Apologies for the downtime

I'm really, really sorry for IO being down again - the database server suffered a serious crash and it took a while to fix.

After these couple of instances of database problems, I'm wondering whether I should get another hosting account specifically just for IO, one with plenty of resources available so that any further crashes are unlikely. I'll see what happens, but if a move is required, I can get a direct server-to-server transfer done which will mean almost no downtime at all.

Again, my apologies.
Um, I guess that we're back (after about three days?) Not that I'm complaining...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I don't think it was down that long - normally I check IO every day, but didn't yesterday. RJm contacted me this morning to say it had been down since yesterday. Anyway, am monitoring the situation.
I don't think it was down that long - normally I check IO every day, but didn't yesterday. RJm contacted me this morning to say it had been down since yesterday. Anyway, am monitoring the situation.
It might've been two, but who's counting? :oops:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Well, either way it's certainly unwelcome and unsettling that we've had a string of database issues since moving to the new server. To be fair, I moved IO to a small reseller account that hosts a few personal websites of mine, but it should have been able to handle IO in terms of resources. I've contacted the hosting company to find out what's going on, whether they have a problem with their database server, or whether the issue is that the IO forum database is too big. Either way I'm looking at alternative hosting arrangements that I know I can trust to handle a website like IO I've also set up the domain DNS to update much more quickly, so in the event IO does need to move it can be done so relatively quick and painlessly.
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Thank you @iBrian

Please do not apologize

IO was down this time for less than 24 hours.

Having recently moved servers after the disaster with Westhost, at no cost, and thanks to Brian's hosting offer and many unbilled professional hours of work to make the change, it's really been relatively quite smooth. There will likely still be problems, but they'll get sorted out -- as they have been quite quickly sorted out -- and they will get less over the next few weeks and months

So thanks again for getting the forums back up, Brian :)
I'm often experiencing problems getting IO on my phone, but perhaps it's just my (not recent) phone or the reception problems here in the rural outback of deepest Devon. For instance I cannot get the page to load at the moment, although it's all fine on the PC ...
I'm not complaining, merely sharing my experience, the previous 3 days there were extensive down times, the first two days for a few hours each, yesterday was well over 12 hours.

I am grateful someone is on top of the situation, thank you for all of the hard work behind the scenes.
Thanks ro all behind the publication of the website.

I see these events help us understand how temporal our opinions are in this material world. Years of recorded opinions just vanish.

Yet God has cemented His Words into all hearts that embrace them, unable to be erased.

Regards Tony
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I just had to be productive instead of post on here. So there is good that came from this.

Thank-you so much for time and hard work!
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the previous 3 days there were extensive down times, the first two days for a few hours each
These extensive downtimes during the previous two days seem to have affected the US more than the UK.
Anyway, apologies. We're doing all we can to keep IO up and running
Is anybody else unable to access IO on their phone, or is it just me? I'm able to access RF and other similar XenForo forums, but not IO ...
I'm not complaining, merely sharing my experience, the previous 3 days there were extensive down times, the first two days for a few hours each, yesterday was well over 12 hours.
Clearly that isn't acceptable, so I'm going to spend a lot more time on IO now so I can monitor the situation directly.
Well, no problems over the past week, so it looks as though it was just an issue with the database server needing to reboot. I also cleared out a lot of unused files (such as unused original account files) from the account so the daily backups should put less strain on the server. Hopefully will continue to run smoothly, and just hope I've haven't jinxed things for saying so! :)