Our thoughts and prayers...

OK, flip side of the question.

You being a believer and me being a non believer....

Highly hypocritical as far as I am concerned...but do you want me to lie and say my thoughts and prayers are with you or lie and say I will pray for you?

Or would you rather hear an honest, "I hope you feel better?"

My cardiologist wanted to pray with me before open heart surgery....and I thought wtaf? I did not get a new doc....yet.
OK, flip side of the question.

You being a believer and me being a non believer....

Highly hypocritical as far as I am concerned...but do you want me to lie and say my thoughts and prayers are with you or lie and say I will pray for you?

Or would you rather hear an honest, "I hope you feel better?"

My cardiologist wanted to pray with me before open heart surgery....and I thought wtaf? I did not get a new doc....yet.
I would personally would stick with that Doc, he wants the best for you.

You could say I am happy for you to pray for me, if you think it helps. You can offer, I do not think it does. You could hear what he will ask for you and you could offer your hopes for the outcome of the operation in return.

After all, the knife in hand is guided by a mind that wants to acheive the best outcome both materially and spirituality for the patient being worked upon. If you get the former, the later does not have to be considered.

If the former goes terribly wrong, we'll the later is something we will face or will not. 😁👌 (Aussie Humour)

Regards Tony
The solution is:
A good guy shot a bad guy while he was sleeping. Through this deed, he is a murderer, thus he is to be counted among the bad guys.

What I want to point out is that if you have a gun, there may come the temptation to use it.
It's an old trick of Shaitan to make people think they are fighting for good and make them evil.
How then does a good man defend himself from an evil man? The logic must be considered from both sides.

Another way to consider...is every man always good? There is a time for every purpose under heaven...a time for war, and a time for peace.
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OK, flip side of the question.

You being a believer and me being a non believer....

Highly hypocritical as far as I am concerned...but do you want me to lie and say my thoughts and prayers are with you or lie and say I will pray for you?

Or would you rather hear an honest, "I hope you feel better?"
Would you rather a glib dismissal with "I hope you feel better?"

Trying to interpret intent in text is VERY difficult. I don't know context, but some folks probably of cultural habit say "my thoughts and prayers." Come on down to the Bible Belt...those words will come out of the lips of every gray haired grandma down here. I sincerely don't understand what the deal is? Especially from someone who has preached Unity at us for decades (better part anyway).

Father, watch over my brother.
The solution is:
A good guy shot a bad guy while he was sleeping. Through this deed, he is a murderer, thus he is to be counted among the bad guys.
But that is incorrect.

A good man would not shoot another without reason (unless it is possibly accidental). So the premise is faulty. A man shot for reason is by definition a bad man, and shooting a bad man with a good reason is good, or at least forgivable. A bad man pretending to be a good man is still a bad man, a good man would not have murderous intent.

To look from another angle, a murderer kills with intent. Causing accidental death is manslaughter, by definition there is no intent to harm. Murder is intent to take the life of a specific person or individual representing a particular group.
What I want to point out is that if you have a gun, there may come the temptation to use it.
It's an old trick of Shaitan to make people think they are fighting for good and make them evil.
The world is full of temptations, as well as good and evil, and we choose every day what path we will take. It is that choice that defines our heart, and it is our heart that will be judged.

It is not what we believe, it is what we do with what we believe.

Back to intent...what is your own personal response to a thousand strangers with murderous intent closing down on you? How about just a dozen of them?
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I sincerely don't understand what the deal is? Especially from someone who has preached Unity at us for decades (better part anyway).
I have regularly claimed to be a nonteistic panenetheist unitic. Yes I believe in positive thinking, affecting my future, but I don't believe the impact happens thru some creator being. I look at Jesus as someone who taught us exactly that. But actual prayer to a G!d without? Not me.
Father, watch over my brother
Lol. Thx!
(I may chuckle at it all in this life, but should any of what you all believe is true I suppose I might could use a good word in the next.)
But that is incorrect.

A good man would not shoot another without reason (unless it is possibly accidental).
I agree. To note that shooting someone accidentally would not be possible without a gun.
So the premise is faulty.
A man shot for reason is by definition a bad man, and shooting a bad man with a good reason is good, or attachments least forgivable.
I disagree:

1. Who's "defining" that he is a bad man? The principle "no penalty without judgment" is part of Islamic rulings as well as for almost all modern stately rulings (it's another subject that there are states where stately prosecution doesn't work or/and the state is ruled by criminals). Death penalty is restricted to a few deeds; classical Sharia mentions rape, adultery, treason, and murder, of which the latter two will only be executed on request of the state or the relatives, respectively. According to John 8, adultery may/should be subject to conditional punishment. Many western countries and U.S. states have abolished death penalty for several reasons.

2. Modern penal systems aim at repentance and reintegration of the offender. This goes well along with Islamic legislation, and even more with Christian teachings. Our first goal should be to incite the sinner to repent and start a new life with the help of God.
A bad man pretending to be a good man is still a bad man, a good man would not have murderous intent. To look from another angle, a murderer kills with intent. Causing accidental death is manslaughter, by definition there is no intent to harm. Murder is intent to take the life of a specific person or individual representing a particular group. The world is full of temptations, as well as good and evil, and we choose every day what path we will take. It is that choice that defines our heart, and it is our heart that will be judged.
It is not what we believe, it is what we do with what we believe.
I agree with all this.
Back to intent...what is your own personal response to a thousand strangers with murderous intent closing down on you? How about just a dozen of them?
There's little chance to survive unless the entire society, organised by the state, fights those people. I don't deny that violence including shooting may be necessary facing armed organised crime. Allowing anyone to shoot anybody without an organised frame will not end violence but usually produces many innocent victims.
I disagree:
1. Who's "defining" that he is a bad man?
While protecting my family, I am.
The principle "no penalty without judgment" is part of Islamic rulings as well as for almost all modern stately rulings (it's another subject that there are states where stately prosecution doesn't work or/and the state is ruled by criminals).
So if a person is murdering your wife in front of you, raping your child in front of you, your answer is to stand by and had the matter over to the authorities and hope they catch the criminal and hope the matter goes before a truthseeking court? When you could have stepped forward and at least made a sincere attempt, even at the cost of your own life to defend those you love and care for and nurture?

Another line from the Desiderata:
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

You are making no provision for self defense, that is an error of logic.
Death penalty is restricted to a few deeds; classical Sharia mentions rape, adultery, treason, and murder, of which the latter two will only be executed on request of the state or the relatives, respectively. According to John 8, adultery may/should be subject to conditional punishment. Many western countries and U.S. states have abolished death penalty for several reasons.
In the moment, none of this matters. A just judge will recognize the situation and exonerate the ones who were attacked. If courts are not just, then the law doesn't really matter anyway.
2. Modern penal systems aim at repentance and reintegration of the offender. This goes well along with Islamic legislation, and even more with Christian teachings. Our first goal should be to incite the sinner to repent and start a new life with the help of God.
See my previous answer. If the mother and father taught the child or allowed the child to be taught to be a criminal, a murderer, a rapist, then why should the parents get rights that are stolen from the family attacked?
There's little chance to survive unless the entire society, organised by the state, fights those people. I don't deny that violence including shooting may be necessary facing armed organised crime. Allowing anyone to shoot anybody without an organised frame will not end violence but usually produces many innocent victims.
There are studies that show quite the opposite.

Police cannot be everywhere. Sometimes they don't even bother to show up.

And in the incidence of war, all bets are off. The old saying is that all is fair in love and war...unless a gummint chooses to follow the Geneva Convention.
The Desiderata begins:

"Go placidly amidst the noise and haste...

Speak your truth, quietly and clearly..."

I know I didn't fully quote Desiderata, but my omission has no intent behind it, there is much wisdom in that beautiful poem. I could as easily cut / paste the full poem here..
I love Desiderata... my mom always had a copy of it floating around when I was little. I wonder what ever became of that little volume she had.
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I guess my emotion on those words is often neutral, to mildly reassuring. The non-verbals that accompany it are pretty much the determining factor
But I agree I would like it if people ask me how I was, and offer to assist IF APPROPRIATE

What I don't quite know is why people verbalize it. If I intend to pray for someone, I don't need to deliver that information to them.
There may be other things I could say that pertain to the situation at hand.
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Best I know to tell you is the Golden Rule. Do unto others...you know? Of course, in my book, what is done unto me is fair game. I don't believe the common teaching of "turn the other cheek." A Christian was never meant to be a doormat.
This was discussed in a bible study I attended long ago. Here's what I found on it now, and it's also referenced in the Wikipedia entry.
IMO the simple fact is the US mass shootings and school shootings would not happen without the public availability of semi-automatic guns. Very few criminal home invasions, street crimes and store robberies etc, involve semi-automatic rifles. The vast majority involve only handguns
Last I heard Switzerland issues an AR style assault weapon to either every adult citizen or every adult male citizen, I forget, point being EVERY home has one.
I'm not sure why the average citizen would need it, unless they are meant to be called up to active duty... but that aside, I had heard that private gun ownership was very high in Switzerland and both crime and gun accidents were very low.
It is criminals committing gun crimes.
Well... by definition those who commit crimes are criminals so...

If only we always knew ahead of time who the criminals were. If only criminals were easily identified from the normal population. If only one could spot them. Predict them. Prevent things. If only.
There were 100 good guys and 100 bad guys.
In the night, all 100 bad guys were asleep.
Then, a shot was heard.
The next day, there were 99 good guys and 100 bad guys.
What happened?
It's awesome when the good guys are easily discerned from the bad guys.

But I think your riddle is solved this way: The good guy shot one of the bad guys in his sleep.
That bad guy is dead, but the good guy changed from a good guy into a bad guy by his actions.
Hence the stated numbers.
(EDIT) I see now you answered your riddle already I didn't see it before I posted.