What do you look like?

Ooh no. Always kitties. (Snoopy was a contented kitten to the end of his 20+ years).
How are you doing?

The more I interact with neighbors/family, the more I appreciate The Trio (except when Tomodachi takes up a strip of our queen-size bed [he has either Maine Coon or Norwegian Forest :kitty:s in his family tree!]) Tovarish has escaped again, this time to the third storey (I had to retrieve her. *shake head*)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Similar really. Bad stuff, good stuff. Joy and sorrow. And cake. Always cake.
What I have found is zero use in complaining...or often even stating facts. Unless it is to my doctor..the pains, angina, vertigo, lack of energy...some are obvious amd cant be hid...but most the time I slow down, try to pace myself, take less risk, dont offer to help...opposite of what I have done all my life...but bitching about health circumstances does not make them better. My reality improves by changing my outlook.

And a change in attitude about my response to how I feel...that has value....to me.
The more I interact with neighbors/family, the more I appreciate The Trio (except when Tomodachi takes up a strip of our queen-size bed [he has either Maine Coon or Norwegian Forest :kitty:s in his family tree!]) Tovarish has escaped again, this time to the third storey (I had to retrieve her. *shake head*)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
You know where you are with a cat.
What I have found is zero use in complaining...or often even stating facts. Unless it is to my doctor..the pains, angina, vertigo, lack of energy...some are obvious amd cant be hid...but most the time I slow down, try to pace myself, take less risk, dont offer to help...opposite of what I have done all my life...but bitching about health circumstances does not make them better. My reality improves by changing my outlook.

And a change in attitude about my response to how I feel...that has value....to me.
Me too. I'm the same as my cats. It's a need to know basis. And I consider there's usually no need to know.
I didn't think my pic would actually load :eek:

Yestersay. Weather still bad here
68 in Sept

Big Brother is watching you, lol
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Painful, but worth it I think. How are you doing?
Hanging in there. Coming up on 20 years at work, vacillating back and forth over retiring. If I can't go up after 20, I may as well go out.

Broke my neck a few years back, lucky not to be quad, fused now from C3 to T4, but I am upright and mobile, just can't dance a jig or run a marathon.

How about you?
Hanging in there. Coming up on 20 years at work, vacillating back and forth over retiring. If I can't go up after 20, I may as well go out.

Broke my neck a few years back, lucky not to be quad, fused now from C3 to T4, but I am upright and mobile, just can't dance a jig or run a marathon.

How about you?
Civil partnership. Big birthday - hand-fed big cats. Redundancy/retirement. Epilepsy. Glaucoma. Cataracts. Veganish. Still running. Fallen in love with classical music. Lost my mum, my aunt and two cats. Blogger. That'll do!