Christians! Do you believe Mohammed's prophethood?

JonMarc said:
however most christian leaders today do not claim to be prophets with a new truth. good point about jesus though bandit, i feel exactly the same way. as brian said, if we believed as muslims believed, we would in fact be muslims. although Islam recognizes Jesus as an historical figure, it does not recognize the same Jesus that the christian faith is built upon. If i look at a golden calf and see a god, while you see a pricey piece of art, one could argue we are not looking at the same thing.
any reference to jesus ın buddhism is greatly appreciated, i knıow the case is moving to a whole different approach however ... Budhism seems like Canada to me,

/let the snake lİve thousand years as long as it doesnt bite me
Quahom1 said:
First of all, I realize that Mohammed was a great and profound man. I will answer your question (which is quite significant in stature), if you can answer mine...

What one (any one) prophecy did Mohammed make pertaining to the fulfillment of God's/Allah's word, that no other prophet made before him, that has come true? Answer that, and I'll give you my answer.


they can not come straight forward if one can not fulfill your desires? therefore i wont, and your thoughts stay on you...

however if interested may visit

Muhammed says he didnt write the Quaran by the way so when you say 'did Muhammed make' that sounds irreconcilable
Dor said:
Muhammad claims to be a prophet of God. Christians cannot reject his claim as impossible because Christians believe that God has sent prophets. But this does not mean that Christians must blindly accept that Muhammad is a prophet, that would be foolish and disobedient. Instead we are commanded to test prophets to determine whether they are from God. The prophecy of Muhammad is recorded in the Qur'an so we need to test what the Qur'an says to see whether Muhammad is a true prophet.

The Qur'an makes three claims as to why Muhammad is a true prophet. These claims are "testable". These claims are:
  1. The Qur'an confirms the teaching of the Jewish and Christian scriptures.
  2. The Qur'an makes clearer the teaching of the Jewish and Christian scriptures.
  3. Muhammad is foretold in the Jewish and Christian scriptures.
In the Gospel Jesus very clearly taught that Christians are not to fight for their religion. His apostles also taught the same:
Mat 5:39But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Mat 5:44But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you,and persecute you;
Mat 26:52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

But in the Qur'an it says that the Gospel taught that fighting for God (religion) is acceptable.
They fight in the way of God; they kill, and are killed; that is a promise binding upon God in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Koran (Sura 9:111, Arberry).
What the Qur'an teaches about the Gospel is wrong. The Gospel clearly prohibits fighting for religion. The Qur'an does not confirm the Bible at this major point.

In the Bible Jesus clearly taught that he would die and be raised from the dead:
Mat 16:21 From that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.
Mat 20:26But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
Mat20:27And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:
Mat 20:28Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

However, when the Qur'an teaches about the death of Jesus on the cross it says that he never really died!
"We (the Jews) slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of God" - yet they did not slay him, neither crucified him, only a likeness of that was shown to them. ... and they slew him not of certainty - no indeed; God raised him up to Him; God is All-mighty, All-wise.(Sura 4:156-157, Arberry)

Jesus taught that his death on the cross was to pay for our sins and that it was part of God's work that he came to perform. However in the Qur'an Jesus' death on the cross is no death at all. Thus the Qur'an does not confirm the Bible at this most important point.

The Qur'an shows no understanding of the meaning of the title "Son of God". In the Qur'an it means nothing more than to imply that God had sex, and as we have seen from the Bible this is not what the title means. In the Qur'an Jesus is given the title of Messiah and yet denied the title of the Son of God; the Bible clearly teaches that both of these titles go together.Again we see that what was clearly taught in the Bible is confused by the Qur'an and has led to confusion and disagreements between Muslims and Christians. The Qur'an claims to make clearer the teaching of the Bible but this claim is false. It does not make clearer the Bible's teaching, in fact it only confuses it.

If you check all the prophocies in the bible that supposedly point to Mohammed you can see it is a stretch at the very least.

I personally can only conclude that the claims of the Qur'an are false. It does not confirm the teaching of the Bible; it does not make clearer the teaching of the Bible; and Muhammad is not foretold in the Bible. So an easy answer to me is no he is not a prophet.
So in short, hence You are Christians, in order one to be a prophet It has to agree with everything written in Bible? Why would GOD let his own SON go into that terrible torture is the question to be answered. (Not die but torture as well) Since Quaran says He was not tortured but someone else that gsus puts his hand unto who then got the face of Jesus.

What was the main cause of Crusaders?
I say prick the needle on yourself before pricking the awl to someone else
Well the Bible does tell us to test prophets and see if they are from God. It even tells us how to.

Why did God let his Son be tortured the way he was?
Joh 3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Jesus took our place and bore all our transgressions and iniquities. So that all mankind could be saved through him.

What was the main cause of the Crusades?
First Crusade was launched by Pope Urban II to make Jerusaleum safe for Christian pilgrims from the muslims.
Second Crusade was launched in response to the Muslim capture of Edessa.
Third Crusade was launched because the Muslims took over Jerusaleum again in 1187.
etc... [font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica]The main cause was Muslim incursions into previously Christian lands.[/font]

PersonaNonGrata said:
As You all know all Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, how about You, do you believe that Mohammed is/was a prophet?
and one question follows, if you dont is that because He lived after Jesus?
There might be some Christians who see him as a prophet. I dont know.
One time I heard an African American Christian say Mohammed was the last prophet to the dark skinned man.
But maybe the same way some Muslims cannot accept Jesus as Lord & Saviour for eternal life & remission of sins, some Christians cant see Mohammed as a prophet. I dont know all the reasons why.
juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, all!

I think a lot of the trouble in answering the question is in the way it is worded. It is set up to pit the two against each other. Like it or not, this is not an either/or dilemma. Jews, and by extension Christians, are the heirs of the promise to Abraham through Isaac. Likewise, Islam is the heir to the promise to Abraham through Ishmael. The Monotheistic faiths are all cousins. They might not agree with everything to the letter, but overall they have the same obligations to each other and to the world.

My two cents.
hey Juan! my dad said this same exact thing just recently. but he added, most people do not even realize they are cousins.
& they all came out of the same country.
Peace be upon you all!

I was wondering how could it NOT be possible for Jesus (AS) to be born without a father? Since God is capable of anything and everything and since He also created Adam (AS) without a father, why does Jesus (AS) have to have a father? As Muslims we believe Jesus to be a prophet and able to perform miracles and his name is actually mentioned more times in the Quran than the Prophet Muhammad is (in arabic). We respect Jesus as a Prophet.

Also, I have understood the Trinity from many various Christians and many of them tell it differently. Would you kindly explain a unified version of the Trinity? I know also that there are several different versions of the Bible out there. Can you please tell me who wrote these different versions? I have heard that they are divinely inspired by God. However, a question that begs to be arisen is: if they were divinely inspired, how come they are all not the same? I do not mean word for word exactly, but that how come they contradict each other?
Please do not take offense to these questions, as I am only seeking the truth as a scientist would- with rigorous testing to make sure the theory holds up :)

I have done some (very little, actually I just started) research on the Bible and its history is very rich. Please help me gain more knowledge. I would like to add that I have had many good experiences with my Christian neighbors and colleagues and HONESTLY they hardly fail to impress me with their generosity and readiness to help :)

There are many more points that we as Muslims agree with the Christians on than we disagree on :).
Ah' allan ,

We believe Jesus to be the Son of God, and Co-Reign of the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth. Who sits at the Right hand of the Father (Allah).

rough stuff I know, but it is.

"Ma'a sallam", and peace...


Quahom1 said:
Ah' allan ,

We believe Jesus to be the Son of God, and Co-Reign of the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth. Who sits at the Right hand of the Father (Allah).

rough stuff I know, but it is.

"Ma'a sallam", and peace...


Ahlam wa Sahlan:)
Thank you for your kind response. However, I have heard different versions such as Jesus IS GOD Himself, not the Co-reign... Could you please clarify it more? Also can someone answer my other questions?
Bi Dhikri Allah said:
Ahlam wa Sahlan:)
Thank you for your kind response. However, I have heard different versions such as Jesus IS GOD Himself, not the Co-reign... Could you please clarify it more? Also can someone answer my other questions?
Ah' allan, Bi Dhikri, (I will go no further, as a novice in arabic).

I invite you to read the Gospel of John (you might consider starting with John 3:16). I have no intention of defacing your beliefs. Tread carefully here as you discover our this is a place of learning and insight,...and CR has rules. ;) You can always invite us over to your place...but probably not...

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1 The Father
1 The Son, Jesus Christ = God
1 The Holy Spirit

The Father is He who noone has ever seen nor heard.. He sits on the throne doing God stuff...He is perfect and incapable of being around sin. Which means He is incapable of being around us... (thats where Jesus came in). He is the supreme authority in heaven. :p

The Son, Jesus Christ... came to Earth as a Man so He could do The Fathers business on Earth.. and one day will rule over the Earth. He is fully Man and fully God.. He is the manifestation of God in the flesh.

The Spirit is a person that is the manifestation of the Power of God.. The acting force.. the one that Jesus left behind to help us. The one that makes it possible for us to communicate with God through prayer and bible study.

those 3 equal God.

The Father desires a personal relationship with us and desires for us to have a relationship with Him...

Jesus was sent to earth pay the price for our sins that is needed in order to be perfect to be with The Father who is perfect and unable to be around sin..

The Spirit is the spiritual link between our souls and The Father who is a spirit being...He is the force which allows God to communicate with us. We cannot talk to The Father or see the Father directly.. think of Jesus as the phone and The Spirit as the phone lines. Each create the link that we need to The Father in order to have a relationship with Him.

Please pardon my analogy its the only thing I can think of to explain it

If a bible is published that contradicts the original Bible which the closest English translation is the Kings James Version.. It is not considered infalliable as the Word of God. It has been added to or taken from and I could list examples but choose not to. The Bible was written by The Spirit (God) through the men that penned the words... It does not contradict itself. Other versions I do not believe are inspired by God because it contradicts the original version of the Bible which was translated directly from hebrew aramaic and greek.
Hi everyone! Thank you again for your very detailed and eloquent response.

However that raises more questions..If God is Jesus and Jesus is God and God can't be around sin...then why and how would Jesus be God? If Jesus is the flesh of God, yet God is the Father in heaven who can't be around sin, how could He be around sin if He Himself IS GOD? Do you see why I am so confused?
Also, if the father is God and God desires a personal relationship with Him, then why would the Holy Spirit be needed to communicate with Him? If the Holy Spirit IS God, then how could God be a form of communication with Himself and humans?

Please take no offense, I am only trying to iron out the doubts in my head and I know you wouldn't hesitate to try to explain this again. Think of me as a potential convert:D

As for the Bibles, who decides which are divinely inspired and which are false?
Bi Dhikri Allah said:
As for the Bibles, who decides which are divinely inspired and which are false?
you decide for yourself which one you want to believe in:)
Bi Dhikri Allah said:
Hi everyone! Thank you again for your very detailed and eloquent response.

However that raises more questions..If God is Jesus and Jesus is God and God can't be around sin...then why and how would Jesus be God? If Jesus is the flesh of God, yet God is the Father in heaven who can't be around sin, how could He be around sin if He Himself IS GOD? Do you see why I am so confused?
Also, if the father is God and God desires a personal relationship with Him, then why would the Holy Spirit be needed to communicate with Him? If the Holy Spirit IS God, then how could God be a form of communication with Himself and humans?

Please take no offense, I am only trying to iron out the doubts in my head and I know you wouldn't hesitate to try to explain this again. Think of me as a potential convert:D

As for the Bibles, who decides which are divinely inspired and which are false?
You are not understanding the difference between The Father and the GODhead... The Father cannot be around Sin HE IS GOD... Jesus CAN because HE is MAN and GOD. You are trying to force Jesus into what Allah is to you.. We would consider The Father, Our Father in heaven.. Jesus is the Son of The Father in Heaven..The ONLY begotten Son of The Father.. who is God in the flesh. You are limiting God to your own understanding... Try to think outside of the box.

The Father is one part of God.. Elohim.. Jesus is one part of God... Elohim... The Spirit is one part of God...Elohim. The three are God.

Let me use how I pray as an example..

Heavenly Father.. Lord I ask that you use me to your will.. I ask that you help me to make understood the glorious mystery of your Godhead.. There are many that do not understand and may seek to understand. I ask that the Spirit speak through me and speak to those that desire to understand you.

In Jesus's name... Amen

I pray to the Father in Jesus's name because HE is the mediator between myself and God.. Jesus makes it possible to be heard by the Father because I am unworthy of His personal attention because of Sin.... The Spirit is what connects my soul to The Father who is Spirit. They all three work as One. They have the same goal.. a personal relationship with us.

God didnt need us.. God created us to need HIM.

Try to think of it this way... God is omniscent.. He can be anywhere at anytime.. How could He do that If He is sitting on a throne in heaven? He could if He allowed Himself to become flesh to dwell AMONGST us.. Then when He had to leave to prepare a place for us.. He left His Spirit to dwell WITHIN us.
The Holy Spirit decides which bible is correct. I just listen to what He tells me. I know when something is wrong because I have learned to listen. Prayer is not only speaking to God.. Its learning how to listen...
I guess this is where I have to end the conversation on my part. Since you brought in the name of Allah, I shall continue with that. I wasn't going to bring in Islam because I didn't want a debate- but anyways: When you say I am limiting God, I think exactly the opposite-that you are. My beliefs are very simple-Allah created all objects, ideas, and creatures. He also created sin. I don't think that God needs to be in human form when He is omniscient and can do whatever He wants. We can't say He had a Son-to us that is limiting His whole concept of being GOD. To have a Son is a human aspect of life. God created life. God created ALL...

I agree completely, you have to learn how to listen to God when you pray as well as when you ask Him for things. However, there doesn't seem to be common ground amongst Christians if they all believe they were inspired by the Holy Spirit...who was really inspired? Who wasn't? Who decides? For us, we have the Quran and everyone's Quran in arabic is the same no matter how you translate it in english. If anyone comes out with a new version, or claims that they were inspired to change the Quran, it wouldn't be accepted.

Thank you anyways. I was hoping that Christians believed in something like God is three functions in one-like a woman can be a mother, a wife and a woman at the same time but still have the same form and can still be seen as one form only. Only her functions would be different depending on circumstances. While I still would need further convincing on that concept, it would be easier to ascribe those aspects to the concept of the one and ONLY God. What you say however is that God actually has three distinct forms-of which I just cannot accept. Anyways, in Islam, and i will reiterate- we still believe that Allah is the ONLY creator in ONE form only because He doesn't need to be anything like His creation ever. He doesn't need sleep, rest, etc. He is GoD and created all those ideas-or else someone else had to have created them etc etc and that would have to be GOD.
Bi Dhikri Allah said:
For us, we have the Quran and everyone's Quran in arabic is the same no matter how you translate it in english. If anyone comes out with a new version, or claims that they were inspired to change the Quran, it wouldn't be accepted.
Indeed, but then we have the converse argument about the choice of suras for the Qur'an. Oh, I know the tradition is pretty set - but then again, before the Reformation, there was general acceptance of the Roman Catholic determinism of what was and was not inspired as well. But that's all for another thread. :)
I said:
Indeed, but then we have the converse argument about the choice of suras for the Qur'an. Oh, I know the tradition is pretty set - but then again, before the Reformation, there was general acceptance of the Roman Catholic determinism of what was and was not inspired as well. But that's all for another thread. :)
Hi Brian,

Could you please elaborate on what you mean by choice of surahs? And can you please, if you can, cite someplace where you read or heard that there was "choice of surahs" in those exact terms.
But let me go ahead and tell you what is fact: No one but GOD revealed these words in arabic and it is repeatedly proven to be the word of GOD through logic and common sense. There are zero contradictions in any of the Qurans from anywhere throughout all of time since it was first recorded.:) Not even one marking has been changed (only those that assist in pronounciation have been added in the arabic to help nonnative speakers-like me:D ). We don't deny it because God is capable of all things and surely He is capable of this.
Throughout the entire book, Allah challenges man to produce even one chapter exactly like it in form, aesthetic quality, logic, and porportion. Surahs were put in different orders but that doesn't mean they were changed. Please read the Quran and pick out something that seems contradicting to you and ask a knowledgeable Muslim or go to the Mosque and ask about it.
Could I do that with the Bible? I asked just a few questions at first and already someone was cautioning me to "tread carefully". As Muslims, we welcome debates in polite manners.:) So please do come forth with them with the INTENT of gaining knowledge ( on the islam forum, that is)! :)
PersonaNonGrata said:
they can not come straight forward if one can not fulfill your desires? therefore i wont, and your thoughts stay on you...

however if interested may visit

Muhammed says he didnt write the Quaran by the way so when you say 'did Muhammed make' that sounds irreconcilable
You asked if Christians believe Mohammed's prophetichood...then you refuse to answer, or justify?

That was a cop out. If Muhammed didn't write the Quaran, then how would he be any kind of anyone? Did someone else write about Muhammed and his prophecies?

It was a simple question. Did Muhammed prophecy, and if so, did his prophetic numerations fulfill God/Allah's will? Yes, or no?

The answer is Muhammed is not a prophet. Unless, you my friend, can prove me wrong. Great man. Wise man...yes. Godly man...yes. Prophet? Show me.

