Does God really exist?

Well, let me tell you a story.. ;)

As previously stated, my father was in the Royal Navy, and I had the privilege to live in
Hong Kong for a few years (8-11 years old). I met many US sailors at the naval base, as I used
to frequent a swimming pool there (for sailors and their families).
..but that is by-the-by..
Somehow, my thoughts seemed more philosophical in that climate .. I can understand the
spiritual thinking of India as opposed to Northern Europe, for example.
I often meditated, wondering why things were as they are .. why I woke up .. why the world
went tumbling on .. to where? for why?
I came to the conclusion that all that is CANNOT be a coincidence.
Well, what is a coincidence? One could write a book just on that.

Am I talking gibberish? ;)
Perhaps I have typed enough..
I can relate to being more philosophical than the surrounding culture. Not a lot of philosophy and art in the farm community where I was raised. The emphasis was on getting the crops in so we could survive. Not at all gibberish
The only way engineers can replicate bilateral symmetry, is to set up a row of machines to make left hands. It is then easy to make more left hands. If engineers then want right hands, they would have to make new drawings, and reset all the machines. Making mirror image hands requires intentional design.
Robotic engineers have designs they can copy, we have had basic engineering skills for thousands of years. The real advancement in robotic engineering is thanks to supercomputers. Engineers might use a few thousand components to make a robot. Imagine having to do a far more advanced job with thirty trillion cells and no blueprint to work from. Our bodies work from infancy to adulthood, engineers could not even begin to do this.
Engineers are not (yet) able to make a mitge. It doesn't work with electromagnetic energy conversion, we are unable to make structures fine enough to use electrostatic principles alone for the movement. Microsensorics and a brain with the intelligence of a mitge are out of scope. The present technology is not appropriate for imitation of living creatures.
Life is extremely complex and it's based on other physical principles. I think mankind will sooner or later be able to create species through variants on genetics. But would this be helpful?

A'isha reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) entered (my apartment) and I had hung (on the door of my apartment) a thin curtain having pictures on it. The colour of his face underwent a change. He then took hold of that curtain and tore it and then said:
The most grievous torfnent for the people on the Day of Resurrection would be for those who try to imitate Allah in the act of creation.

A drawing of an animal is quite harmless compared to our present activities. I see that we come closer to really imitating God's creation.

How could we make humanity refrain from such error?
Well, let me tell you a story.. ;)

As previously stated, my father was in the Royal Navy, and I had the privilege to live in
Hong Kong for a few years (8-11 years old). I met many US sailors at the naval base, as I used
to frequent a swimming pool there (for sailors and their families).
..but that is by-the-by..
Somehow, my thoughts seemed more philosophical in that climate .. I can understand the
spiritual thinking of India as opposed to Northern Europe, for example.
I often meditated, wondering why things were as they are .. why I woke up .. why the world
went tumbling on .. to where? for why?
I came to the conclusion that all that is CANNOT be a coincidence.
Well, what is a coincidence? One could write a book just on that.

Am I talking gibberish? ;)
Perhaps I have typed enough..
Very poetic musings. I like it.
What tools did blind nature have four billion years ago, if life miraculously popped into existence from non life? There was wind and tides to move chemicals around, temperature change, lightning, sunlight. These tools do not seem to be a sufficient explanation for the variety and complexity of life we see today. My 2c.
There's a lot we don't know about how things work, perhaps we will not ever know for sure, all the mysteries of the universe.
There's a lot more going on than we have any idea about
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosopy" (Hamlet)
Lastly a hundred and fifty years ago we get Daewin flipping the lerverbial tables.
Although we don't have convincing evidence either way, we still have critical thinking. Whilst four billion years sounds a long time, the starting point is some kind of single cell life. and from that we have the blue whale, with around a hundred thousand trillion cells.
I can't imagine how blind nature could organise that many cells. There were no fertilized eggs.

Engineers are not (yet) able to make a mitge. It doesn't work with electromagnetic energy conversion, we are unable to make structures fine enough to use electrostatic principles alone for the movement. Microsensorics and a brain with the intelligence of a mitge are out of scope. The present technology is not appropriate for imitation of living creatures.
Life is extremely complex and it's based on other physical principles. I think mankind will sooner or later be able to create species through variants on genetics. But would this be helpful?

A drawing of an animal is quite harmless compared to our present activities. I see that we come closer to really imitating God's creation.

How could we make humanity refrain from such error?
Without deep spirituality and wisdom (also derived from growing spiritually) the creativity God baked into us certainly can cause major problems. But then again, at its best, such creativity and innovation can glorify God because ultimately it is by God through us. The notion that we are in God’s image, plus the metaphor of a fountain flowing deep and wide, lead me to choose an emphasis on the Supra-natural instead of Supernatural. Supra-natural theology is empowering and helps avoid authoritarianism. But I agree that we must go deep enough to operate from a beyond-ness within—from and for “God.”
Probably the most important spiritual base would be the development of the ability to love. If done out of profound love, even weird science can promote Godly good.
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God does only exist through the holy deeds of humans. If you act evil you get evil. If you act holy you get holy.
Not far from what I believe, but I assume and experience a deep zone from which being unfolds, flows, unpacks. Is this an actual physical depth or a subjective depth only? I tend to think it is an actual physical depth. At least that is a meaningful myth for me that helps me navigate past mere reactions to surface events. I, like you, am more interested in the God Function than God per se. If Ultimate Reality can’t be used, what good is it for us non-ultimate beings? But I, also like you, believe we can be Godly, spiritual, more whole.
I can not proof Tha God exist. But I do also not imagine it. I sometimes believe not enough in God. But if I do I experience God.
I know for a fact that this world gets in a big trouble without God. No god will be because there is a lack of support. But I see a vision.

My visions lie never.

If God exist can be proven to proof demons exist.

If demons exists, and they do, God exists.

Atheïst say we have demons. Without knowing that way they proved God exist.
Atheïst say that imagination and hallucinations exist what proves demons exists. I know both demons and God.
I struggle until I discover what this world called a demon is actually God good and healthy and not sick. And bang, I am cured feom my demons that first bothered me. If we have children we can not wait to accept God's existing. So many Atheists prefer no children.
Children are a big problem for those who do not belief in God. But they do believe in demons.
Interesting emphasis on demons. I definitely believe in complexes, and don’t rule out that they can extend beyond an individual, as globs of subtle energy. But you must have experienced intense energy of some sort. I have had several (not a lot, but several) intense energy experiences that fit the concept of “kundalini overload.” But no demons that I’m aware of.
As a Catholic, I believe God is the Source and Cause of Life and Being, but I do not believe in Intelligent Design as proposed today.

As a partner and father of girls, and being aware of the degree women suffer as a result of childbirth and various other 'problems' – from miscarriage to endometriosis and a range of gynecological issues – I would have to acknowledge that the Intelligent Designer really wasn't paying sufficient attention when he made woman.
No entropy means non-existence. Therefore, God and Soul do not exist.
But you are talking about the realm of classical objects where entropy eventually rules if surface reality is left to its own devices. This is what Ken Wilber called a “flat land” view of reality consisting of objectively discernible qualities. What if reality has deep aspects that allow for negentropy? Emergent new order ?
Well that's a matter of perspective, isn't it.

Same could be said of everything you hold to be true.
Perspective? I think not. Show me ANY substantial proof that ANY God, Goddess, Demon, or Angel objectively exists.

"Same could be said of everything you hold to be true" . . . Oh? Such as what?