Are you going to heaven?

precept said:
Your above surmisings are of no eternal benefit to yourself and to those who seek to propose different paths to eternal life with Jesus; if these different paths are different from those as shoud be interpreted with scripture using scripture as its only interpreter.
Thank you for your opinion, but I do not think you as a human being are qualified to tell me what is of "eternal benefit to myself." Furthermore, I am not proposing anyone else follow the path I am on. I follow what has been revealed to me by the Holy Spirit in my walk with God.

Scripture does not interpret itself. That is why we were given the Holy Spirit. I cannot help it if the intuitive reading I receive is different from yours, but I will not blaspheme the Spirit by denying that I have been given insight into the scriptures for my own path.

I do not ask that anyone agree with me, but I do ask that people do not tell me what is beneficial for myself. Others may not find it beneficial, which is perfectly fine and actually makes a lot of sense, as we are all different in our needs and gifts. I am not asking you to agree with me, but only pointing out that we may interpret the same scripture differently. I am not the only Christ-follower who has read the Bible and come to these sorts of conclusions. Christianity is and always has been very diverse in its interpretation of scripture, and I choose to accept that rather than insist that everyone must think just as I do.
Kindest Regards, path of one!

path_of_one said:
Scripture does not interpret itself. That is why we were given the Holy Spirit. I cannot help it if the intuitive reading I receive is different from yours, but I will not blaspheme the Spirit by denying that I have been given insight into the scriptures for my own path.
...I am not asking you to agree with me, but only pointing out that we may interpret the same scripture differently. I am not the only Christ-follower who has read the Bible and come to these sorts of conclusions. Christianity is and always has been very diverse in its interpretation of scripture, and I choose to accept that rather than insist that everyone must think just as I do.
Indeed! This is what I have been trying to get across to some people myself. Which becomes further complicated when they do not/will not read what is written to them, or misconstrue what is written to them. When a person takes for granted that they already know, they close the door to further learning. This is called "closed-minded." I understand these people do not want to expose themselves to learning they fear is "evil," but in the process they also deny themselves the benefit of good as well. If it is the good they cling to and seek, they will be protected from the evil by the Holy Spirit.

I am in absolute agreement that God grants each of us understanding in accord with our gifts. I don't expect a shepherd to understand law, I don't expect a lawyer to understand medicine. I don't expect a doctor to place munitions. I don't expect a soldier to herd sheep.
I will lift every stone I can to get to that truth. I will explore every path of enlightenment and good that I encounter to gain a deeper understanding and insight into God's truth.quote]

Accurate Knowledge of Jesus Vital to Salvation

Accurate Knowledge of God Also Vital

With Spirit and Truth

Faith Moves to Action

Gaining accurate knowledge of God and Jesus.—John 17:3.

Exercising faith.—Romans 10:17; Hebrews 11:6.

Repenting and turning around.—Acts 3:19; Ephesians 4:22-24.

Dedication and baptism.—Matthew 16:24; 28:19, 20

Continuing to make public declaration.—Matthew 24:14; Romans 10:10.

Studying the Bible, applying what is learned, dedication, and baptism are steps leading to salvation:)

"The true worshipers," Jesus said, "will worship the Father with spirit and truth." (John 4:23)

no i am not going to heaven , i hope to live in a paradise earth FOR EVER matthew 5;5 psalm 37;11 , 29:) and even if i die that hope is still there for a future time John 5;28-29