On Fallen Angels

Lucifer is angel with disguise like the bible says.

2 Corinthias says that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light to deceive people. This means that Satan pretends to be good, truthful, and loving to trick people into believing his lies.

Satan's most effective deception is to convince people that evil is good and dark is light. He does this by appearing as an angel of light, which is associated with purity and truth

Is it their are angels among us who walk like men and women and we don't know. Paul says another thing that is interesting.

Hebrews 13:2

2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Angels can eb among us and demons can be too. Be careful respect the angels and pray to God for help if a demon pops up. They have happen in the bible.
1 Peter 5:8: Be alert and of sober mind, because the devil prowls around like a roaring lion.
See we have look at Lucifer and we know it ain't he's name. What is the pyshcology of Lucifer Why he fell ? He is like Jesus, michael and Gabriel in character he was good ! He was like God said many rabbias and wrote many things about him. Some rabbias in jewish legend says Samael is lucifer and he was angel that was good and he loved like God !
We do not know the whole story but we know what revelations says.

Revelation 12:4. ESV His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. NIV Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.

  • Python: Spirits of Lying (1 Kings 22:21–22)
  • Belial: Instruments of iniquity and wrath (Genesis 49:5, Psalms 7:13, Isaiah 13:5, Jeremiah 50:25, Ezekiel 9:2)
  • Asmodeus: Revengers of Wickedness.
  • Satan: Deluders or Imitators of miracles (Genesis 3:1–5)
This demons are also.

There is also Moloch.

He's character and why he fell ? We see a very important figure of history and he's syndromes are analyze !
This from notes on the DBH translation of the New Testament:

During the intertestamental period, before the “official” canon of Hebrew scripture was generally established for either Jews or Christians, among the most influential holy texts for both communities were visionary books such as 1 Enoch and Jubilees, which (among many other things) recount the apostasy and punishment of various angels and their offspring in the days after the expulsion of Adam and Eve, and the evils these angelic dissidents visited upon the world—the ultimate consequence of which was the flood, sent by God to rescue the world from the iniquity they had set loose.

The idea of a pre-cosmic fall of the Archangel “Lucifer” or “Satan” was a later development of Christian thought (cf Luke 10:18; 2 Peter 1:19; Revelation 22:6).

In the flood narratives known to the earliest Christians, the only angelic rebellion was that of those “sons of Elohim,” or angels, who, according to Genesis 6:2, were drawn by the beauty of “the daughters of men” to wed them; and according to these texts the mysterious “nefilim” of Genesis 6:6 (understood as monstrous giants) ‘were the children sired by these angels on human women. According to 1 Enoch there were two hundred of these sons of Elohim, or “Watchers,” who abandoned God’s heavenly court, led by a Watcher called Semyaza; they not only became fathers of the nefilim, but taught their human wives to practice sorcery; sorcery; and one of them, Azazel, taught humanity how to make weapons, jewelry, and cosmetics (with predictably dire results).

On being informed of these transgressions by four of his Archangels, God sent the Archangel Michael to imprison the celestial dissidents in the darkness below and to slay the nefilim; but the ghosts of the nefilim then became the demons that now haunt the world.

According to the book of Jubilees, the angels who became enchanted with the beauty of human women were angels of a lower order assigned to govern the natural elements and kinds of this cosmos. In that version of the tale, the celestial angels imprisoned these fallen cosmic angels in the dark below to await the final judgment, while the nefilim were driven to fall upon and kill one another. After the flood, however, the ghosts of the ‘nefilim were still wandering the earth as demons under their leader, Mastema or Beliar (assuming these are the same figure).

When God ordered these bound in prison as well, Mastema prevailed on him to allow a tenth of their number to continue roaming the world till the last day, so as to test humanity and punish the wicked; and thus Mastema comes to serve as “a satan” (that is, an Accuser) in this age, The reference to Christ journeying to these spirits to make his proclamation to them seems to echo the account of Enoch journeying to their abode in order to proclaim God’s condemnation upon them (in chapters 12-15 of 1 Enoch).
I don't recall anywhere in the Christian bible where the names Lucifer or Satan are identified as Fallen Angels.
I don't recall anywhere in the Christian bible where the names Lucifer or Satan are identified as Fallen Angels.
How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
I don't recall anywhere in the Christian bible where the names Lucifer or Satan are identified as Fallen Angels.
It requires some insight into the sources and origins of such stories contemporary with the biblical texts.

Particularly the Enochian writings from around 200 years either side of the birth of Christ, just one of the threads which formed a backdrop of Jewish and early Christian speculation on such matters. Such influences are clear in Paul, although overlooked if one is not conversant with the Pauline milieu (as discussed elsewhere) – we Christians owe a debt to Jewish scholarship for bringing such matters to light.

The early Church lived in a world where 'Satan', as a type, was believed to be the leader or central adversary or opponent of God and his angels. He's there in opposition to Jesus in the synoptic gospels. In Paul and Mark, Jesus speaks of the the beginning of the end for the evil powers that are active in the world. Most people took Satan and his demons seriously.

Obviously, John’s Apocalypse stands out in this respect. Therein the text speaks of the ongoing struggle between God and his Lamb (Jesus), on the one hand, and the dragon, Satan, and his Beast, on the other.

To the sacred scribe, the dragon is quite clearly in league with the Roman imperium. People were in thrall to these powers, worshiping both the dragon (Satan) and the beast (the emperor), according to these visions (13:2). This anti-Roman text continues in chapters 17-18, where Babylon stands for Rome (both had destroyed God’s temple in Jerusalem).


Much has been said about identities in John's Apocalypse and who they represent. It is in the nature of such texts (eg Ezekiel and Daniel) to speak in terms of types, rather than of specifics. To do the topic full justice, one needs to be conversant with Mesopotamian myth and folklore outside of the Bible.
"Little children, this is a last hour; and, just as you have heard that an antichrist is coming, many antichrists have arisen even now; therefore we know that this is a last hour. They went out from us, but they did not come from us – for if they had come from us they would have remained with us – so that it might instead be made manifest that none of them at all comes from us." (1 John 2:18-19)

According to David Bentley Hart's footnotes to the text in his translation of the NT, the term 'antichrist' (ἀντίχριστος antichristos) appears only in 1 and 2 John. In time this figure would be combined with the “man of sin" of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 and the “beast” of Revelation to produce the legend of “the Antichrist” who will rule the nations in the last days.

Here the precise reference is "more obscure and probably considerably less grand".

The prefix 'anti-' in Greek does not necessarily mean “opposed to” (although it often does). It can also indicate equivalence, reciprocity or
correspondence (in the way that an antitype corresponds to an original type).

And in many cases it means a substitute: either in the benign sense as a representative or deputy, or in the malign sense of an imposter or a usurper. It is in this last sense, in all likelihood, that the formula of an 'antichrist' should be understood: a false christ. The promise in Deuteronomy 18:15-20 that another prophet “like unto Moses” would arise comes with a warning against the false prophet who leads people
away from worship of the true God. For many Jews and Christians alike in this period, both “the Prophet” (as in John 1:21) and an opposed “false prophet” had become fixed figures in apocalyptic imagination.

Here, perhaps, more simply, an antichrist or “spirit of antichrist” (cf 1 John 4:3) is simply a “denier of Christ," (cf 1 John 2:22).

2 John describes an antichrist as one who, more specifically, denies that Christ “has come in the flesh”, but precisely what that means – perhaps a Docetic denial of the Incarnation, and whether it is relevant to how the word is used in 1 John, cannot be determined.
In laymans terms the man of perdition or the lawless one we have titled The Antichrist. Thomas is correct that anyone is antichrist or has the spirit of antichrist that denies Jesus Christ is who He claims He is
How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
Isaiah 14 (Literal Bible)
4That you have taken up this allegory "" Concerning the king of Babylon, and said, “How the exactor has ceased,

5The golden one has ceased. YHWH has broken the staff of the wicked, "" The scepter of rulers. ...

12How you have fallen from the heavens, "" O shining one, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to earth, "" O weakener of nations.

13And you said in your heart: I go up into the heavens, "" I raise my throne above the stars of God, "" And I sit on the mountain of meeting in the sides of the north.

14I go up above the heights of a thick cloud, I am like to the Most High.

15Only—you are brought down to Sheol, "" To the sides of the pit.
The "shining one" is the king of Babylon. There's no link to Lucifer, whose name which is taken from the Roman mythology which was unknown to the author, not even a direct identification with the devil.
It requires some insight into the sources and origins of such stories contemporary with the biblical texts.

Particularly the Enochian writings from around 200 years either side of the birth of Christ, just one of the threads which formed a backdrop of Jewish and early Christian speculation on such matters. Such influences are clear in Paul, although overlooked if one is not conversant with the Pauline milieu (as discussed elsewhere) – we Christians owe a debt to Jewish scholarship for bringing such matters to light.

The early Church lived in a world where 'Satan', as a type, was believed to be the leader or central adversary or opponent of God and his angels. He's there in opposition to Jesus in the synoptic gospels. In Paul and Mark, Jesus speaks of the the beginning of the end for the evil powers that are active in the world. Most people took Satan and his demons seriously.

Obviously, John’s Apocalypse stands out in this respect. Therein the text speaks of the ongoing struggle between God and his Lamb (Jesus), on the one hand, and the dragon, Satan, and his Beast, on the other.

To the sacred scribe, the dragon is quite clearly in league with the Roman imperium. People were in thrall to these powers, worshiping both the dragon (Satan) and the beast (the emperor), according to these visions (13:2). This anti-Roman text continues in chapters 17-18, where Babylon stands for Rome (both had destroyed God’s temple in Jerusalem).


Much has been said about identities in John's Apocalypse and who they represent. It is in the nature of such texts (eg Ezekiel and Daniel) to speak in terms of types, rather than of specifics. To do the topic full justice, one needs to be conversant with Mesopotamian myth and folklore outside of the Bible.
So . . . NO PROOF?
How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
This is completely misunderstood and misinformation . . .

Lucifer is a poetic Latin descriptive noun used in place of various words
associated with the Morning Star in mythology. The Latin word 'Lucifer
may translate to "light-bearer", however, the earliest association with the
word Lucifer is with the Morning/Evening Star, Phosphorus/Hesperus.

The Morning/Evening star was a poetic device used by ancient
Mesopotamians and Greeks to describe a bright but lesser deity that
attempts to usurp a greater deity but ultimately fails to do so.

There remains much confusion as to what Lucifer is and is not. Most of
this confusion comes from the Abrahamic world which has
misinterpreted several words and jumbled their meanings into a negative
light. First, Lucifer is not and has never been a proper noun (name) it is a
descriptive noun used throughout the ancient world for various reasons.
The main verses in question here are from the Christian bible and I will
explain how the word Lucifer is not the Christian devil, Satan, or much of
anything to do with the Abrahamic faiths.

Isaiah 14:12
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!"

!איך נפלת מהשמיים, הו לוציפר, בן הבוקר"
" !כמה אתה נכרת עד האדמה, אתה שהחלישת את האומות
הלל בן שחר

Hêlêl ben Šāḥar
son of the morning star

Revelation 22:16
"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the
churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning

"Εγώ, ο Ιησούς, έστειλα τον άγγελο μου να σας μαρτυρήσει για αυτά τα
πράγματα για τις εκκλησίες. Είμαι η ρίζα και ο απόγονος του Δαβίδ, του
λαμπρού πρωινού αστέρα."
πρωϊνός λαμπρός ἀστὴρ

lampros prōinos astēr
bright morning star

Isaiah 14:12 was written in Hebrew, the original text uses the words
Helel ben Shahar which means 'son of the morning star', it was translated
into Latin and used the Latin noun 'lucifer' which means the same thing
'morning star'. However, this verse is in reference to the King of Babylon,
not a fallen angel or Satan.

Revelation 22:16 was written in Greek, the original text uses the words
"lampros prōinos astēr" which means 'bright morning star' and is in
reference to the planet Venus. The Morning Star is a poetic device used
throughout ancient history to symbolize the bright star (planet), Venus,
during the dawn which brings the light of the new day.

The words Morning Star in both instances, and in reference to the many
ancient myths that also use the term 'morning star', symbolize something
brilliant, majestic, royal, and kingly. In Isaiah, it references a once-great
king (Nebuchadnezzar) that has fallen from power, and in Revelation, it
references Jesus simply as a great king.

In 382 AD, Pope Damasus I commissioned St. Jerome to write a revision
of the old Latin translation of the Bible. This task was completed
sometime during the 5th century AD, and eventually, it was considered
the official and definite Latin version of the Bible according to the Roman
Catholic church. By the 13th century, it was considered the versio vulgate
– the common translation.

St. Jerome misunderstood the meaning of the Hebrew word 'heylel', and
translated it into "Lucifer", the Latin word meaning "light-bearer" (from
the Latin lux "light" and ferre "to bear or bring"). The word Lucifer at the
time of the Vulgate and even at the time of the KJV translation, meant
"morning star" or "day star" in reference to Venus. Jerome thought the
passage was referring to Satan in addition to the king of Babylon, and
because of this, the use of the word "Lucifer" made the transition from a
term referring to Venus and the Morning Star to also referring to the
Abrahamic Satan.

The earliest use of the Morning Star mythology is the Mesopotamian
myths of the Sumerian King Etana, the Canaanite myth from Phonecia
called the "Fall of the day star", and the Ugaritic myth called the Baal

Each of these myths describes the attempt of a lesser deity to usurp a
greater deity to which the Morning Star always fails to do so. This
allegory can be seen in the way that Venus (both Morning and Evening
Star) attempts to overtake the Sun or the Moon but always loses the

It wasn't until thousands of years later that the Gnostics elevated Lucifer
to the Principle of Compassion for Life and Creation, the Defiance of
Corrupt Authority, the Current of Spiritual Evolution. Luciferianism has
personified the idea of Lucifer as the Principle of Self-development, the
model of individuality, individuation, and independence.

The idea of Lucifer as a fallen angel comes from the Enochian myth of
fallen angels combined with Dante Alighieri (Dante's Inferno) and John
Milton's (Paradise Lost) epic works that solidified Satan with the name

The Gnostics never explicitly used the names “Lucifer” or “Eosphoros”
(or Phosphoros) in the age in which they lived. The association of the
Serpent in the Garden of Eden with Lucifer in Gnosticism came later
when Gnostic scholars associated the name Lucifer with planetary
archons. Their new identity of the Lucifer/Serpent became that of
spiritual enlightenment, the principle of compassion for life and creation,
and the defiance of corrupt authority. In this respect, Lucifer becomes a

The Gnostic Christians believed in the Light of Lucifer which they viewed
as the enlightenment which he, as the Serpent, (an Egyptian phallic form
as the serpent Ami‑Hemf "Dweller in the Flame,"), who enlightened the
first parents, Adam and Eve, against God's Will. Here Lucifer is likened to
Prometheus who stole fire from heaven to give civilization to humanity.
God denied the first two people the fruit of the tree of knowledge, but
Lucifer gave them the Light of Wisdom.

These Gnostic sentiments and beliefs for Lucifer were held by the
Persians as well. Unlike Orthodox Christians, they did not hold Jehovah as
the good‑God of mankind, but the Demiurge who created man for his
own selfish interest. Lucifer was regarded as the hero, savior, and friend
of man, who revealed the sacred mysteries which the Heavenly Father
jealously withheld. Some, such as the Gnostic Luciferians, held that
Lucifer was the brother of God.

These Gnostic beliefs persisted throughout the first half of the Christian
era and well into the second half. German theologian Meister Eckhart
said, "Lucifer, the angel, who is in hell, has the perfect intellect and to this
day knows much."

The name Lucifer also appears in Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches
made famous by Charles Godfrey Leland. The work is based on myths
and legends of ancient Italian witchcraft (La Vecchia Religione /
Stregheria). Lucifer was the son and consort of Diana, goddess of the
night. Their daughter is Aradia, the witch‑messiah in the myth.

Gnostic Gospels of Nag Hammadi
‑from the Gospels of Nag Hammadi: Testimonial of Truth (TOT)
"the God whom most Christians worship, the God of the Hebrew Bible, is
'himself' one of the fallen angels, from whose tyranny Christ came to set
human beings free.

TOT (3:4‑5)
it reveals truth only when one reads it in reverse, recognizing that God is
actually the villain, and the Serpent the holy one

Reality of Rulers (Nag Hammadi)
"It is Samael and his fellow 'rulers' of the Darkness (Eph.6:12), not the
true God, who formed Adam's physical body, set him to work in Paradise,
"to till and cultivate it" then put him to sleep and fashioned his female
partner out of his rib.

God commanded Adam not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, which could
open his eyes to the Truth. However, Eve became enlightened by the
feminine spiritual principle who appeared to her in the form of the
Serpent and deified them both . . . against God's Will.

God threw mankind into great distraction and into a life of toil, so that
humankind might be occupied with worldly affairs, and might not have
the opportunity of being devoted to the Holy Spirit / Higher‑Self
Platonic Ideologies/First Form Ideals/Authentic Thoughtforms. Meaning,
just as the etymology of a word can usually provide you with the
authentic, first reality of that word, so does there exist the original,
authentic ideal of a thoughtform.

"What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of
Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is
the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete, it is the Holy Spirit,
while the physical Lucifer is the great agent of universal magnetism.”

- Eliphas Levi

Publius Ovidius Naso
Publius Ovidius Naso's "Metamorphoses" was written 8 B.C.E.
The planet Venus, the second in the solar system, is called Lucifer when it
precedes the sun in the morning, and Hesperus when it follows the sun in
the evening.

Nunlius Noctis. modo lotus, undis Hesperus, pulsis iterum tenebris
Lucifer idem.— Senec. in Hippol. Statione codi: from his station in
heaven. When the morning star, Lucifer is the last to disappear.
The stars which lay obscured under Chaos, now begin to shine forth.
Hesiod, in like manner, speaks of the stars as last formed. Last Lucifer
Sprang radiant from the dawn-appearing morn, And all the glittering
stars that gird the heaven.

Publius Vergilius Maro 29 B.C.E.
Eclogue VIII: Damon and Alphesiboeus Compete
"Lucifer, arise, precursor of kindly day, while I, shamefully cheated of my
lover Nysa’s affection, complain, and call, still, to the gods, in the hour of
my death, though their witnessing these things has been no help to me."

Timaeus by Plato in 360 B.C.E.
"First, there was the moon in the orbit nearest the earth, and next the
sun, in the second orbit above the earth; then came the morning star and
the star sacred to Hermes, moving in orbits which have an equal
swiftness with the sun, but in an opposite direction; and this is the
reason why the sun and Hermes and Lucifer overtake and are overtaken
by each other."

*This Lucifer is also portrayed as a Lunar deity unlike his usual association with Venus.

"Hermes and Lucifer overtake and are overtaken by each other"
"Ο Ερμής και ο Εωσφόρος προσπερνούν και προσπερνούν ο ένας τον
άλλον" "O Ermís kai o Eosfóros prospernoún kai prospernoún o énas ton

The ancient Semitic deity of Attar sometimes appearing as a rain and
water god is cited as a possible identification for Helel. Attar, it’s worth
mentioning, is etymologically and mythologically related to the Goddess
Ishtar. Likewise, Attar in his various forms might have been related either
to the morning or evening stars or the planet Venus more generally.
Lucifer is the Morning Star announcing daily birth of the sun. The
Canaanites called him Shaher, the Hebrews Shaharit, “Morning Service”
commemorating him. His twin brother, Shalem, the Evening Star,
announced the daily death of the sun. These two may be identified as the
heavenly twins of the Greeks, Castor and Pollux, born of Leda's World
Egg. They also played a prominent role in Persian sun worship as two
torch‑bearers, one with an ascendant torch, the other pointing
downward. The image of Baphomet should come to mind.

In Canaanite legend, Shaher and Shalem were born of the great mother
Asherah, in her world‑womb aspect as Helel, "the Pit." Shaher coveted
the superior glory of the sun god and attempted to usurp his throne, but
was defeated and cast from heaven like a lightening bolt. There is a 7th
Century B.C. scriptural account of this story of the Morning Star, which
eventually becomes the biblical Isaiah 14:12‑15. Lucifer is told, "Thou
shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." The pit, here, is
symbolizing, or the same as, Helel (Asherah), the Mother‑bride's womb.

The Morning Star was the god, at times referred to as a bird, Benu to the
Egyptians. He was the dying‑and‑reborn Phoenix, called the "Soul of
Ram" who died on the World Tree in order to renew himself so to "shine
on the world." It is said his spirit dwelled in the phallic obelisk, called
Benu or the Benhen Stone, representing the god's sexual union with the
Mother. One finds Plato knew the morning star as Aster which appeared
as the Evening Star (the planet Venus). He saw Aster as a
dying‑and‑reborn deity, "Aster, once, as Morning‑Star, light on the living
you shed. Now, dying, as Evening‑Star, you shine among the dead."

Egyptian god Horus the Elder has typically been identified with the sun.
Other scholars have advanced arguments that the god is to be identified
with the planet Venus, with the star Sirius, and with the amorphous sky.
The cult of Horus was prominent already in pre-dynastic times (Writing
itself is first attested in Egypt during the pre-dynastic Period, ca. 3200
B.C.E. Rulers at Nekhen, for example, worshiped the falcon‑god prior to
the unification of Egypt. In the Early Dynastic Period (ca. 3000‑2600
B.C.E.), Horus is explicitly identified as "a star." This much is evident from
the fact that royal domains were named after the astral god. The domain
established by Anedjib (the Horus name of an early Egyptian king who
ruled during the 1st Dynasty), was called (Órsbåt), “Horus, star of the
corporation (of gods).”

The Pharaoh Hotepsekhemwy established a domain called (Óroesbå),
“Horus risen as a star.” While Pharaoh Khasekhemwy founded a new
domain called Órsbåbåw, “Horus, the star of souls.” Both during the 2nd
Dynasty. Most informative, perhaps, is the domain established at the
beginning of the Third Dynasty by Djoser, named Órsbåntipt, “Horus, star
at the front of the sky”.

Additional information regarding the star‑god Horus is to be found in the
Pyramid Texts dating from roughly a half millennium later (2300 B.C.E.).
That Horus was not the sun, as often maintained, is suggested by various
hymns wherein the god is clearly distinguished from the ancient sun god
Ra. In the following passage, for example, Horus (as the deceased king) is
implored to ascend to heaven and join Re: “Rêoe summons you into the
zenith of the sky as the Jackal, the Governor of the Two Enneads, and as
Horus Ônty‑mnit.f; may he set you as the Morning Star in the midst of the
Field of Rushes.”

Egyptologist Raymond Faulkner, considered it a foregone conclusion that
Venus must be the stellar body referenced by the phrase “Morning Star.”
Thus, in a comprehensive survey of Egyptian star‑lore Faulkner wrote as
follows: “As regards the identification of the Morning Star and the Lone
Star with actual celestial bodies, there can be little doubt that, as
elsewhere, the Morning Star is Phosphorus, Venus as seen at dawn.”
The most detailed study of Egyptian star religion to date is that by Rolf
Krauss. He, too, would identify Horus with the planet Venus, citing as
evidence various passages in the Pyramid Texts that describe the star as
shining in the “eastern” portion of the morning sky while moving with
respect to other stars, a characteristic of planets rather than stars. Krauss
summarized his findings as follows: “As early as the beginning of dynastic
times Horus seems to be identified with the planet Venus. The names of
the so‑called royal vineyards describe Horus as a star. The name of
Djoser’s vineyard reveals that Horus is a particular star ‘at the front of
the sky’. The identification of Horus with Venus as known from the
Pyramid Texts suggests itself…Royal ideology and ideas about the
Hereafter seem to have had cosmological and stellar foundations which
may well go back to pre-dynastic times."

An analysis of Horus’s early epithets offers additional insight into his
astral origins. A recurring name of the god is Duat, traditionally
translated as “Netherworld.” The word Duat, in turn, is derived from the
root dwå, “morning,” whence comes Horus’s epithet Neter Dua “Morning
Star (or God).” The etymology of Duat suggests that Horus’s identity as
the Morning Star is permanently connected to his role as Lord of the
“Netherworld.” In a passage from the Pyramid Texts the association
between the “Morning Star” and the Duat is made explicit: “O Morning
Star, Horus of the Netherworld, divine Falcon, wådåd‑bird whom the sky

Lucifer is not an Adversary as the word Satan (Shaitan) describes, Lucifer
is the 'Bringer of Light' in other words Lux Lucis (Lucifer) is gnosis,
truth, and Divine knowledge. Lucifer brought us the Truth and Freedom
from the Will of Another, and showed us the way to either be One with
God / Nature / Objective Universe or to become a god ourselves. Lucifer
is the principle of progress and intellectual inquiry, the divine inspiration
behind spiritual enlightenment. Through Lucifer's spirit humanity first
climbed down from the trees and The Luciferian Principle has
represented the flow of progress ever since.
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Fallen Angels Demons and Aliens

I questioned the idea about the alien connection to fallen angels in the seventies. At the time I never heard anybody mention such a thing but found out it was an old idea. It's also an old belief that people can have a spiritual encounter and transfigure themselves from one place to another by going into some sort of heavy state of meditation, trance, and into the spirit world. The longer you stay out, the more visible you become. Then if you can handle it, if you stay out long enough, the body goes with it. Aliens, demons, and fallen angels know about this spiritualistic operating program and can program the minds of people to do this same thing into their world.

Just like there are spiritual laws of nature in the natural world as we know it, there are spiritual laws ordained by God that He uses to operate all of His creations. And angels are a vital part in the function in the operation of those spiritual laws. The different hierarchy's of angels have different capacities of power, knowledge, and responsibility and employed together in the operations of the seven spirits of God and all that God has made.

We as humans function similarly as both realms or planes are in a fallen state.

The fallen angels are still within the realm of these laws but now are in a disruptive mode due to the fall and expulsion from heaven. When they were thrown out, they went to different planets in different galaxies to continue with their life until judgment. They gathered all the natural resources available to build their ships. In the same way we as humans have fallen and developed, I think other beings of God's creations have gone a similar way.

It has been reported that people have even been in certain states between the conscious and unconscious. Why are animal mutilations occurring where the reproductive tissues of female animals are removed with astonishing precision with sightings and evidence of UFO's in the area? Why would they need this stuff?
I don't remember the name but a movie and a book was made of the incident I'm going to describe. This is a true story. Four men were leaving a logging area when they saw something hovering about 100 feet above the ground. One of the guy's decided to get out and walked up under it. The guys were yelling at him to get out of there but was eventually "caught up!"

During his absence here on earth, the other three men were heavily interrogated and all of them agreed to and passed liar detector test. What he witnessed is something we have been aware of for quite some time.

After he was there, he went through some type of "admissions" so to speak and said he found himself in a hospital room type setting in a state of partial consciousness. Almost like a vivid dream but you just know that you are actually there. He could see other people laying in a pod type membrane kind of thing squirming around but unable to break free. He could see that they were trying to do things to him and fought as much as he could and was able to be very uncooperative however he still could not move much. This went on for a few days and was able to freak out and sit up when he saw a huge needle coming at him by one of the aliens who he described in similar fashion as other abductees.

After being gone for three days, when he came to when he was delivered back naked on the porch of a general store. One could ask many questions about this but the big question is why are they abducting people? And why do most if not all abductee's have very similar experiences?
They can take you right out of your bed too!

This is something I haven't discussed for a long time and it's something I actually studied for a while. The coincidences between fallen angels and aliens are amazing. I interviewed a man who was plagued by abductions. His life was pretty much destroyed and lost everything by about 15 years of continual abductions. He said that he could hardly go out for a ride in the country without them coming and every time he had to buy a new battery. He said that the mother ships were as large as the state of Rhode Island. He said the aliens flew him over planets in other solar systems that were frozen over and told him they use to live there. The U.S. government was involved and told him to keep his mouth shut about it. Finally he went to see a priest. He told him his dilemma and the priest told him that the next time he saw them coming, to get out of his car and point his finger at them and say, "in the name of Jesus Christ and power of God almighty leave me alone!"

When it happened again, he did just what the priest said to do...and they fled!

A fallen angel becomes a disembodied spirit (demon) after they die in the body they were cast out of heaven with. When they were cast out of heaven, they went to different planets and galaxies to get the natural resources necessary to build their space ships. I think that the abandoned mine they believe there is on Mars is one of them. That's the big reason Bush gave money to fund the project of going to Mars.


Fallen angels are actually the alien beings that have been seen in UFO'S. They were thrown out of heaven just like Adam and Eve were from the garden. We were not meant to die and neither were they. After the fall of man, the human lifespan progressively decreased as time went on. Just like we grow old, so do they. As the aliens/fallen angels get older and closer to death, they start to smell like sulphur and rotten eggs. When they die, their spirits become a free roaming disembodied spirit otherwise known as demons. Just like the human race, death is attributed to the fall. Some people say that Angels don't have a body. I disagree. There's no evidence they do, and there's no evidence they don't. I say they have some type of spiritual body

There are several different hierarchies of fallen angels and they are not all friendly toward one another.

The books of Enoch are a good source of information. I think they should be included in our bible.
This is completely misunderstood and misinformation . . .
Is it, though? Nothing you've offered here is unknown to scholars?

The Morning/Evening star was a poetic device used by ancient Mesopotamians and Greeks to describe a bright but lesser deity that attempts to usurp a greater deity but ultimately fails to do so.
This is a significant point in Mesopotamian mythology and should not be overlooked.

A significant point is that Isaiah's 'Helel ben Shahar' is easily read as an entity, a person, Helel the son of Shahar, one of thwe twin sons of the God El, and that the text in Isaiah can be read as a poem of that entity's fall – there's a detailed Hebrew essay here.

So it can be seen that if the Jews reading Isaiah can reasonably conceive of a parallel between a fallen king, possibly of Babylon, and the fallen deity in broader mythology, then there is no intrinsic error in reading the Latin lucifer as a person, embodying the same idea of 'pride comes before a fall' that is encapsulated in Mesopotamian myth, and in Isaiah.

But we need to check all references to lucifer in the Vulgate to get a bearing.

Isaiah 14:12 we know.

Job 11:17 "et quasi meridianus fulgor consurget tibi ad vesperam et *** te consumptum putaveris orieris ut lucifer"
And thine age shall be clearer than the noonday; thou shalt shine forth, thou shalt be as the morning.
The Hebrew term is bōqer – 'morning' with no reference to the Venus/Day-Star – but here the implication is positive.

2 Peter 1:19 "et habemus firmiorem propheticum sermonem cui bene facitis adtendentes quasi lucernae lucenti in caliginoso loco donec dies inlucescat et lucifer oriatur in cordibus vestris"
"And we have the still firmer prophetic word, of which you do well to take heed, as to a lamp shining in a dreary place, till day should dawn and the Day Star arise in your hearts"

Revelation 22:16 "Jesus sent my angel to attest these things to you for the assemblies. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright Morning Star."
The Greek is orthrinos aster,the Latin is stella splendida et matutina

Revelations 2:28 "just as I also received it from my Father; and I will give him the Morning Star.”
The Greek is proinos aster, the Latin is stellam matutinam

In fact in the New Testament texts every association with the Morning Star is a good one, and the only person identified with it is Christ.


Luke 10:18 "I beheld Satan (here the Greek satanas is the proper noun – the personal name – rather than the generic satan, 'adversary') as lightning fall from heaven"

Thus a further parallel can be drawn, between the Helel ben Shahar / Lucifer and Satan – not the same person, but personifying the same principle.

Factor in the Enochian texts with their pantheons and fallen angels, etc, and the trail becomes evident.

Lucifer is not an Adversary as the word Satan (Shaitan) describes, Lucifer is the 'Bringer of Light' in other words Lux Lucis (Lucifer) is gnosis,
truth, and Divine knowledge. Lucifer brought us the Truth and Freedom from the Will of Another, and showed us the way to either be One with
God / Nature / Objective Universe or to become a god ourselves.
Well it is a limited conclusion, but clearly not the entirety of the story, as it doesn't take in the Helel ben Shahar / Lucifer / Satan / fallen angels line.
Is it, though? Nothing you've offered here is unknown to scholars?

This is a significant point in Mesopotamian mythology and should not be overlooked.

A significant point is that Isaiah's 'Helel ben Shahar' is easily read as an entity, a person, Helel the son of Shahar, one of thwe twin sons of the God El, and that the text in Isaiah can be read as a poem of that entity's fall – there's a detailed Hebrew essay here.

So it can be seen that if the Jews reading Isaiah can reasonably conceive of a parallel between a fallen king, possibly of Babylon, and the fallen deity in broader mythology, then there is no intrinsic error in reading the Latin lucifer as a person, embodying the same idea of 'pride comes before a fall' that is encapsulated in Mesopotamian myth, and in Isaiah.

But we need to check all references to lucifer in the Vulgate to get a bearing.

Isaiah 14:12 we know.

Job 11:17 "et quasi meridianus fulgor consurget tibi ad vesperam et *** te consumptum putaveris orieris ut lucifer"
And thine age shall be clearer than the noonday; thou shalt shine forth, thou shalt be as the morning.
The Hebrew term is bōqer – 'morning' with no reference to the Venus/Day-Star – but here the implication is positive.

2 Peter 1:19 "et habemus firmiorem propheticum sermonem cui bene facitis adtendentes quasi lucernae lucenti in caliginoso loco donec dies inlucescat et lucifer oriatur in cordibus vestris"
"And we have the still firmer prophetic word, of which you do well to take heed, as to a lamp shining in a dreary place, till day should dawn and the Day Star arise in your hearts"

Revelation 22:16 "Jesus sent my angel to attest these things to you for the assemblies. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright Morning Star."
The Greek is orthrinos aster,the Latin is stella splendida et matutina

Revelations 2:28 "just as I also received it from my Father; and I will give him the Morning Star.”
The Greek is proinos aster, the Latin is stellam matutinam

In fact in the New Testament texts every association with the Morning Star is a good one, and the only person identified with it is Christ.


Luke 10:18 "I beheld Satan (here the Greek satanas is the proper noun – the personal name – rather than the generic satan, 'adversary') as lightning fall from heaven"

Thus a further parallel can be drawn, between the Helel ben Shahar / Lucifer and Satan – not the same person, but personifying the same principle.

Factor in the Enochian texts with their pantheons and fallen angels, etc, and the trail becomes evident.

Well it is a limited conclusion, but clearly not the entirety of the story, as it doesn't take in the Helel ben Shahar / Lucifer / Satan / fallen angels line.
Perhaps of interest
Helel ben Shahar is Hebrew for "Son of the Morning or Dawn"
Shahar is the God of the Ugarit pantheon, the twin brother of Shalim, the god of Dusk. Together they were understood as representing the temporal structure of the day.

Lucifer’s father is often given as Cephalus, a mortal, himself often the son of the Semitic Mercury. Lucifer as well was depicted bearing a torch which may or may not suggest him akin in some ways to the Semitic fire God Prometheus.
Greek equivalent of Lucifer was Phosphorus. Hesiod gives Phosphorus father as Astraeus (“starry”), the Titian God of the Dusk, presumably an equivalent of Shalim. Other writers indicate his father Cephalus or the Semitic Atlas. Lucifer and Phosphorus are entirely obscure or minor figures, with hardly any Myth attributed to them.

Helel or “shining one” describes a primary Sun God like Utu/Shamash or Apollo. Here perhaps it is meaningful as well that Shamash was known in Mesopotamia from early on as Babbar or “shining one.”

Lucifer is the name of various figures in folklore associated with the planet Venus/Morning Star. Originally stemming from a son of the personified Dawn, the goddess Aurora, in Roman mythology, the entity's name was subsequently appropriated into Christian folklore as a name for the devil, quite incorrectly I might add.

It appears the writers of the Vulgate knew of prior mythologies yet didn't understand them fully.
How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
I have cleared this up in another post . . . nothing to do with a being called Lucifer
... the entity's name was subsequently appropriated into Christian folklore as a name for the devil, quite incorrectly I might add.
Not if you take in the broader contextual meanings and understanding as outlined above.

It appears the writers of the Vulgate knew of prior mythologies yet didn't understand them fully.
No, it doesn't, as Lucifer is the New Testament Vulgate is aligned positively – Day Star, etc – an epithet of Jesus Christ, so laying blame there shows your misunderstanding of Scripture.