Sapere aude

Yeah, I have no reason to believe in God and all these, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Bahaollah and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Also Joseph Smith. Give me a reason or evidence.

I searched the whole spectrum. There was no sound coming.
You often express your disappointment on religion. What have you tried in vain? What religious (in the widest sense) things have you found to be valuable and still practice?
There is nothing inherently “good” within any of us. There is nothing in us that could earn salvation, and on our own we have no ability to become worthy of God’s favor. We deserve only God’s wrath.

The sticking point to that verse I posted is that the sign of Jonah was that he spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale until he was "resurrected" or released. This is what happened to Jesus. That's the only sign for the generations to be looking for.
We are a mix of three emotions, Satva, Rajas and Tamas (Good, possession and evil). The three emotions exist in humans in different proportions. Salvation is fiction for me. There is no God to be worthy of and no God to caste his wrath on us. Both the stories of Jonah or Jesus are fiction.
We are a mix of three emotions, Satva, Rajas and Tamas (Good, possession and evil). The three emotions exist in humans in different proportions. Salvation is fiction for me. There is no God to be worthy of and no God to caste his wrath on us. Both the stories of Jonah or Jesus are fiction.
I'm sorry you feel this way. Honestly.

I'm curious what you believe happens when a person dies?
You often use the word matrix, which I don't understand in this context. Can you please explain it to me?
This world is a matrix (womb) for our spiritual growth, to obtain the virtues before being born into the next world of God. The Bible offers the concept in that Jesus said we must be born again. Born from the flesh into the Spirit.

Here is one quick quote to give you the context of my frame of reference.

"In the matrix of the mother we were the recipients of endowments and blessings of God, yet these were as nothing compared to the powers and graces bestowed upon us after birth into this human world. Likewise if we are born from the matrix of this physical and phenomenal environment into the freedom and loftiness of the life and vision spiritual, we shall consider this mortal existence and its blessings as worthless by comparison." ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith, p. 266-267

Regards Tony
Searched for what? A literal sound? Gold falling from the sky? What, exactly?
Search for anything that gives me a proof of Allah, soul, Jannah, Jahannum, Yawn-al-qiyamah and that Muhammad was a messenger of Allah, but I found none. If you have any proof, kindly let me know.
Science does not see anything at all ! It is a tool.

People follow things for all kinds of reasons.
Yeah, the tool was used, but no success in finding proof of any of the above, but the result was negative.
Some of the reasons are superstition, fear of death and ignorance.
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You often express your disappointment on religion. What have you tried in vain? What religious (in the widest sense) things have you found to be valuable and still practice?
At one time, I was disappointed by religion, but then I found the Advaita branch of Hinduism (non-duality). I found no falsehood in it. It is valuable and I practice it.
I'm sorry you feel this way. Honestly.

I'm curious what you believe happens when a person dies?
Why should you feel sorry? You should think about why am I happy with what I believe and have no doubts.
Truth is quite simple. Disintegration of body (any kind of funeral) and its absorption back into the environment. Chemical recycling.
And theists make such a long story of that. :D
Search for anything that gives me a proof of Allah, soul, Jannah, Jahannum, Yawn-al-qiyamah and that Muhammad was a messenger of Allah, but I found none. If you have any proof, kindly let me know.

Yeah, the tool was used, but no success in finding proof of any of the above, but the result was negative.
You won't "find God" with a microscope 😐

Some of the reasons are superstition, fear of death and ignorance.
It clearly isn't ignorance!
Oxford and Cambridge universities began as providing religious instruction.
These days, civilisation is often taken for granted .. they say pride comes before a fall.
Why should you feel sorry? You should think about why am I happy with what I believe and have no doubts.
Truth is quite simple. Disintegration of body (any kind of funeral) and its absorption back into the environment. Chemical recycling.
And theists make such a long story of that. :D
I don't need to explain why it makes me sad. I'm sure you know.

My mom had a near death experience. She left her body and witnessed things she would not have known as she was dead. She has clear recollections of CPR being done to her lifeless body. There are many people that have similar experiences. What if you are wrong? Do you ask yourself that? Being 81 years old anything could happen.

Yes I am sad.
You won't "find God" with a microscope 😐

Oxford and Cambridge universities began as providing religious instruction.
.. they say pride comes before a fall.
And not even with a telescope.
No ptoblem in discussing religion in an acedemic environment rather than in churches and mosques. It will create more atheists.
I am sure you are proud of being a Muslim.
She has clear recollections of CPR being done to her lifeless body. What if you are wrong? Do you ask yourself that? Being 81 years old anything could happen.
She was not brain dead at that time. Many people say that. It is a normal NDE and there are reasons for that.
I have completed my duties. My children are well-established. I am well prepared having already handed over all what I possessed to my children.
I do not operate or check my bank account, my son does that.
You have no proof to say that what I believe is wrong.
Because it seems like A depends on B, and B depends on A?

But I could be wrong.

More to the point:
Realizing that the only god we will ever come to know will be our Greater Self ...
Can you prove that?

The lesser self is the mundane being, the WLHP starts with the Awareness of One's GS.
Again, offered but unproven.

It could be . . . however, when one experiences 'Self' examining 'self', it is obvious that it is not self-deception.
No, that's not certain by any stretch. The 'self examining the self' is notoriously fallible and you've offered no evidence suggesting a Greater Self.
Is it care needed, or is it just an understanding of what the purpose of the matrix is?
Isaiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."
Our free will is part of the plan, our choices are included in the plan God has for our rational soul.
I don't understand you here? How do you read Isaiah 45:7?

D'you see God as overseeing every single decision we make?
Brahman of Advaita Hinduism can answer all these without being a God.
In Thomas's arguments, Thomas ends with the comment: "and this we call God" in the same way a Hindu might use the argument and say "and this we call Brahman".

Again, for emphasis, Aquinas is not arguing for the God of the Bible, but God in philosophical terms.
At one time, I was disappointed by religion, but then I found the Advaita branch of Hinduism (non-duality). I found no falsehood in it. It is valuable and I practice it.
Two questions – perhaps another thread if you're interested enough?

1: Is not your Advaita a stripped-down version of what I would call 'common' or most well-known Advaita Vedanta? It seems to me there is scope for understanding and a dialogue with other traditions, including overtly theist traditions?
2: Do the virtues play any part in Advaita – understanding, compassion, and so forth?
I ask this in all good humour – you would make, it seems to me, a somewhat challenging guru! Your responses to others can be read as dismissive and rude – "I'm right and you are talking superstitious nonsense" might well be true, but it's not a reasonable comment in context.
I know you're not seeking disciples, however, I do wonder if sometimes you are perhaps doing Advaita Hinduism a disservice?
She was not brain dead at that time. Many people say that. It is a normal NDE and there are reasons for that.
I have completed my duties. My children are well-established. I am well prepared having already handed over all what I possessed to my children.
I do not operate or check my bank account, my son does that.
You have no proof to say that what I believe is wrong.
She was 4 years old and drowned. She went above her body looking down and could describe a man pulling her out from the lake. A man performing CPR. Her mother praying to God to not take my mom from her. She remembers going back into her body. Pretty tough to remember that when you are unconscious. She years later asked my grandmother about all of this and my grandmother was shocked. She didn't realize that it was my grandfather that pulled her from the lake and performed CPR my grandmother told her that.

I don't know how you can explain that away as not being brain dead.