I've seen this issue raised - when does a baby count as a living being? - for discussion elsewhere, and usually the answer can vary to anywhere between the moment of conception to the moment of birth.
However, recent experience has me re-evaluating this issue.
We have two young children already - Hannah Rhiannon, who's 4, and Skye Caitlin, who's 18 months. Personally, I really wanted a vasectomy (even on the NHS!), but my girlfriend wasn't keen.
Then, for the past three months, I've had a feeling that another one was on its way. I even had a name decided: Maya. During this time I remember distinctly waking from a dream, and thinking that there was someone missing from our family.
And now my long-term partner, Julie, is pregnant. Maya is coming!
Or is she? There's always the possibility that the coming child is a boy - and we're both agreed that Torrin is a good boy's name.
OMG - hope it's not twins!
So on the issue of when does a baby count a living being I have to say that I still couldn't say to a date. But if you ask me when does a baby have a "soul" - I'm now left thinking: three months before conception!
Oh - and I'm allowed a vasectomy now!
However, recent experience has me re-evaluating this issue.
We have two young children already - Hannah Rhiannon, who's 4, and Skye Caitlin, who's 18 months. Personally, I really wanted a vasectomy (even on the NHS!), but my girlfriend wasn't keen.
Then, for the past three months, I've had a feeling that another one was on its way. I even had a name decided: Maya. During this time I remember distinctly waking from a dream, and thinking that there was someone missing from our family.
And now my long-term partner, Julie, is pregnant. Maya is coming!
Or is she? There's always the possibility that the coming child is a boy - and we're both agreed that Torrin is a good boy's name.
OMG - hope it's not twins!
So on the issue of when does a baby count a living being I have to say that I still couldn't say to a date. But if you ask me when does a baby have a "soul" - I'm now left thinking: three months before conception!
Oh - and I'm allowed a vasectomy now!