As You all know all Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, how about You, do you believe that Mohammed is/was a prophet?
If I believed Mohammed was a prophet, would I not have to accept everything he said? And if I accepted his claims, wouldn't I then have to deny Jesus' divinity? That is something I just can't accept...
And, on top of that, I view him as overly involved in politics - a real prophet of God wouldn't connect himself so closely to this world, imo...
Now, having said that, I do believe what Mohammed did was ultimately for the best. His teachings brought God to many pagans. The guidelines it set forth were far more charitable than the guidelines already in place.
So, I guess I would say Mohammed was a blessing
from God (for the Arab world), but he really wasn't
of God, if that makes sense.
and one question follows, if you dont is that because He lived after Jesus?
Not really. I just reject his prophethood because his teachings are contradictory to Jesus'. If what he had said supported Jesus' teachings, I would call him a prophet.
Originally posted by Postmaster:
Well divine authority is shown to us by miracles. I've been a witness to an icon of the weeping virgin personally.
I'm not so sure miracles alone show us divine authority. Can't Satan perform miracles? I think that the only way to establish divine authority is if the miracle worker confesses in Jesus Christ (the first letter of John says something to this effect when it discusses the testing of spirits) - if he/she doesn't confess in Jesus, then that person isn't of God, miracles or no.
But I do envy you for being witness to the weeping virgin miracle; I've always longed to see that event for myself.