China Cat Sunflower said:
Look at this text. It doesn't actually say that the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" were giants. It says that there were giants in the earth, and later the hybrid breeding when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men " resulted in " mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
Thanks for highlighting this, Chris. Notice it says, "
came in unto." Hmmm, I think the following might elucidate ...
The Secret Doctrine will call this the "sin of the mindless," and it can be googled (in quotes). The first hits, from W. Scott-Elliot's
Atlantis and Lost Lemuria, gives the short presentation from the Stanzas of Dzyan (
Secret Doctrine). The next few hits make reference to footnotes from Alice Bailey's works, which again refer back to H.P. Blavatsky:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]The sin of the Mindless. See S. D., II, 195, 201. This sin has to do with the period of the Separation of the Sexes in the early third root-race, the Lemurian. The same historical fact is hinted at also in the Bible in Genesis VI, 2:4.
[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"They (the sexes) had already separated before the ray of divine reason had enlightened the dark region of their hitherto slumbering minds, and had sinned. That is to say, they had committed evil unconsciously by producing an effect which was unnatural."[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]See also S. D., II, 721, 728.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
It is worth pointing out, at least from the esoteric standpoint, that actually there were two instances of the "sin of the mindless," and the first is the one which is here referred to, and which is truly relevant to the Lemurian giants - as referenced in the Bible.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
The second shameful act occurred later, in Atlantean times, and this time it occurred with full conscious knowledge - on the part of the "Spiritual man" - and for this, we still pay today a heavy karma. But in neither case is Humanity as such technically responsible, karmically speaking, because in the first case, it was the very condition of our "mindlessness" (or LACK of intelligence) which allowed the sin to occur, and in the latter, it was the spiritual being - and not our terrestrial intelligence or consciousness, which was still (as even now, all too often) ... quite undeveloped. This is explained by Basil Crump in an online commentary, as follows:[/FONT]
A Third Class of [spiritual beings, our Souls] deferred incarnating until the Fourth or Atlantean Root Race ... It was in this Race that the worst sexual karma was incurred, for the Atlanteans renewed the sin of the Mindless, this time with full knowledge and responsibility because they possessed Manas. [Mind, spiritually regarded] Some of the still semi-divine beings took entirely human wives in whom lower, more material beings had incarnated. They had no mind, only animal instinct, and were descendants of the half-animal monsters bred by the sin of the Mindless in the Third Race. [Lemuria] The anthropoid apes are the degenerate descendants of this renewed and conscious sin; and further it is stated (S.D.II. 303) that in this case it was "the Spiritual being who sinned, the Spirit element being still the 'Master' principle in man, in those days," and that (S.D.II. 303) "many of us are now working off the effects of the evil Karmic causes produced by us in Atlantean bodies."
The most significant statement of all in this connection occurs on p. 228, Vol. II.: "As to those 'Sons of Wisdom' who had 'deferred' their incarnation till the Fourth Race, which was already stained (physiologically) with sin and impurity, they produced a terrible cause, the Karmic result of which weighs on them to this day. It was produced in themselves, and they became the carriers of that seed of iniquity for aeons to come, because the bodies they had to inform had become defiled through their own procrastination." (See verses 32, 36.)
"This was the "Fall of the Angels" because of their rebellion against Karmic Law. The 'fall of man' was no fall for he was irresponsible."
It is clear, then that we are the "carriers of that seed of iniquity for aeons to come, and this explains why we have such an awful struggle with the sex impulse in our bodies and lower minds, which take a thousand forms, many more subtle than the mere physical impulse. It is these latter which have given rise to so many perversions of practice and doctrine in regard to sex ...
The terrible and conscious abuse of sex by the Atlanteans led on to the worship of the human body and finally of the sex principle in itself, which survives to-day in all the degraded forms of [some] religions ...
Alas, I'm afraid that many Christians are in for a shock ... to consider that their very
`Lucifer,' bearer of Light, is none other than
Mind itself, the Light principle, the Spark as it
illumines lower man! Sighhhh ....
not at all what Mother Church teaches us, yet
how could she at one and the same time advocate a terrible & dangerous adversary, yet also inform us
that this very Being dwells within us, inseparably, as the
Spark of
Mind (and thus
Higher consciousness) itself!
No no, it is no small wonder the Christian recoils, yet in time, s/he shall discover
TRUTH! In all fairness, it is helpful to say, that Prometheus did not simply
steal this fire that it might
ensoul our lesser being, and
illumine us upon the Way ... for the very Purpose for our descent here into matter (as the Gnostics point out) was to experience, learn,
master these worlds, and
Ascend (or emerge from matter, returning to Spirit)! And this cannot be without the complementary action of the CHRIST principle, which dwells within us
one world higher than Light, or the active principle of Manas (mind). Here, then, we find
no contradiction with the notion that,
at the appointed hour, Christ
does confront Lucifer, defeats Him, and
from the depths of the world of sin & death (verily, Hell itself) ... conquers, is Resurrected (into the fullness and effulgence of Spirit), and Ascends to His Father in Highest Heaven!
No contradiction, no confusion, and no need to invent a misleading theology that is
destined to leave us in a state of shock & dismay once we finally begin to see ...

I just wish the grave errors of the clergy (of the
many religions) over time, had not been so perpetrated and foisted upon us, as we
truly have inherited - their
Monster. All this, as if our own Human Karma (
bound up with our Divine Progenitors, because of our relationship with them) ... from the periods mentioned above, were not enough! Alas, we cannot pull the poor, wretched, miserable
"sinner" (as he has been taught to so regard himself) from his self-made prison,
against his will - nor would that be helpful! Only time,
and prayer, may free him now ...
I shall surely
draw fire for stating so boldly what I know to be true, yet consider, we usually resist
most readily & vociferously what we
least would like to contemplate as even the
tiniest of possibilities ... and here, as elsewhere, I would encourage a
scientific and scholarly approach, not one of emotional reaction. In the very least, allow me my silly delusions

- and if you must, just say you disagree.

Hey, at least you don't have to go out and kill a woolly mammoth for your breakfast, which is about what our
nephilim ancestors probably had to do!