Was Muhammad Really Talking to Jibril? (CLOSED THREAD)

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'Amir Alzzalam

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How did Muhammad know he was talking to Jibrīl? Mohammad himself believed he was possessed by a djinn. This could have been the Christian Satan as well.
How did Muhammad know he was talking to Jibrīl? Mohammad himself believed he was possessed by a djinn..
It is true, that when Angel Jibrīl (Gabriel) first spoke to Muhammad, peace be with him, he was alone in
meditation, and he thought that he must have been possessed.

However, as time passed, he realised he was not.

This could have been the Christian Satan as well.
No sir! It could not.
We can see very clearly from the Qur'an, that this cannot be so.
..so then you should see that iblees and satan are one and the same.

"I seek refuge in the God, from the accursed satan"

PROOF does not come in to it.
There is no proof that you are not a monkey's uncle. ;)
Doesn't address my POST, if you'd like to start a new discussion about Šah Iblīs (lah alhamd) then feel free to
"I seek refuge in the God, from the accursed satan".
There is no proof that you are not a monkey's uncle. ;)
you need to explain in whom you are seeking refuge and from what?
to be a monkeys uncle, i need to be the brother of his father and have the same parents. my parents did not engender a monkey. that is biologically impossible.
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Are you one? I have not met you. :)
I suppose they can be taught to punch keys and print simple words like banana.
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Are you one? I have not met you too. :)
I suppose they can be taught to punch keys and print simple words like banana.
Banana is a long word, like aeroplane
I have never met you or Amir.. is it impossible for monkeys to type on a keyboard? ;)
Are you trying to be funny?
Just ask around here . . . I am NOT the person you want to insult.

Try again:
How did Muhammad know he was talking to Jibrīl? Mohammad himself believed he was possessed by a djinn. This could have been the Christian Satan as well.

There is no evidence that this was Jibrīl.

Muhammad, who was illiterate, was also epileptic and perhaps schizophrenic since he heard voices no one else ever heard.
I don't think that it was the Angel Gabriel that talked to Mohammad, if it be true about what the Quran talks about how the “Angel” instilled fear in Mohammad that he even sought of killing himself, actually Mohammad himself “thought” he was possessed by a demon.

The angel grabbed him so tightly that he felt like he was going to die. And as well muhammad was so frightened by the angel that he tried to commit suicide. Not only that, but Kadija Muhammads wife said that sometimes the devil goes around disguising himself as the angel jibreal. And to whom the devil turns to goes mad.

Khadija took Muhammad to her Christian cousin Waraca. An old and blind Christian scholar. It was Waraca who informed Muhammad that the being that he had encountered was the angel Gabriel and not a Jinn.

Waraca informed Muhammad that the being he had encountered was the same Gabriel who brought the Namus (revelation) down to Moses. Waraca told Muhammad that like the prophets before him he would be persecuted and rejected by his own people and the Jews. Waraca promised Muhammad that if he saw his day he would help him with all his heart.

For the next three years Muhammad did not see or hear the being (Gabriel). Muslim scholars state that Muhammad used this time to form an affinity with Gabriel. Western scholars state that Muhammad used this time to be mentored by Waraca and learn all he could about Judaism and Christianity.

Muhammad was surrounded by Christians and Jews. Christianity was established in Arabia some 500 years before Muhammad. Muhammad was deeply dissatisfied with Arabian polytheism. The Jews, descendants of Abraham had their own prophets and their own holy book. Christians too had Jesus as their prophet and their own holy book. Arabs who were also descendants of Abraham through Ishmael needed their own prophet and their own holy book. This had something to do with Arab pride and nationalism. And in time Muhammad became convinced that he was that Prophet selected by Allah to bring a message to his fellow Arabs.

Armed with defective bible stories, Muhammad fasted for prolonged period and entered the caves to pray. Whilst in a trance many of the stories he heard and had even forgotten came back to him, from his subconscious, chopped and changed with a new sense of reality and fresh revelation. Muhammad was also known to be prone to seizures and hallucinations.

Satan does not want people to accept Jesus. So what does he do? He visits some random person in the desert and says he's Gabriel. He also says that Jesus was just a man and the REAL way to get to heaven is to be Muslim.

If you judge the ideology of Islam by it’s fruit, 14 centuries of murder, mayhem and misogyny, and you look at the results produced by Islamic countries, all of which are kleptocracies run by thuggish plutocrats, plagued by poverty, illiteracy, birth defects caused by consanguineous marriages, it’s certainly easy to suggest that this could be Satan’s handiwork. Islam has been a complete disaster for billions of people since its inception.

Muhammad was simply an opportunistic merchant turned warlord, operating at a time when the Persian and Roman empires were weakened by the plagues of the 6th Century, and Muhammad was bright enough to realize the marketability of a political ideology that sanctioned the criminal behavior common to the 7th Century Arabs and Berbers of the Saudi peninsula. Marketing an ideology that sanctioned killing people, stealing things, raping women and enslaving people under the guise of ‘Divine Revelation’ and salting the story with enough Jewish/Christian characters as to seem plausible to the primitives of the 7th Century was just insanely clever.
The angel grabbed him so tightly that he felt like he was going to die. And as well muhammad was so frightened by the angel that he tried to commit suicide. Not only that, but Kadija Muhammads wife said that sometimes the devil goes around disguising himself as the angel jibreal. And to whom the devil turns to goes mad.

Khadija took Muhammad to her Christian cousin Waraca. An old and blind Christian scholar. It was Waraca who informed Muhammad that the being that he had encountered was the angel Gabriel and not a Jinn.

Waraca informed Muhammad that the being he had encountered was the same Gabriel who brought the Namus (revelation) down to Moses. Waraca told Muhammad that like the prophets before him he would be persecuted and rejected by his own people and the Jews. Waraca promised Muhammad that if he saw his day he would help him with all his heart.
Do you know how much Khadija paid for Waraca's services? Khadija was a rich woman. Treatment depends on the ability of patient to pay.
Thread moved from Islamic Forum to Abrahamic Religions following report
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Satan does not want people to accept Jesus. So what does he do? He visits some random person in the desert and says he's Gabriel. He also says that Jesus was just a man and the REAL way to get to heaven is to be Muslim.
..but Muslims DO "accept Jesus" .. they DO believe what he taught (in the Gospel).
..so it's Muslims and Jews that have got it wrong?

NO! Jesus confirmed the first commandment. It's Christians that have mistakenly innovated.
Nowhere does Jesus teach that he is a dying/rising god.

Islam has been a complete disaster for billions of people since its inception.
Mankind do not need a religion to cause that..
..in fact, without religion, mankind would already be extinct.
eg. Nazis and Communists annihilated each other
but Muslims DO "accept Jesus" .. they DO believe what he taught (in the Gospel) ... Nowhere does Jesus teach that he is a dying/rising god.
"For He taught His disciples and said to them, “The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And after he is killed, he will rise the third day.”
Mark 9:31
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"For He taught His disciples and said to them, “The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And after he is killed, he will rise the third day.”
Mark 9:30-32
I agree that Jesus knew that he would be betrayed and put-to-death, and that he would "rise again" (appear again).

..but Christians have made this more important than the first commandment, and made Jesus into
'a god' .. or literal son and what-have-you.

PS Don't forget that @'Amir Alzzalam 's intention is to cause division 😐
and that he would "rise again" (appear again).
Oh what tosh ...
.but Christians have made this more important than the first commandment, and made Jesus into
'a god' .. or literal son and what-have-you.
No. Christians understand that the subtlety and mystery of the lived message of Christ's incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection cannot be reduced to simple binary statements out of context
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