Choosing your religion!

Geist, try going to a UU service and see how you connect with it. experiment! reading up on religious traditions is good, but one should also bodily hunt around, go to different places and communities, and see what's there. follow what you feel drawn to, and look around. are there any UU churches near you? what about others high on your list?
ISFP said:
are there any UU churches near you? what about others high on your list?
Dude I live in North Wales

What do you think?

As for religions I feel drawn to all the ones I am drawn to I have no conections to them what so ever!
well, on a positive note, North Wales has some pretty darn cool place names.

seriously, try on-line communities. it's not the same as going to a meeting, but you'll be able to talk with others and get information. is there any tradition on your list that you're especially interested in? i'll try to find some forums for you, if you feel that would be helpful. let me know, ok?
ISFP said:
well, on a positive note, North Wales has some pretty darn cool place names.
ISFP said:

seriously, try on-line communities. it's not the same as going to a meeting, but you'll be able to talk with others and get information. is there any tradition on your list that you're especially interested in? i'll try to find some forums for you, if you feel that would be helpful. let me know, ok?

Thank youuu~!! *Glomps ISFP*

Umm mainly

Celtic paganism
Theravada Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism

lets start with these..

Your Results:

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%) Browse Unitarian Universalism related books. Click here for info
2. Neo-Pagan (98%) Browse Neo-Pagan related books. Click here for info
3. Liberal Quakers (92%) Browse Liberal Quakers related books. Click here for info
4. Mahayana Buddhism (92%) Browse Mahayana Buddhism related books. Click here for info
5. New Age (91%) Browse New Age related books. Click here for info
6. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (81%) Browse Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants related books. Click here for info
7. Orthodox Quaker (77%) Browse Orthodox Quaker related books. Click here for info
8. Reform Judaism (72%) Browse Reform Judaism related books. Click here for info
9. Hinduism (71%) Browse Hinduism related books. Click here for info
10. New Thought (69%) Browse New Thought related books. Click here for info
11. Taoism (68%) Browse Taoism related books. Click here for info
12. Scientology (67%) Browse Scientology related books. Click here for info
13. Theravada Buddhism (65%) Browse Theravada Buddhism related books. Click here for info
14. Jainism (64%) Browse Jainism related books. Click here for info
15. Orthodox Judaism (60%) Browse Orthodox Judaism related books. Click here for info
16. Sikhism (59%) Browse Sikhism related books. Click here for info
17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (58%) Browse Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) related books. Click here for info
18. Secular Humanism (56%) Browse Secular Humanism related books. Click here for info
19. Bahá'í Faith (55%) Browse Bahá'í Faith related books. Click here for info
20. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (55%) Browse Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant related books. Click here for info
21. Seventh Day Adventist (54%) Browse Seventh Day Adventist related books. Click here for info
22. Islam (52%) Browse Islam related books. Click here for info
23. Eastern Orthodox (43%) Browse Eastern Orthodox related books. Click here for info
24. Roman Catholic (43%) Browse Roman Catholic related books. Click here for info
25. Non-theist (35%) Browse Non-theist related books. Click here for info
26. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (33%) Browse Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) related books. Click here for info
27. Jehovah's Witness (19%) Browse Jehovah's Witness related books. Click here for info
Here are my results, I like how I'm so much an Orthodox Quaker;) but it said on there that Quakers supposedly are a lot like Prodestants.

1. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (96%)2. Orthodox Quaker (100%) 3. Seventh Day Adventist (87%) 4. Eastern Orthodox (85%) 5. Roman Catholic (85%) 6. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (80%)7. Islam (62%) 8. Orthodox Judaism (62%) 9. Liberal Quakers (59%) 10. Bahá'í Faith (50%) 11. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (50%) 12. Unitarian Universalism (48%)13. Sikhism (46%) 14. Reform Judaism (45%) 15. Hinduism (44%) 16. Jainism (34%) 17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (34%)18. Jehovah's Witness (32%) 19. Theravada Buddhism (32%) 20. Mahayana Buddhism (31%)21. New Thought (24%) 22. Scientology (24%)23. Taoism (23%) 24. Neo-Pagan (23%) 25. New Age (23%) 26. Non-theist (22%) 27. Secular Humanism (20%)

Now when I meet someone from another religion I can say, "Well, I'm 96% Prodestant, but I'm also 44% Hindu.:p That's a slightly cool thing that's worth doing.
99% Jehovahs witness ,opps looks like i am going wrong somewhere:D oh well cant expect perfection in my imperfect state can i :D will have to wait for the end of the thousand year reign of christ to be 100%
New Age (100%) Browse New Age related books. Click here for info
2. Neo-Pagan (98%) Browse Neo-Pagan related books. Click here for info
3. New Thought (91%) Browse New Thought related books. Click here for info
4. Unitarian Universalism (87%) Browse Unitarian Universalism related books. Click here for info
5. Scientology (81%) Browse Scientology related books. Click here for info
6. Reform Judaism (79%) Browse Reform Judaism related books. Click here for info
7. Mahayana Buddhism (77%) Browse Mahayana Buddhism related books. Click here for info
8. Liberal Quakers (76%) Browse Liberal Quakers related books. Click here for info
9. Sikhism (75%) Browse Sikhism related books. Click here for info
10. Hinduism (70%) Browse Hinduism related books. Click here for info
11. Jainism (69%) Browse Jainism related books. Click here for info
12. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (65%) Browse Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) related books. Click here for info
13. Theravada Buddhism (65%) Browse Theravada Buddhism related books. Click here for info
14. Bahá'í Faith (63%) Browse Bahá'í Faith related books. Click here for info
15. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (61%) Browse Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants related books. Click here for info
16. Orthodox Judaism (60%) Browse Orthodox Judaism related books. Click here for info
17. Islam (50%) Browse Islam related books. Click here for info
18. Secular Humanism (48%) Browse Secular Humanism related books. Click here for info
19. Taoism (46%) Browse Taoism related books. Click here for info
20. Orthodox Quaker (36%) Browse Orthodox Quaker related books. Click here for info
21. Non-theist (28%) Browse Non-theist related books. Click here for info
22. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (27%) Browse Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant related books. Click here for info
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (17%) Browse Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) related books. Click here for info
24. Eastern Orthodox (17%) Browse Eastern Orthodox related books. Click here for info
25. Jehovah's Witness (17%) Browse Jehovah's Witness related books. Click here for info
26. Roman Catholic (17%) Browse Roman Catholic related books. Click here for info
27. Seventh Day Adventist (11%) Browse Seventh Day Adventist related books. Click here for info

Thats reaaly cool! I'm off to research these religons now and see if is accurate. :)
That was a rather fun test to take-foreversearching, the top of my profile looks almost exactly like yours! "New Age" was #1 & "Neo-pagan", (never knew what that was & now I are one:p ) Can't say i really know what "New Age" is either as to me it's such an amorphous thing don't know if there are central beliefs within it. I guess when I think of N.A. I think of a personal view that is not taken wholely from 1 established religious tradition. Have to admit, have always been conflicted on that topic-on the one hand you've got such respected folks as Huston Smith arguing against "cafeteria" spirituality & on other hand I also believe that the "spirit blows where it listeth" & each individual should honor that wind. Just darn hard to tell often if it's the wind of spirit or simply our own ego-bound desires, (that's the only cautionary note I have about "mix and match"). Have a good one, Earl

i have done that test twice, several months apart and got more or less the same results both times. unfortunately i'm a bit computer illiterate and every time i tried to send my results here i lost them into a black hole:mad: top score was baha'i (although actually i'm not terribly interested)

noticeably near the top was orthodox judaism:eek:

closely followed by islam (my home base)

christianity was a bit further down with catholic higher than protestant (as far as i remember)
[font=Helvetica,Arial]1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)

2. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (89%)

3. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (88%)

4. Eastern Orthodox (79%)

5. Roman Catholic (79%)

6. Seventh Day Adventist (75%)

7. Liberal Quakers (62%)

8. Islam (56%)

[/font][font=Helvetica,Arial]9. Orthodox Judaism (56%)

10. Unitarian Universalism (56%)

11. Bahá'í Faith (55%)

12. Reform Judaism (53%)

13. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (50%)

14. Sikhism (47%)

15. Hinduism (43%)

16. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (42%)

17. Neo-Pagan (38%)

18. Scientology (36%)

19. Jainism (36%)

20. Mahayana Buddhism (36%)

21. Theravada Buddhism (35%)

22. New Age (32%)

23. Jehovah's Witness (32%)

24. Secular Humanism (31%)

25. New Thought (26%)

26. Taoism (25%)

27. Non-theist (22%)

[/font][font=Helvetica,Arial]I’m a Quaker! Who would have thought? Well I always liked oat meal, maybe that has something to do with it.

1. Eastern Orthodox (100%) Browse Eastern Orthodox related books. Click here for info
2. Roman Catholic (100%) Browse Roman Catholic related books. Click here for info
3. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (84%) Browse Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant related books. Click here for info
4. Orthodox Quaker (83%) Browse Orthodox Quaker related books. Click here for info
5. Seventh Day Adventist (82%) Browse Seventh Day Adventist related books. Click here for info
6. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (63%) Browse Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants related books. Click here for info
7. Hinduism (57%) Browse Hinduism related books. Click here for info
8. Orthodox Judaism (53%) Browse Orthodox Judaism related books. Click here for info
9. Sikhism (48%) Browse Sikhism related books. Click here for info
10. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (47%) Browse Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) related books. Click here for info
11. Islam (46%) Browse Islam related books. Click here for info
12. Liberal Quakers (45%) Browse Liberal Quakers related books. Click here for info
13. Bahá'í Faith (43%) Browse Bahá'í Faith related books. Click here for info
14. Jehovah's Witness (38%) Browse Jehovah's Witness related books. Click here for info
15. Jainism (36%) Browse Jainism related books. Click here for info
16. Unitarian Universalism (35%) Browse Unitarian Universalism related books. Click here for info
17. Theravada Buddhism (27%) Browse Theravada Buddhism related books. Click here for info
18. Mahayana Buddhism (26%) Browse Mahayana Buddhism related books. Click here for info
19. Reform Judaism (26%) Browse Reform Judaism related books. Click here for info
20. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (19%) Browse Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) related books. Click here for info
21. Taoism (17%) Browse Taoism related books. Click here for info
22. Neo-Pagan (16%) Browse Neo-Pagan related books. Click here for info
23. Scientology (13%) Browse Scientology related books. Click here for info
24. Non-theist (12%) Browse Non-theist related books. Click here for info
25. New Age (11%) Browse New Age related books. Click here for info
26. New Thought (10%) Browse New Thought related books. Click here for info
27. Secular Humanism (8%) Browse Secular Humanism related books. Click here for info
It choose's you :p (And that's the beauty of it.)
:D Maybe you should do more of the following verse john 17;3 ;)

This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, (JEHOVAH)and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.