Bi Dhikri Allah said:
I am sorry, I didnt intend to start any kind of debate between Islam and Christianity but once someone said something about Islam and compared it to Christianity, well i just could not sit idle could i?

I was not trying to convert anyone on here, nor tell them what not to believe, I was just trying to understand your religion. If this has been brought up in past threads, I apologize, as I am new to this forum. I guess I will never understand the Trinity. We do not call Isa (AS) only a Prophet to belittle him, (we call him a Man, a Prophet, a Messiah, and the Word of Allah), but we do it to Glorify Allah, to proclaim His Majesty.
“So (it will be). Allah creates what He will. If He decrees a thing, He says unto it only: Be! and it is. (Qur’an 3: 45, 47).
“Lo! the likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then he said unto him: Be! and he is” (3:59).
It's as simple as that for us.
As I lurk around Islamic sites I become more and more aware of what Muslims think about us Christians. The Trinity obviously is a very bizarre concept to them. The question is God one or three, or three-in-one, one-in-three is a recurring question.
Galatians 3:19-20 says, "The law was put into effect through angels by a mediator. A mediator, however, does not represent just one party: but God is one."
I am aware there are many different views on the Trinity. There are many different definitions of it. The idea is that if you get the wrong idea of the Trinity, or even if you believe in the Trinity, you're a heretic, false believer, blasphemer, etc. Basically the idea is if you get the wrong idea of God, you're in the wrong.
The question, "are Muslims right?" is a very tempting one. On the other hand, the decision was already made early in the forum that (from the Christian point of view) Mohammed could not have been sent by God . . . Or, Mohammed is not for Christians.
If Mohammed was right, then basically the New Testament could not have been the inspired Word of God, because the concept of the Trinity is a theme that is found all over the NT.
If he was wrong, we might well be entitled to believe in the Trinity, and it is not blasphemous.
Ok, so why should Christians continue to believe in the Trinity? Is the Trinity really that complicated? Is it irrational to believe in the Trinity?
I believe that the Trinity is a really simple concept. It's just that people try to make it fit into a model that they like, one that only makes sense to them. This makes it appear complicated.
The Christian teaching is that Jesus Himself is the Word of God, the Revelation that God sent down to the human race. The Islamic teaching was that the Revelation/Word of God was not only given to Mohammed, but that it was also a book or an Ideology.
Yet somewhere else, if I remember correctly, Jesus (Isa) was "a Word and Spirit from Allah." This must mean that in Islam the Word revealed to Jesus and the Word revealed to Mohammed are not the same thing.
Another difference is that the Holy Spirit in Islam is the angel Gabriel. This is unacceptable to Christians because the Holy Spirit is God's own Spirit.
So, what about the Father then? The Father is God, however, what we really mean is that God is the Source of holiness and righteousness, that everything good comes from Him. The Son and Holy Spirit are elements that come from God, the Father and Source.
The writers of the New Testament used terms like, the Word, Son of God, Jesus and Christ to explain how God's Revelation did His work on earth. The Word basically means Revelation. The Son of God is a Person that has God's own character and personality. Jesus was the human being, the physical concept of the Word and the Person of the Son of God was in Him. Christ is a term that refers to the heavenly concept of the Word.
The term Holy Spirit refers to the fact that God's Spirit is the only Spirit we can trust. God is the only Holy Spirit.
There are many religions in this world that have their own definition of the structure of the cosmic order, and these definitions come from divine spirits. Paul often refers to the so-called "ruling spirits of the universe." Satan is refered to as the "prince of the ruling spirits."
Pagan idolatry is really the worship of evil spirits. 1 Corinthians 10:20-21, "No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons."
Every religion that has anything to do with spiritual and supernatural experiences always has something to do with spirits. These spirits are not human beings, but angels. False religions come from fallen angels, demons and evil spirits.
In the world today there are many cults and secret societies that can lead people away from what we believe is the so-called "Truth." 1 John 4:1 says, "test the spirits." True believers, followers of the Truth can tell from the teachings of a religion whether or not it is the Truth.
Jesus Himself said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." He basically declared that he was the Word of God, the Revelation God sent to us humans.
Perhaps we could look at it this way. Jesus says that on the Second Coming, he will come as "a Thief in the night." Actually, if you think about it, he was a Thief in the First coming. When a thief robs a house, a really vigilant person will notice. He performs the same tricks. Next time he comes, you're ready for him.
In terms of being a human being, no Jesus was not God. However, as a Person, He was God. People who belonged to the Truth saw His character.
God revealing Himself in a human being was like a Thief doing His own little tricks. This thief-like character I believe is a part of God's sense of humour. We often play tricks on those we love and those who love us. They know it's us.
Those who belonged to the Truth recognised Him. The others did not.
The term Holy Spirit therefore means that we are following "the Spirit of the right path." It means we should follow God and only God. God revealed Himself in Jesus, the Word of God.
So why does God need three Persons? Personally I think that's an invalid question. Christians believe the Ultimate Word of God was Jesus while Islam teaches that it is the Quran. For Christians, the Bible is the inspired Word, while Jesus is the Living Word. The Bible leads us to Jesus, the Living Word in heaven; it is a shadow of the Living Word.
According to Islam, the Quran has many "inner secrets." In Christianity, the "inner secret" is Christ, the Living Word that is now in heaven.
Bi Dhikri Allah said:
“Lo! the likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then he said unto him: Be! and he is” (3:59).
It's as simple as that for us.
I have to explain why Christians will continue to believe what they believe, and why we don't "have to" believe in Mohammed.
I've seen this point being made by many Islamic web sites that Christians don't believe God was powerful enough to create another human being and therefore simply sent His Son into the world. This is not true!!!!
From a Christian point of view, there is a difference between the physical and spiritual. This means that when a divine being such as God, His Word or an angel want to interact to human beings on equal terms, they first need a body.
This view can be confirmed by what Paul says about physical and spiritual bodies.
This means that the divine being must create a body for himself, possibly from nothing. The Son of God was an uncreated Person, however, to gain entry into the physical universe, he needed a physical body. So the Word creates a physical body for Himself and puts it in Mary's womb.
I will conclude as a Christian that the Trinity is an acceptable concept. We don't believe in three Gods but one.
The Trinity is merely God (the Father), His Word (the Son of God) and His Spirit (the Holy Spirit). The Trinity is best understood as something spiritual rather than physical.
If you think in physical terms -- that is, God performing three different functions in three different forms, you certainly start thinking that Christianity is bizarre. However, if taken spiritually, you find that there is nothing wrong with the Trinity at all!!!!!
The three elements are just three different aspects of the same Being -- the Father/Source, the Word/Revelation and the Spirit.