On Fallen Angels

The fallen angels are still within the realm of these laws but now are in a disruptive mode due to the fall and expulsion from heaven. When they were thrown out, they went to different planets in different galaxies to continue with their life until judgment. They gathered all the natural resources available to build their ships. In the same way we as humans have fallen and developed, I think other beings of God's creations have gone a similar way.

It has been reported that people have even been in certain states between the conscious and unconscious. Why are animal mutilations occurring where the reproductive tissues of female animals are removed with astonishing precision with sightings and evidence of UFO's in the area? Why would they need this stuff?
Where did you read this stuff?
Where did you read this stuff?
I wrote that probably 20 years ago. I didn't read this stuff; it was my own research I did back then. I put many hours into researching angels, fallen angels, demons, the 'watchers, and especially OBE'S.?

I had to. In my younger years I was plagued with out of body experiences and that's why I researched these things.
Where is this occurring?
(I'm not going to look it up. Please share if you want us to know)
I don't remember where this occurred. Animal mutilations have been going on for a very long time. Sheep, goats, cows, etc. The computer I have most of this info on doesn't power up, so I'm limited on this info.

I know it sounds crazy but some of it comes from the fella I interviewed back in 78-79 who was repeatedly abducted over the course of 15 years. And I've seen UFO'S before. In fact, someone who knows what to look for and how they appear may see them occasionally out in the night sky.
Some of the most notorious abduction happened in NH and in Maine. Another incident in southern NH occurred and the guy wasn't abducted, and a bunch of people police included witnessed it.

At a church outing here in Wilmot NH a group of people witnessed a large UFO hovering above the trees and slowly moving west.

A friend of mine, David Gran***** saw some unusual lights in a swamp so he and a few friends walked along the wood line of a field that led to it. When they go close a UFO slowly rose out of the swamp scarring everybody away running - except David.

In the next town over my hometown about 1/2 mile away from my parents house - a UFO was seen rising out of a small cluster of fields. It was seen by several people and was the talk of the town for years afterwards.

A movie was made about a logger from Maine who was abducted. If I remember the name of the movie I'll post it. Everything this man said and what he saw and witnessed coincided with what the guy I interviewed said. No contradictions whatsoever.

I and my kids has seen them in the far distant night sky - twice.
Look researching over morningstar it must be biblical. I see all that was Alif wrote and see the legends where the name really comes from and lightbringer name was talking about Lucifer we were not talking about the greek word of Jesus in new testamen it not the same in the old testament how lucifer is called. Who certain user wrote and he didn't know their is a difference between the words lightbringer for Lucifer and Jesus they are not same being . I will go with biblical things and a lot of things in the internet about demons and angels I see are not proven. Their is no proof.

We see the biblical demons and their research from catholics and jews that talk about them and there are biblical research. We see the verses that such angel did exist. People just because people in a sense says their is no Satan because he is not the same as Lucifer doesn't mean he does not exist. The devil does exists and he is like a lion roaming said the bible.

1 Peter 5:8

Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Isaiah 14:12
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!"

!איך נפלת מהשמיים, הו לוציפר, בן הבוקר"
" !כמה אתה נכרת עד האדמה, אתה שהחלישת את האומות
הלל בן שחר

Hêlêl ben Šāḥar
son of the morning star

Alif has posted it.

Also their is a demon that is evil which I don't like.

The name Lilith is in some versions of the bible.

Isaiah 34:14
14 The tziyyim (martens) shall also encounter iyyim (wild cats), and a sa’ir (wild goat) calls to its companion, and lilit (night creature) dwells there and finds for itself a mano’ach (place of rest).
Aztaroth another one is in the bible and they made Israel worship them and it shows they gave sin and like this modern world we must be careful that they will change thier names and be aomng things and television to fool and make us go back worship them here are examples.

Demons are often depicted in popular culture, including in TV, film, comics, and video games. They can be portrayed as good, evil, or morally neutral, and can symbolize concepts like freedom, rebellion, and passion.

Examples of demons in popular culture
  • The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: The devil is both a primary antagonist and an object of devotion for some characters
  • Supernatural: The Crossroads Demon can be summoned at crossroads by burying a box containing key items

  • Sleepy Hollow: Malcolm Dreyfuss sells his soul to the devil after his car crashes and catches fire

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation: An alien planet's population makes a deal with the devil for peace and prosperity in exchange for servitude

  • The Twilight Zone: David Wayne sells his soul for immortality and is sentenced to life in prison

  • The Sandman: Demons can symbolize concepts like freedom, rebellion, and passion

  • Legend: Tim Curry plays the devil in this 1985 film

  • Crossroads: Robert Judd plays a role in this 1986 film

  • Angel Heart: Robert De Niro plays a role in this 1987 film

  • Prince of Darkness: A film featuring the devil

Demons from Jewish and Christian sources are also often featured in popular culture, including Abaddon, Azazel, Baal, Belial, Leviathan, Lilith, Moloch, Mammon, and Nephilim.

This are examples !
Where is this occurring?
(I'm not going to look it up. Please share if you want us to know)
You may find this to be of interest. Cattle mutilation - Wikipedia.
I was told about this by a friend. She mentioned that maps have been produced showing areas of animal mutilation and UFO sightings. A peak in one, she claimed, was usually accompanied by a peak in the other
People live thier lives and don't realize that we buy products and we don't know thier are demon names on them so people can be comfortable and accept demons and for one don't accept that here is an example.

Reebok Incubus​

Their plots in the world where they put demons names and culture on your brands.


their is demon named Gaap but they don't tell ya and they want you to accept him. :O.

Sin título gap demon.jpg

This an example of a demon gaap.

Gap deafetd.jpg

People live thier life pretending this is normal I don't buy from Gap or clothes that might have demona brand I always avoid them and you should too.

The devil's trick is to say he doesn't exist and we live ouor normal lives not believing he exist.

Sin título worship other gods.jpg

This just the tip of the iceberg their is more and you see and know the world buys image and fragrance and thier names from them even is just fake. Just materialism and more ism of buy and buy and buy. The world is fooled people and don't realize the devil name is not lucifer he has a name and it is not lucifer. I will tell ya not to look for it. I do't look for it people for I very much hate satan and his crew. Here is another example the devil slips in and other people don't notice this is not what people want.
