Is Truth Relative...

conscience, you're blowin' this place up man:)

I want to comment on the prophecies. Are you aware that the prophecies have been altered and mistranslated in some cases?
Really? Which prophecies from the Bible has been altered, and mistranslated?

The 5 Heros were:

1. Malcolm X
2. Bob Marley
3. Ghandi
4. Bruce Lee
5. Martin Luther King Jr.

Those are the people I looked up to before I became a Christian. I still admire these men, but no longer call them heros. A hero of mine now is Apostle Paul. I love that dude. He went from soldier to soldier for the Lord. And, while he was given all these amazing reverlations from God, he still was humbled by the fact that he had problems with sin.
Maybe I'll start a thread on heroes. It would be really neat to have different people list their "top five" heroes. Ghandi and MLK, Jr. are heroes to me too, although I'd have to give a lot of thought to pick just five inspirational people.
path_of_one said:
Maybe I'll start a thread on heroes. It would be really neat to have different people list their "top five" heroes. Ghandi and MLK, Jr. are heroes to me too, although I'd have to give a lot of thought to pick just five inspirational people.
Good idea.
Well, probably the biggest mistranslation was that a virgin will give birth in Isaiah. This was originally young woman, not virgin.

There are many others that were mistranslated due tense. Tenses were changed from past to present and future. I have a link on these so I'll post it here. I need to warn you that this link will be highly controversial. Do you want it? It was written by a messianic jew
Well, probably the biggest mistranslation was that a virgin will give birth in Isaiah. This was originally young woman, not virgin.

You're kidding, right? Where in the world did you hear this?

There are many others that were mistranslated due tense. Tenses were changed from past to present and future. I have a link on these so I'll post it here. I need to warn you that this link will be highly controversial. Do you want it? It was written by a messianic jew

No thanks. Im already swamped with reading this HUGE rasta book. I want to understand them so that I can refute their claims even better. Plus, Im not really into spurious writtings.
I didn't hear it from anyone. i read about it. It is known fact for anyone that is familiar with Hebrew and Greek. The Hebrew word for young woman was mistranslated to virgin in Greek. So that prophecy can not be seen in the same light you are viewing it in. unless you want to ignore the truth. Wait a minute is that relative or absolute?
Conscience said:

The 5 Heros were:

1. Malcolm X--Muslim
2. Bob Marley--Rastafarian
3. Ghandi--Hindu
4. Bruce Lee--asian martial arts philosophy
5. Martin Luther King Jr.--Christian

Those are the people I looked up to before I became a Christian. I still admire these men, but no longer call them heros. A hero of mine now is Apostle Paul. I love that dude. He went from soldier to soldier for the Lord. And, while he was given all these amazing reverlations from God, he still was humbled by the fact that he had problems with sin.

Interesting list, Conscience. All revolutionary leaders within their religion or art form. All visionaries. All pushing the boundaries. Quite a lot like Jesus, no?

For: Didymus

I didn't hear it from anyone. i read about it. It is known fact for anyone that is familiar with Hebrew and Greek. The Hebrew word for young woman was mistranslated to virgin in Greek. So that prophecy can not be seen in the same light you are viewing it in. unless you want to ignore the truth. Wait a minute is that relative or absolute?

LOL. You're gonna have to study more. We (Christians) traditionally say, "virgin" because this verse from Isaiah is quoted in Matt 1:23 in connection with Jesus' birth. Also, the Isaiah passage has been regarded since the earliest Christian times as a prophecy of Christ's virgin birth. Much debate has taken place over the best way to translate this Hebrew term, although ultimately its quite simple. You see, the Hebrew word used here, "young woman", can sometimes refer to a woman who is a virgin as noted in Gen 24:43. God has no skeletons in his closet, the Bible always reveals truth. You'll find if you study the Bible, the so called "contradictions" are like the weapons of destruction in Iraq -- Impossible to find!
"Interesting list, Conscience. All revolutionary leaders within their religion or art form. All visionaries. All pushing the boundaries. Quite a lot like Jesus, no?"

Ah, no..I wouldnt compare any of those dudes to Jesus. Why? First, they were created, and Jesus is Creator. Second, and more obvious, they, like you and I are sinners. Jesus is sinless and perfect!
The word in Isaiah is al-mah, which means "young woman" or "maiden." It does not mean "virgin." The Hebrew word for "virgin" is betulah. The LXX mistranslated al-mah as "virgin," and the gospel author picked up the mistranlation and worked it into the story as a "fulfilled prophecy."

And yes, a "virgin" could be included in the definition of a "young woman" or "maiden" but it's not much of a prophecy when the original word includes a young woman, whether a virgin or not.
Translations are no joke. The play on words is tremendous. You got to be a history student sometimes too. There is something strangely liberating about education - that's why some are scared of it.
didymus said:
Well, probably the biggest mistranslation was that a virgin will give birth in Isaiah. This was originally young woman, not virgin.

There are many others that were mistranslated due tense. Tenses were changed from past to present and future. I have a link on these so I'll post it here. I need to warn you that this link will be highly controversial. Do you want it? It was written by a messianic jew
This always interests me.. Why in the world would it need to be written in Isaiah that a young woman would bear a child.. how is that in any way special.. dont young women usually bear children? Why would God tell us that a young woman would bear a child.. that would be like umm duh? A woman had to keep her virtue.. or risk death. Mary was not married to Joseph so what was she? A virgin... Bingo! Logic suggests that God would tell us that a virgin would bear a child to mark that child special from other children.. Food for thought for scoffers.
Here's an awesome post by FaithfulServant:

"This always interests me.. Why in the world would it need to be written in Isaiah that a young woman would bear a child.. how is that in any way special.. dont young women usually bear children? Why would God tell us that a young woman would bear a child.. that would be like umm duh? A woman had to keep her virtue.. or risk death. Mary was not married to Joseph so what was she? A virgin... Bingo! Logic suggests that God would tell us that a virgin would bear a child to mark that child special from other children.. Food for thought for scoffers."

Note the "duh," in his words. This is pretty much a no brainer. Is there any need to discuss this futher?
Faithfulservant said:
This always interests me.. Why in the world would it need to be written in Isaiah that a young woman would bear a child..
Doesn't make any difference. It is written that a young woman will bear a child.
Conscience said:
Here's an awesome post by FaithfulServant:

"This always interests me.. Why in the world would it need to be written in Isaiah that a young woman would bear a child.. how is that in any way special.. dont young women usually bear children? Why would God tell us that a young woman would bear a child.. that would be like umm duh? A woman had to keep her virtue.. or risk death. Mary was not married to Joseph so what was she? A virgin... Bingo! Logic suggests that God would tell us that a virgin would bear a child to mark that child special from other children.. Food for thought for scoffers."

Note the "duh," in his words. This is pretty much a no brainer. Is there any need to discuss this futher?
So you go with the mistranslation because that makes it a prophecy and an accurate translation wouldn't. There's no logic involved in that.