You tube admits to suppressing Flat Earth content. Not impressed at all with the selection. That also proves my point.
Yeah and that's all your going to find on you tube these days. You tube admits to suppressing Flat Earth content. Not impressed at all with the selection. That also proves my point.
It's not really for flat earthers who as you admit would only be convinced by walking on the moon themselves. It's to demonstrate how actual science and evidence work.

But ... yeah: the fact is a person can believe in God and that the earth is round too -- because it really is -- so ...

Outta here now :)
I just have to say that the number is growing exponentially. Maybe part of it is distrust in what we are being told without being able to experience it ourselves. The government has been proven to be liars and what pocket are scientists in and have been.

I think they should offer a seat to an established flat earther on the next ship to outer space. That would shut the whole thing down. The community would trust David Weiss or Mark Sargent 😊

Where I live, I have noticed in recent years several people becoming flat-Earthers. People that I thought never would believe such a thing.

As I progress my year-count, very little surprises me anymore.

Personally I have sat through a few flat-Earth conversations and am not convinced. The flat -Earthers I know rarely make it a topic of conversation.

It's actually not important to me. If it was shown that the Earth is flat, I am wondering what difference it would make to day-to-day living, if anything apart from WOW.

I am glad you are content in your beliefs.

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Where I live, I have noticed in recent years several people becoming flat-Earthers. People that I thought never would believe such a thing.

As I progress my year-count, very little surprises me anymore.

Personally I have sat through a few flat-Earth conversations and am not convinced. The flat -Earthers I know rarely make it a topic of conversation.

It's actually not important to me. If it was shown that the Earth is flat, I am wondering what difference it would make to day-to-day living, if anything apart from WOW.

I am glad you are content in your beliefs.

I appreciate your grace and understanding! It's not important to me either as it just provides me comfort but it's not something that I would I judge someone else for not believing. Flat earthers don't bring it up in conversation as it can be very angsty. This thread has been pretty mild with a few exceptions from people that surprised me a bit. I refuse to feel shame for my convictions as much as others feel I should 😊
Social media has been lambasted for allowing promotion of false information on COVID and other things. So naturally they have probably slap dashedly come up with policies for how to handle promotion of false information of any kind.
Have to love the thought police right?
they are dishonest with the public with what they know specifically things that we have to rely on their trustworthiness to accept
Who is "they"? All scientists? Of all kinds? Particular scientists? Authorities in high places? To WHOM are you referring?
Anybody can be dishonest with the public. The reason I don't buy a mass conspiracy of scientists is even just having a glimpse into the world of research when I was in graduate school -- researchers of all kinds compete to outdo each other. Often they are competing to get to the truth first, some are trying to prove their pet theories, etc. They pick each other's ideas apart. The idea they could all be in on a mass conspiracy is laughable. All it would take is a few rogues to talk to ambitious gonzo journalists and bust it wide open.
it makes people mad. How dare you question science.
People get really mad when religion is questioned. People get mad when philosophical or political ideas are questioned. People get mad when their sports teams or favorite celebrities are critiqued. It has more to do with none of us really being taught how to cope with opposing viewpoints and managing our reactions. Any of us can get exasperated when someone goes on about something we are quite sure is wrong.
People get really mad when religion is questioned. People get mad when philosophical or political ideas are questioned. People get mad when their sports teams or favorite celebrities are critiqued. It has more to do with none of us really being taught how to cope with opposing viewpoints and managing our reactions. Any of us can get exasperated when someone goes on about something we are quite sure is wrong.
Yeah.. I don't quite see it that way. The amount of vitriole is not normal . It wasn't for antivaxxers and trump supporters.. pro-lifers.. this is just recent history. We can go back and see how people reacted during the civil rights movement and our military serving in Vietnam. It's not normal but the list goes on. People need to just chill out and let people be . It's like a pack of wolves descending on the "different" one. I'm non conformist and always have been.
Have to love the thought police right?
As Tina Turner said, what's love got to do with it?♫☺♪♫.

Earlier in the 20th century, the early years when movies were new and then mid-century when they were more established - there were all kinds of censorship codes. Good, solid moral middle America couldn't believe what was out there. Filth, they would say, trash. Happened with TV, with rock music explicit lyrics, video games with violent content, etc. Often the objections were from religious conservatives, who objected to whatever it was that challenged what they thought was right. But they would not be the only ones wanting to restrict things. Left leaning feminism often becomes political bedfellows with religious conservatives not wanting pornographic material around whatsoever. There's always something people object to, either for moral reasons, or sometimes, as with scientific topics just not wanting false information to be presented as if it were the equal of true information.

You could always try to convince people to just accept the alternative, promotion of all kinds of ideas that are blatantly wrong or incorrect, or unproven, or immoral, or violent, or hate filled, or or or or with no policies around it whatsoever, and just let everyone sort it out for themselves.

Or suggest some kind of middle ground -- whatever that would look like.

The philosophical reasoning as to what the restrictions are becomes legal reasoning, as at least in the US is under the body of First Amendment law. https://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/the-first-amendment-and-you-what-everyone-should-know This course is AWESOME and explains A LOT of the thinking behind these ideas.
I hope it's okay to put this link in here -- it's to a commercial site but not anything owned by me. It's a lecture course produced by Great Courses.

But anything OTHER than having no policies at all limiting anything, and letting absolutely everything go no holds barred:
ANY alternative means limiting SOMETHING for SOME REASON AND:
It would still result in someone mumbling about how THEIR stuff got suppressed and being suspicious as to WHY? 😒🤨
This is a dishonestly doctored video, as a google search will show, Aldrin is really explaining that America did not go back to the moon after the Apollo missions because now that had been done, new money was allocated for new space exploration missions. I've just selected one article, but there are lots of them to be found:
Kinda thought so as his words seemed so cryptic and indirect.
It depends on who is in control of said thought policing. We saw a lot of it on Facebook and You Tube most recently and we know our own history books are not true. I disagree 100% because when you give an inch someone with an agenda is bound to take a mile.