Why don't you try the meditation practice I suggested . . . then tell me I'm wrong.
You mentioned a practice but I don't know what that technique is. Do I have to buy your book?
Are you comprehending this GS? Because it sounds like you are not.
If you think that, then perhaps you could furnish me with a precise definition?
I've explained what it is and how we experience it several times.
Clearly you think I haven't got it ... can you try again?
Why are we the most sentient beings on earth?
There are a number of variations of the Teleological Argument, I'm assuming the WLHP has its own, which necessarily pre-supposes a other-than-human origin, surely?
We have ours, both Biblically (Genesis) and Metaphysically, such as Aristotle – Aquinas's Fifth Way:
"Now whatever lacks intelligence cannot move towards an end, unless it be directed by some being endowed with knowledge and intelligence; as the arrow is shot to its mark by the archer. Therefore some intelligent being exists by whom all natural things are directed to their end; and this being we call God." (
ST I, q2, a3).
From a secular perspective the answer lies along the evolutionary trail.
There are a number of competing or allied theories
As the
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy says:
Perception and appreciation of the incredible intricacy and the beauty of things in nature—whether biological or cosmic—has certainly inclined many toward thoughts of purpose and design in nature, and has constituted important moments of affirmation for those who already accept design positions. Regardless of what one thinks of the arguments at this point, so long as nature has the power to move us (as even Kant admitted that the ‘starry heavens above’ did), design convictions and arguments are unlikely to disappear quietly.
The argument that the emergence of the human being as an intelligent creature cannot be sufficiently explained by science and therefore must have a supernatural origin lacks evidence and credibility and therefore is regarded as pseudoscience.
Well, there is ZERO evidence for this God and a profundity of evidence for our GS/Psyche/Soul working through us.
What you take to be 'evidence' (effects) I find substantially insufficient with regard to its causes, whereas I find other 'evidence' (effects) profound and compelling to a superior degree.
No doubt you will tell me I've deceived myself, to which the logical reply is, perhaps it is you who is deceived?
Here we revert to reason and logic, and so far your reason and logic in support of your own philosophy, and as evidence of your dismissal of others, falls short of the mark.
Which again, is all I'm asking ... do as you would be done by.
The one question I have now is in regard to your own question: "Why are we the most sentient beings on earth?"
Are you suggesting an external cause, other than the emergence of intelligence through natural processes over time?