We should be careful not to project our own ideas onto the past.
The 'Failed Messiah Movement' post by majority does that – what evidence is there these figures claimed to be the messiah?
Josephus, for example, says there were rebels who set themselves up as 'kings', and a Jewish writer would have known the distinction; kings are not de facto messiahs, and I see no evidence here for a 'failed messiah' theory.
Thomas, Here we go again. You repeatedly warn against anthropomorphizing God or Ultimate Reality. And yet I keep going there again and again.
Now is a good time for me to discuss “positive projection.” Psychology emphasizes the projection of disowned characteristics of self onto others. Here in the USA we have a presidential candidate who does this constantly. I’m rubber and you’re glue. What you say bounces off me and sticks on you. Except he often does it before the accusations are even made! As though knowing the truth and nipping its revelation in the bud. And, in the process, beating the accusers to the punch.
But we also project positive qualities that feel too good to be true about ourselves. It doesn’t feel right, humble enough, to own characteristics that should only be attributed to a more advanced being than we are. And so we project these positive potentials onto God. And then look to God to draw out these innate potentials.
Why all the projection, negative or positive? Because we tend to think in terms of dichotomies, black and white categories, instead of in ratios, fields, and continuous flows that lend themselves to continuums and gradients. In perceptual psychology I learned about the Mach band effect that makes us see edges more than they really are. It helps us with ego manipulation of a world thought to consist of objects. Modern bias to objective thought reflects this lean towards what the Taosts call the Ten Thousand Things.
This tendency of dichotomous thought makes projection inevitable.
And I can’t in good faith argue against it, since it is a way we are equipped to live in a physical world. I simply advocate adding “thinking like energy “ to supplement and improve the contributions of dichotomous thought.
Given this, we must accept projection as a normal byproduct of existing. And then try to manage it responsibly.
If I project onto God the characteristic of being super rich in potentiality, I can responsibly “reclaim “ that projection in the manner that Gestalt Therapies advocate. I can get good use out of the positive projection, as long as I don’t continue to rigidly project it outwardly.
So God can be BOTH not merely pure potential AND pure potential (until I can reclaim my own positive potential that previously exceeded my wildest dreams). By grace God helps me become the person I could only dream about becoming. It is very important to not get in the way of this projection and reclaiming process. It is as natural as our hearts beating.