I couldn't agree more. There a lot of double standards between modern scientific claims and believers in God.
God says in his book vs. science has proven. Irrefutable.
Studies have shown...
God knows best vs. scientists know best.
A lot of hypocrisy.
I do not believe in the spherical earth or dinosaurs, aliens, time travel other dimensions and many other modern absurdities.
I wholeheartedly believe that the earth is flat and is 12,000 years old (six days of creation (a day with God is but a thousand years of what you reckon according to St. Peter in one of his epistles).
I'm aware that this is something hard for most people to understand but we have been lied to since the day we are born at home, in school on tv etc.
We don't even get a chance to know what rational thinking is before we are already brainwashed into all of the ridiculous modern beliefs that scientists lie about and have us taught before we are even old enough to think of any alternative theories.
Check out my post elsewhere:
Why is it that the planetoi (wandering stars or as we say now, the 8 planets) lighter and hotter from further away but darker and colder from much closer up?
Why do does it immediately turn dark when spaceships leave the o-zone layer with the sun facing right in front of them (they leave the earth in daylight but it immediately turns dark as they leave (no more sun rays), then when they look at the earth, there is no sign of an ozone layer, just normal day light.
Not to mention, if it was just gathered light particles under the ozone layer, than why does it get cooler and darker when under shade?
Why do they do this, because it makes people feel like they are pointless and there is no higher purpose, makes us feel too insignificant if we can believe such ridiculous things as earth (the ground) being a millions of years old and there being just about endless space as you go high up in the sky thus making people much easier for those in power to control and use for their own objectives.
Since I know there is a lot of propaganda out there, I'm trying to be discreet in what I'm saying so I don't get typecast or ridiculed but I believe in a huge conspiracy in the highest levels of academia to teach fake science while they hide the real science for themselves.