What type of music is in the bible, difference the music and know what God said is he's music and from the world's music ?


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What music is from God and world music is mistaken. What did he told use the music he wants and instruments ?

The bible says what he told us since the time of the bible. Using harps and trumpets he told Israel to use them.

How to know the violin, saxophone, and piano some are the devil things some playtunes are his.

Ask the question what he told us to play and we can use in music ?
I know there are bible verses that say it's OK to use instruments

So any church that says it's wrong to use instruments is wrong themselves
A good friend said this.

Through history music has been made for various reasons

-To motivate people to war

-As an emphasis on a country, patriotic music

- As a tool for rebellion to someone or something

-As a comfort, as in background music to help pass the day or to play at a resturaunt.

-As a way to express love or hate.

-Music specifically for children. Music they understand and relate to.

-Music for relaxation

-Music as a minstry tool

-Music as a worship medium

-Music that tells a story i.e. folk music or similar

-Music intended for evil purposes

-Music intended to uplift and edify

-Music for sexual innuendos, intended to excite or put the mind in a sexual gutter

- Music as a brainwashing tool, to try and change our minds or make bad seem good.

-Music as an emotion builder in movies

Worship can happen with or without music. There is inward, outward and upward worship music.

Outward worship music is made for an audience, presumably to edify them and encourage worship in some churches. The danger can be in placing too much focus on the music instead of God. Inward worship can be a song we sing to ourselves privately to God in worship which can also be upward worship. Both public and private worship should always focus on giving worship and praise to God, so both can be upward.

Music is a tool that needs great care in it's use if the intention is worhip. If the music is deliberately distracting, it isn't the Lord behind it, but the devil.

Like food, there are many preferences people have when it comes to music, even worship music. Some of the compromises to please everyone, or at least attempt it, in churches lead to a sort of music that doesn't really commit. To me it feels like a compromise. One reason people leave churches unfortunately.

IMHO If you're looking to make rock music, then commit to it instead of an in between iffy sounding sort of thing. Don't hold back because rock music doesn't hold back. Rock music is generally aggressive and maybe better suited to a younger audience? I was just working on a speed metal track. 172 bpm, that's fast and why they call it speed metal. Just doesn't fit for worship IMO. And I've decided I don't like speed metal, at least what I've heard. Much too primal for me.

I see the different kinds of music like the various tools in a tool chest. There is one for pretty much every application. The highest use for music is worship , if it doesn't become a distraction, since worship is all about focus on God. The best worship is the worship where I get lost in worship. The music that can lead us into worship, like a calling card. Not a routine we settle into every Sunday. There is a fine line between the real stuff and the fillers. Has to do with the Spirit's leading.

Good messages can be put into non worship music, and "worship like" music can have misleading or even bad messages in it.

I am hooked up with Spotify which has loads of different kinds of Christian music all the way from the old stuff to the most recent stuff. Almost all of it is edifying in some way. Maybe some of this is just the nostalgia in me, but when I played the hymns channel something in me went ahhhhhh. These were tunes we sang in my old church when I was 6. You can hear and understand the words and the music isn't half bad either. Who has ever faulted the song "Amazing Grace" and other similar? The record companies are in the decision making process of most current Christian music and it is often associated with a church like Bethel or Red Rocks. Not sure what their criteria is, and most likely it changes with the vision, but not everyone making these decisions is a believer. In fact the scales may even swing over to more non believers if it's a big record label who also produces other kinds of non Christian music.

Much like the falling away of many churches from our scriptural roots, Christian music is also drifting in some cases, so I think we need to be careful when selecting some of it.
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What music is from God and world music is mistaken. What did he told use the music he wants and instruments ?

The bible says what he told us since the time of the bible. Using harps and trumpets he told Israel to use them.

How to know the violin, saxophone, and piano some are the devil things some playtunes are his.

Ask the question what he told us to play and we can use in music ?
Okay, which bible? There are many.
Wasn't Lucifer in charge of Music?
How do you know that God (which god?) said this? The entire Christian bible was written by men on a mission.
Why would specific instruments be considered the Devil's things? Regardless of the instrument, it plays music.
Lucifer:Saxophone, flute and violin are his.

Michael and Gabriel:

Harp and Trumpet.

Your voice is what God says you can use in the temple. This instruments are allowed in his temple.
Lucifer:Saxophone, flute and violin are his.

Michael and Gabriel:

Harp and Trumpet.

Your voice is what God says you can use in the temple. This instruments are allowed in his temple.
Lucifer is a fallen angel who was the head of the ministry of music in Heaven when he was in heaven. It has been said of him he was the most beautiful of ALL angels and he was the director of the flow of music there (Praise and Worship).

Educate yourself in your own faith . . . why should a Satanist have to?
Lucifer:Saxophone, flute and violin are his.
Saxophones were invented in the early 20th century, they are of the same woodwind family as clarinets. Violins are older but saxophones and violins as we know them were not around in biblical times. Even flutes as we now know them are different from ancient flutes.

Where did you get the idea that these instruments had anything to do with Lucifer?
What, if any, implication do you think this has for musicians who play these instruments?
Some people who play these instruments are faithful Christians or Jews (or members of other religions) So ...???

Two biblical passages that speak about Satan's role before his fall include Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. The King James Version of Ezekiel 28:13 states, "The workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created." Based on this verse, some believe Satan was a music leader or was in charge of music in heaven.

Sometimes pipes can be like flute in a style and it is this that organ playing in pianos can be his art.

Always avoid the violin, I avoid the violin and put most trumpets and harps in my music.
Saxophones were invented in the early 20th century, they are of the same woodwind family as clarinets. Violins are older but saxophones and violins as we know them were not around in biblical times. Even flutes as we now know them are different from ancient flutes.

Where did you get the idea that these instruments had anything to do with Lucifer?
What, if any, implication do you think this has for musicians who play these instruments?
Some people who play these instruments are faithful Christians or Jews (or members of other religions) So ...???
Actually the saxophone goes back to the 19th Century, invented by an Adolphe Sax in the 1840s. As you mentioned violins only go back to the 15th or 16th century although there were string instruments prior to that.

Two biblical passages that speak about Satan's role before his fall include Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. The King James Version of Ezekiel 28:13 states, "The workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created." Based on this verse, some believe Satan was a music leader or was in charge of music in heaven.

Sometimes pipes can be like flute in a style and it is this that organ playing in pianos can be his art.

Always avoid the violin, I avoid the violin and put most trumpets and harps in my music.
Organ playing in pianos? What do you mean? Organs and pianos are different instruments. They have the same type of keyboard, but the similarity pretty much ends there.

I don't have a violin, but I don't avoid them.
This is the kind of thing that makes me wish I did play the violin so I could challenge your statements with more personal experience based knowledge.
Historical associations don't add up to supernatural facts.
Sorry, but I think you're really reaching, and in that NPR article you posted, that Legion of Decency -- sigh.
The very kind of people my grandma would have called hypocrites and fanatics.
People can indeed create ambience and mood with the sounds certain instruments are designed to make.
Has nothing to do with the supernatural.
Actually the saxophone goes back to the 19th Century, invented by an Adolphe Sax in the 1840s. As you mentioned violins only go back to the 15th or 16th century although there were string instruments prior to that.
Indeed. I had forgotten how early it was, a few decades before I stated. I do remember ragtime era photos of early jazz bands, but forgot that the instrument was in development awhile before that.
(The Tritone is Your Friend!)

During the Middle Ages in Western music, the tritone was classified as a dissonant interval and avoided at all costs during composition. If you’ve heard the opening notes from the band Black Sabbath’s self-titled song “Black Sabbath” then you’ve heard this demonic interval.

Towards the end of the Renaissance era the tritone was nicknamed diabolus en musica meaning “the devil in music” by 1733 the phrase transformed into “mi against fa” (Satan in music). Later on, during the Baroque and Classical eras, this diabolical interval became perfectly acceptable in composition as another color on the composer’s pallet.

For those musically inclined this interval is the flatted 5th (b5). The tritone would be C F# C. CDEFGABC (12345678) it is perfectly situated in the center of the diatonic scale between F and G (4th and 5th). Metaphysically speaking here we have the division between the objective and our subjective universe. The world of the conscious and the unconscious mind, the World and the Underworld!

Similar to the holy Tetractys is the mysterious tritone: an augmented fourth or diminished fifth, which is neither consonant nor clearly dissonant, and in the microcosm produces the “touch of freedom”. The flatted fifth to alchemy is the “quinta essentia” (the quintessence), creating freedom and paths into new life.

In the nitrogen atom during photosynthesis, sunlight is transformed into chlorophyll, in other words sunshine becomes living matter, in alchemy this is represented as “the Green Lion Devouring its Tail”, it is the Word made flesh! At this juncture, the tritone represents the crucial force, the quinta essentia.


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I am not musically inclined.

I believe one of the earliest mentions of a musical instrument in the Bible is the Shofar, the ram's horn.
During the Middle Ages in Western music, the tritone was classified as a dissonant interval and avoided at all costs during composition.
I've heard of this, and it reminded me of something-- it's been awhile since I've watched it, but I like all this guy's videos
Metaphysically speaking here we have the division between the objective and our subjective universe. The world of the conscious and the unconscious mind, the World and the Underworld!
So, this is super intriguing, but how does anybody determine if these claims align with fact?