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Abogado del Diablo said:
So as far as a response to my question goes, shall I mark you down for "I don't know"?
I am under the impression that we are being told we know nothing Abo, and really I thought this would become a very interesting conversation on Popes and Christian Catholics. Alas, this does not appear to be the case. :(


Kind Regards, precept!
precept said:
"Juantoo" if the matter of salvation was left up to us human; then only those according to our "subjective individual religious understanding of scripture" would have a chance to be saved.
Yet, you do realize, each of us who sincerely follows the teachings of Christ, does so by "subjective individual religious understanding of scripture?" No two believers believe in identical ways. Is only one, or possibly even none if even that person is mistaken, to be saved? Is your way the only way? How do you know?

Salvation; according to scripture is entirely defined by God and only by God can salvation be defined.This means that any other defintion other than as defined by God, is sinful.
For Christians, I can agree to a point. but how do you know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that your interpretation of God's definition is the correct one? Or that any others are incorrect? And what of those who are not Christians, who diligently follow another path God has given them? Or are all peoples damned automatically, and Christians just happen to, by some stroke of fate or happy chance of winning the lottery, the only ones to be saved?

The Christian church which was began by Jesus Himself and introduced to humanity tnrough His handpicked disciples cannot introduce a different gospel than that introduced by Christ and His disciples.
I would be willing to bet that even in your own personal tradition, there are elements that were not taught by Christ, but instead were added at a later date by religious authority. So, because your tradition includes any non-Christian elements, are you therefore damned?

Such then is not as you put it a matter for forgiveness. There is no merit in forgiving a sin that was introduced by false represntatives of the True.
Perhaps, yet in the spirit of forgiveness one can overlook things which are not the direct fault of the individual in question. Can I take exception to doctrine and authority? Certainly, and I do. Can I take exception to an individual, particularly one who hasn't got a clue? No, I do not think that is what Jesus had in mind. A live dog is better than a dead lion, Solomon tells us. A person who lives the teachings of Christ, regardless of their indoctrination, is far better than a person of a specific doctrine who does not live their life as Jesus taught. It is not what we know. It is what we do with what we know, that gains us entry to heaven.

The True representatives of Christ, including Christ Himself, and complete with the entire scriptures of God's commandments to humanity, is complete! Replete with how humanity MUST SERVE GOD! And any deviation from these explicit instructions by any group, catholic or protestant, must be presented for what it is, the work of God's archenemy, the devil.
The true representatives of Christ are those who do what he taught, Catholic or Protestant, or Hare Krishna for that matter. Those who teach hatred do the work of God's archenemy. There is a time and place for righteous indignation, this is neither the time nor place.

Those who represent God's salvation, cannot but represent His salvation the way He chooses to represent same.
Indeed! So, how do you know you are correctly representing salvation the way God intended?

God's true church that existed from the time of Adam through Abraham, never at any time misunderstood God's salvific plan. So important is God's salvific plan that even Abraham is quoted as one who "believed His plan" and those of us who also "beleive His plan" are like "faithful Abraham".
I am not going to make any attempt here to justify war, but I will point out that even early in the monotheism of the Bible, war was sometimes sanctioned and even dealt by God. So, were these men we now consider righteous representatives of faith in God "representing God's desires in the atrocities of the past?" This would include Abraham, you know? Abraham conducted a military raid to rescue Lot. So, by your account, Abraham "had no understanding of the true gospel of salvation...and thinking (he was) doing God's bidding, (he) made God's Gospel of salvation (his) own imagining," effectively founding all monotheistic religions on false basis? That would even include your interpretation of Christianity, you know. Condemning yourself by your own words and beliefs? "With what measure ye mete..."

If the false representatives of the true had "beleived His plan" they, like "faithful Abraham" who pre-eisted them by more than four thousands of years, would have fully understood God's salvific plan as Abraham did.
Perhaps, but you know, you are contradicting yourself. Abraham cannot be misled and faithful at the same time. Or can he?

It is for this reason that no amount of recrimination on the part of those who already are in violation of His plan through ignorance of same, has any relevance or redeeming value.
Quite the contrary, one is not held accountable for what they do not know. Thanks be to God for His mercy.

Hence apologizing for actions that were not of, or in any way connected to our God's salvation plan is a consummate waste of time.
Not to those who would otherwise be found guilty, which so far includes you.

Those guilty of the commission of these crimes against God and their fellow humans, together with those who believe in their false representation of God's gospel[their followers aka the churches of their making] have an eternal responsibility to confess their sins to God[not apologize!] ...ask Hisforgiveness;[not forgivness from fellow sinners] repent of their false understanding of God's Gospel of salvation; turn from following these false practices; and follow the True Gospel as plainly outlined by God in His Holy scriptures.
OK, I can go along with a person asking forgiveness once they realize their sin. But holding others accountable for the actions of someone else...nah, I don't get that from Christ's example, nor God's word. Besides, according to you I don't need your forgiveness anyway, since you are but a fellow sinner. But that's OK, I forgive you anyway.

The True gospel of God will be revealed to all true seekers of same....for so God has promised...."And ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart". Jeremiah 29:13.
Amen. But did you notice, that is not "the gospel according to precept?" In other words, by its very nature it is going to be "subjective individual religious understanding of scripture," whether you care for that fact or not.

Huimanty must not take for granted the work of the arch-deceiver.
Agreed. Sometimes wolves come in sheep's clothing, or in the form of somebody who knows the truth!

Satan's decption of these, God's people was so complete that God condemned them all-the Israelites, to wandering aroud in a desert for forty years till every last one of them that had originally left Eygpt had died in the wilderness.
Gotta love absolutes, and the people who use them! There was at least one man who entered the Promised Land who had been in Egypt. And he was a military man! So who am I to believe is mistaken here; the Bible, or you?

The descendants of those[the Israelites] denied entry into the "land of promise fared no better than their predecessors---they killed the very God who brought their predecessors out of Eygpt; and did not recognize Him as their God;just as their predecessors before them did not recognize Him as their God at the mout of Sinai when He gave them His ten commandments.
Oh now, see, I bet I can get a whole lot of Jews who would very much disagree with you. Not to mention how many Christians are very likely descended of Hebrew stock through the lost tribes who would disagree with you just as well.

It is not surprising that Satan would be trying his endeavour best to corrupt God's plan of saving humanity by using his, satan's mission of sin Satan even tried to deceive very God, when he tempted Jesus, Very God to worship him, Satan.
On a certain level I can agree with you here. Where I vehemently disagree is your shotgun application, your assumption that devils hide behind every tree and billboard.

"...And Jesus answered...Take heed that no man deceive you....for many shall come in my Name "saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many"..Matthew 24:4-5"
...and many false prophets shall arise and DECEIVE MANY" Matthew 24:11.
Indeed. How can I know you are not one of them?

The above passages are but just a FEW OF THE WARNINGS GIVEN TO TRUE CHRISTIANS, who must be on the look-out for the Counterfeit gospel of satan!
Amen. And since there are too many things in your teachings here that contradict the teachings of Jesus, and the evidence of your fruit does not include love, compassion or forgiveness, then I must conclude you are one of "many false prophets."

Matthew 25:31-46....Makes quite clear that "hellfire" was prepared for the "devil and his angels"; but also will include all who willingly follow the devil or allow themselves to be deceived into following satan in the belief that they are following the teachings of Jesus.
Jesus again makes this fact quite clear when He described the Christians on His left hand in Matthew 7:21-23, as those "christians"on their way to hell!
Uh-huh. I agree. The problem is with interpretation. Yours does not agree with mine. I see Jesus loving people out of their faults, despite their faults. You, on the other hand, seem to believe that everybody else is damned for being on the wrong path for misinterpreting or whatever. Look in the mirror, please. If you find a guiltless person worthy to first cast a stone, get back to me. Until then, I'm gonna stick by my understanding of what Jesus taught.
Juantoo3....many thanks for your cogent and introspective response. There are a few points I must respectfully address; bearing in mind that although insinuated to be false in my representation of truth; yet I must confess that God cannot and will not be all things to all people.
This fact was brought to light in God's own words to the idolatrous Israelites in 2 Kings 21:11-15..."Because Manasseh king of Judah hath done these abominations, and hath done wickedly above all that the Amorites did.....and hath made Judah also to sin with his idols: Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel, behold I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth it,both his ears shall tingle..........And I will forsake the remnant of mine inheritance, and deliver them into the hands of their enemies; and they shall become a prey and a spoil to all their enemies; because they have done that which was evil in my sight, and have provoked me to anger, since the day their fathers came forth out of Eygpt, even unto this day.

The above scripture outlines with clarity that God is not worshipped via any other gods. In other words God does not share His space with any other Gods...in other words you cannot worship other gods, yet claim to be worshipping the true God. Manasseh and the Israelites paying dearly for worshipping idols instead of the true God, makes my point.

Read the account of how God rejected the whole nation of the Israelites and allowed them to be taken captive by the Babylonians who mercilessly tortured, killed and transplanted the whole ten tribes...repopulating the land of Israel with the sorrounding heathen nations...completely dispossessing the ten tribes of Israel of the promised land He Himself had willed them.
Read how He later allowed a similar fate to the land of Judah because they refused to learn the lesson taught to the ten tribes when they, worshipped idols, instead of worshippping God. [For your benefit...2Kings 23:27]..."I will remove Judah ALSO OUT OF MY SIGHT, AS I HAVE REMOVED ISRAEL, and will cast off this city Jerusalem which I have chosen, and the house of which I said, My name shall be there." These scriptures leave no doubt but that God is to be served solely on His terms. He explicitly commanded the Israelites..."Thou shalt have no other gods before me." such a command is as true for the Israelites as it is true for all humans who choose to worship other gods instead of the one and only True God.

And the punishment! It is no less severe!

You make an argument re my contradicting myself re God's forgiving and yet killing not only the heathen nations by the hands of the Israelites; but wonder of all wonders;I'll add; His own Israelites! and in the thousands!
You fail to understand God's mercy mixed with His justice. In the case of the heathen nations; God had told Abraham 500-600years prior..."And He said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not their's, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years[a prophecy re four hundred years of Eygptian slavery made even before the birth of Abraham's son Issac.] But God also told Abraham that he would judge the Eygptians[I wonder why?] God told Abraham that the fourth generation of the Israelites would leave Eygpt..."for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full"....meaning that God had intented to kill all the heathen, using the Israelites so to do; as he killed all the people of the ante-deluvian world with a flood.... and as He will kill all the wicked with fire and brimstone; JUST as He killed the wicked people of Sodom and Gomorrah and also as He killed them with "fire and brimstone". Yet God's judgement though swift; as the Ante-deluviaqns, the people of Israel, Eygpt, and Sodom and Gomorrah all attest...His mercy is no less magnanimous as the people of Nineveh and Rahab the harlot, also attest.

It is in this fashion that Abraham could be used as an instrument in the hands of God to kill any and all heathen nations at will...just as God used the people of Israel to kill any and all heathen nations...and just as God will do when He rains fire and brimstone on the "beast and the false prophet; throwing them both and all who follow their false doctrines in a lake of fire that burneth with brimstone". Revelation 19:20

God Himself says that He will show mercy only to those who keep His commandments.Exodus 20:5-6.. And that He will visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of all the humans who hate Him." ...A just and fine reoresentation of the juxtaposition of God's judgement and His mercy.
A contradiction to you! Maybe!...But not in how God judges us, His own human created work.

Juantoo3 said:
Yet, you do realize, each of us who sincerely follows the teachings of Christ, does so by "subjective individual religious understanding of scripture?" No two believers believe in identical ways. Is only one, or possibly even none if even that person is mistaken, to be saved? Is your way the only way? How do you know?

If one must propose any subjective understanding of salvation different from the understanding as taught by Jesus to His own disciples...such a "subjective understanding" cannot be anything but a false understanding of the gospel of salvation. Jesus told His disciples as He tells us..."Go and preach....teaching them to observe all the things I HAVE COMMANDMED YOU". No one is consequently authorized to "teach anything else but what Jesus has commanded....and every thing that Jesus commands is in the scripture....and if the early church of the disciples were so united in the teaching of a unified gospel of salvation; doing so at the peril of their lives; how much more us who claim to be the beneficiaries of a time when we can worship God without fear from any quarter. Shouldn't we be worshipping God
even more unified than they!...Shouldn't we be the answer of Jesus' prayer "that they may be one"!...IN TRUE WORSHIP! Certainly not as you propose...as in worshipping as any so chooses!

For Christians, I can agree to a point. but how do you know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that your interpretation of God's definition is the correct one? Or that any others are incorrect? And what of those who are not Christians, who diligently follow another path God has given them? Or are all peoples damned automatically, and Christians just happen to, by some stroke of fate or happy chance of winning the lottery, the only ones to be saved?

If you follow my argument above...God can only be worshipped One way! His way! To find "His way", you must follow the teachings He taught His disciples to teach us.

I would be willing to bet that even in your own personal tradition, there are elements that were not taught by Christ, but instead were added at a later date by religious authority. So, because your tradition includes any non-Christian elements, are you therefore damned?

The gospel of salvation is as simple as loving God with all of one's heart and loving one's neighbor as much as one loves himself. God Himself says that one cannot say that he/she loves Him, yet hate his neighbor. This, another of God's commands puts the onus on the sinner to first exhibit complete love to his neighbor; be that neighbor his best friend or his enemy! And it is precisely because us sinners would prefer to sin against our neighbor rather than exhibit love towards our neighbor that Jesus died to make it easy for us to first ask His forgiveness for sinning against our neighbor;BUT NOT BEFORE ASKING OUR NEIGHBOR'S FORGIVERNESS. A humbling task; given that we had violated our neighbors rights with previous impunity.

QUOTE]Perhaps, yet in the spirit of forgiveness one can overlook things which are not the direct fault of the individual in question. Can I take exception to doctrine and authority? Certainly, and I do. Can I take exception to an individual, particularly one who hasn't got a clue? No, I do not think that is what Jesus had in mind. A live dog is better than a dead lion, Solomon tells us. A person who lives the teachings of Christ, regardless of their indoctrination, is far better than a person of a specific doctrine who does not live their life as Jesus taught. It is not what we know. It is what we do with what we know, that gains us entry to heaven.[/QUOTE]

Your above summation re forgiveness is practical in human terms; but not in the terms of forgiveness according to God. Jesus said that He sums up all of His commands to humanity in just two commands..."LOVE TO HIM"...and LOVE TO OUR FELLOW-MEN" He broadens on the concept by saying that "if we do not forgive our fellowman; that neither will He forgive us our sins". This is a most compelling argument to forgive our fellow man; if in fact we would want to be forgiven - a pre-requisite to being saved.

The true representatives of Christ are those who do what he taught, Catholic or Protestant, or Hare Krishna for that matter. Those who teach hatred do the work of God's archenemy. There is a time and place for righteous indignation, this is neither the time nor place.

The "true representatives of Christ are those" who "teach the very things that Christ taught His disciples to teach us". No where in anything that Christ taught His disciples, is there any mention of our being taught to worship "lord Diva". or Hare Krishna or kiss the "hand or toe, or finger" of any human sinner.

Indeed! So, how do you know you are correctly representing salvation the way God intended?

Salvation is an individual's private consult with his Maker. Only the individual sinner knows how much he loves His God and how much he loves his neighbor.

I am not going to make any attempt here to justify war, but I will point out that even early in the monotheism of the Bible, war was sometimes sanctioned and even dealt by God. So, were these men we now consider righteous representatives of faith in God "representing God's desires in the atrocities of the past?" This would include Abraham, you know? Abraham conducted a military raid to rescue Lot. So, by your account, Abraham "had no understanding of the true gospel of salvation...and thinking (he was) doing God's bidding, (he) made God's Gospel of salvation (his) own imagining," effectively founding all monotheistic religions on false basis? That would even include your interpretation of Christianity, you know. Condemning yourself by your own words and beliefs? "With what measure ye mete..."

I have requoted; hoping that my answer was already forthcoming in my opening remarks.

Perhaps, but you know, you are contradicting yourself. Abraham cannot be misled and faithful at the same time. Or can he?

He was not. See answer in opening remarks.

OK, I can go along with a person asking forgiveness once they realize their sin. But holding others accountable for the actions of someone else...nah, I don't get that from Christ's example, nor God's word. Besides, according to you I don't need your forgiveness anyway, since you are but a fellow sinner. But that's OK, I forgive you anyway.

One forgives another, against whom he committed a sin. If I am aware that "you" Juantoo3 sinned against your dad; what benefit is it to me to forgive you, seeing I am not your dad...and again if your dad has not forgiven you; my forgiving you is of no benefit to you, me, or your dad.

Gotta love absolutes, and the people who use them! There was at least one man who entered the Promised Land who had been in Egypt. And he was a military man! So who am I to believe is mistaken here; the Bible, or you?

Not one but two. Caleb and Joshua. But while I deliberately omitted to mention these two original Israelites who had left Eygpt...I was just doing as scripture did in Hebrews 4:6 which also omitted mentioning Caleb and Joshua.

Oh now, see, I bet I can get a whole lot of Jews who would very much disagree with you. Not to mention how many Christians are very likely descended of Hebrew stock through the lost tribes who would disagree with you just as well.

Disagreeing with the clear word of scripture is nothing new!

I'm the Catholic here...guess you forgot about that. And of course you haven't bothered to ask what I think...

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Quahom1 said:
I'm the Catholic here...guess you forgot about that. And of course you haven't bothered to ask what I think...

I'll ask you, Q...I too thought this was going to be a really interesting conversation about some of the finer points of Catholic doctrine.

And every single (practicing) Catholic I've ever known has sincerely loved Jesus and wanted to follow His will. There are several points about their faith I disagree with, but then there are several points about my faith that they disagree with. :) I've never doubted their sincerity and good will and love of God.
precept said:
If you follow my argument above...God can only be worshipped One way! His way! To find "His way", you must follow the teachings He taught His disciples to teach us.
Where do you get these teachings from?
Scarlet Pimpernel said:
I'll ask you, Q...I too thought this was going to be a really interesting conversation about some of the finer points of Catholic doctrine.

And every single (practicing) Catholic I've ever known has sincerely loved Jesus and wanted to follow His will. There are several points about their faith I disagree with, but then there are several points about my faith that they disagree with. :) I've never doubted their sincerity and good will and love of God.
And that...is what makes the world go 'round. :D

Now let's talk about them "damn" catholics, oh and their pope too...:D :D :D


catholic Q
Scarlet Pimpernel said:
I'll ask you, Q...I too thought this was going to be a really interesting conversation about some of the finer points of Catholic doctrine.

And every single (practicing) Catholic I've ever known has sincerely loved Jesus and wanted to follow His will. There are several points about their faith I disagree with, but then there are several points about my faith that they disagree with. :) I've never doubted their sincerity and good will and love of God.

And that...is what makes the world go 'round.

Now let's talk about them "damn" catholics, oh and their pope too...

To talk about any particular religion, the Roman Catholic religion included, brings into focus the argument that identifies the religious denomination that exemplifies the true teachings of Christianity. This excercise is fraught with futility....if only because each religious denomination will claim that itsinterpretation of scripture being correct, ought to be followed over the other denomination's interpretation of the same scripture. This unnecesary tug-o-war with the word of God is eventually resolved with "we are united in the belief that Jesus did die for the sins of humanity; which binds us to the common proclamation of Christianity, thus making us all Christians. Thus joined we look for commonalities like "we agree that Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week"; "we agree that He had twelve disciples"; and so on; but where we disagree! such is unimportant; if only because we already agree on what we consider most important.

This unholy alliance then proclaims itself Christian,united on what it proclaims essentials of Christianity and disunited on what it proclaimsnon-essentials of Christianity...........
This works fine when CLAY POTS ARE BEING PRODUCED FROM CLAY; but the drama of all the ages that brought the Son of God to earth to suffer death at the hands of the very humans God Himself created, is not to be left in the hands of humans["the clay"]as to how salvation["the pot"]is to be determined. Hence only the gospel as taught by Jesus; WHO TAUGHT HIS DISCIPLES TO TEACH US; and in every minute detail, should we "the clay" seek to follow.

When we "love the Lord with all our hearts"we "the clay" will follow without question all the commands of the Lord written in scripture.This means that even if we follow in error; yet because we wish to please the Lord "with all our hearts", we seek to expose ourselves to the true understanding of His scripture; which when we understand, we gladly follow;discarding our wrong understanding of His scripture and replacing our wrong understanding with the true. When "we love the Lord with all our hearts" our only desire is to please the Lord in every command that our Lord wrote in His Holy scripture to our attention.
Scripture is the only method of communication that our Loving Father has in communicating with His erring children. His communication cannot be altered by the very erring children the communication was meant to correct in the first place...And while our Loving father knows that we will fail in following faithfully all His commands; yet He knows that His True followers would gladly follow His commands if and when the truth of His commands is common knowledge to them.

This puts the lie to the multiplicity of the various Chriatian denominations, as being of God... because if all the various denominations followed the truth of scripture, they would all come to the same conclusion re the direction that our very Loving father intend we take in following Him faithfully.

The excercise, therefore, as to "who is right; and who is wrong" has no value in the grand plan of God's salvation of humanity.

The True church is to be found in each individual Christian who truly loves his Lord. Only such an individual Christian knows if he loves his Lord and how much he so loves his Lord. That individual Christian then searches the scripture as he would read a "love letter" received from one with whom he/she is in love. He/she then follows the direction he/she so receives from the words of the "love letter", leaving nothing to chance...and certainly not to another to decide for him/her.

Ok, I've been patient with you. Since I am one of the few catholics here, I figured why not indulge you. Now I see, I was mistaken.

This is a forum for discussion, not condemnation, of any faith, creed or religion. IF you cannot abide by that code of conduct...you should leave.

Should you insist on continuing in this brow beating, well, it's not a good thing.

If I wanted to get my butt kicked, I'd go back to catholic school. Now, please desist.

If you want to discuss Catholicism, then we can. If you want to show how superior you are over catholics...this is not the place to do it. ;)


Quahom1 said:
Ok, I've been patient with you. Since I am one of the few catholics here, I figured why not indulge you. Now I see, I was mistaken.

This is a forum for discussion, not condemnation, of any faith, creed or religion. IF you cannot abide by that code of conduct...you should leave.

Should you insist on continuing in this brow beating, well, it's not a good thing.

If I wanted to get my butt kicked, I'd go back to catholic school. Now, please desist.

If you want to discuss Catholicism, then we can. If you want to show how superior you are over catholics...this is not the place to do it. ;)



I second that.
Quahom1 said:
Ok, I've been patient with you. Since I am one of the few catholics here, I figured why not indulge you. Now I see, I was mistaken.

This is a forum for discussion, not condemnation, of any faith, creed or religion. IF you cannot abide by that code of conduct...you should leave.

Should you insist on continuing in this brow beating, well, it's not a good thing.

If I wanted to get my butt kicked, I'd go back to catholic school. Now, please desist.

If you want to discuss Catholicism, then we can. If you want to show how superior you are over catholics...this is not the place to do it. ;)

The excercise, therefore, as to "who is right; and who is wrong" has no value in the grand plan of God's salvation of humanity.

The True church is to be found in each individual Christian who truly loves his Lord. Only such an individual Christian knows if he loves his Lord and how much he so loves his Lord. That individual Christian then searches the scripture as he would read a "love letter" received from one with whom he/she is in love. He/she then follows the direction he/she so receives from the words of the "love letter", leaving nothing to chance...and certainly not to another to decide for him/her.


If you see in the above quotation a condemnation of any organized Christian religion; condemned because they do not build on the true truths of God--you are right!
If on the other hand you see in every organized Christian religion, the true child of God who seeks after God's truth as one "seeks for hidden treasure"...and as the woman in scripture that swept her whole house, looking for her lost coin; which when she found; called in the whole neighborhood to rejoice with her .....If you see these "seekers after truth" as being in all organized Christian religions--then you would be wrong in accusing me of condemning the honest "seekers after truth" who can be found in all Christian religions.

Ok let me see if I have this correctly.. In all your novel length posts if you are saying that there are true Christians in every organized church and its not the individual church that forms the bride of Christ.. I will agree.

I will not condemn anyone of anything.. My prayer is for those who are bound by church doctrine.. I believe that Christ brings us freedom in which we are all partakers of.

They are STILL my brothers and sisters in Christ in whatever way they worship Him.

Are you saying that you have a problem with anyone who accepts the doctrines of a particular Christian tradition without looking to God directly for themselves and that such a person is not on the "True" path?

If so, what if some people look at the doctrines of a particular Christian tradition and look to God, and decide for themselves that that particular tradition is the "True" path for them? Who are you to say it isn't?
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precept said:
If you see in the above quotation a condemnation of any organized Christian religion; condemned because they do not build on the true truths of God--you are right!
If on the other hand you see in every organized Christian religion, the true child of God who seeks after God's truth as one "seeks for hidden treasure"...and as the woman in scripture that swept her whole house, looking for her lost coin; which when she found; called in the whole neighborhood to rejoice with her .....If you see these "seekers after truth" as being in all organized Christian religions--then you would be wrong in accusing me of condemning the honest "seekers after truth" who can be found in all Christian religions.

I see, an arrogant, self-righteous person, masquerading as someone perfect within the Spirit of God.

I am neither self-righteous, nor perfect...therefore I must not be looking in the mirror.

How's your view?

It's getting a little hot in this thread - so perhaps we should remind that it's not really fitting on CR to publicly condemn other faiths and paths simply for being different?

Certainly there's a lot of criticism out there on Catholicism, and also of Protestant Reform movements. However, let's try and keep to the idea of an interractive discussion, and not one where people feel a need to elevate themselves above other traditions? We've had too much of minority Christians witnessing against others recently...
Yes sir. sorry. no disrespect intended towards anyone. I just got hot under the collar, as you observed.


Abogado del Diablo said:

Are you saying that you have a problem with anyone who accepts the doctrines of a particular Christian tradition without looking to God directly for themselves and that such a person is not on the "True" path?

If so, what if some people look at the doctrines of a particular Christian tradition and look to God, and decide for themselves that that particular tradition is the "True" path for them? Who are you to say it isn't?

There is none who can say that any particular human is saved! No;not even the pope!

But the scriptures are quite clear as to which religion is the true religion of Jesus; also the scriptures show quite clearly the tenets of same.

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