Look researching over morningstar it must be biblical. I see all that was Alif wrote and see the legends where the name really comes from and lightbringer name was talking about Lucifer we were not talking about the greek word of Jesus in new testamen it not the same in the old testament how lucifer is called. Who certain user wrote and he didn't know their is a difference between the words lightbringer for Lucifer and Jesus they are not same being . I will go with biblical things and a lot of things in the internet about demons and angels I see are not proven. Their is no proof.
We see the biblical demons and their research from catholics and jews that talk about them and there are biblical research. We see the verses that such angel did exist. People just because people in a sense says their is no Satan because he is not the same as Lucifer doesn't mean he does not exist. The devil does exists and he is like a lion roaming said the bible.
1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Isaiah 14:12
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!"
!איך נפלת מהשמיים, הו לוציפר, בן הבוקר"
" !כמה אתה נכרת עד האדמה, אתה שהחלישת את האומות
הלל בן שחר
Hêlêl ben Šāḥar
son of the morning star
Alif has posted it.
Also their is a demon that is evil which I don't like.
The name Lilith is in some versions of the bible.
Isaiah 34:14
14 The tziyyim (martens) shall also encounter iyyim (wild cats), and a sa’ir (wild goat) calls to its companion, and lilit (night creature) dwells there and finds for itself a mano’ach (place of rest).