Believers Sealed on the Forhead?

No Christian is the light of the world. They are imposters who think they are the chosen ones of God. Christianity was started by the Roman government in the early fourth century, after they killed all the saints who had the light in them.

Actually, I don't quite agree. What we call Christianity today is really "Hellenistic Christianity." There were two "Christianities" in the first century. The first Christianity were made of the original followers of Jesus, called the Nazarenes. The original Christianity was a Jewish sect.

The other Christianity was the one created for people who weren't Jewish by the apostle Paul so that we wouldn't all have to convert to Judaism, become circumcised and eat kosher food. This was the second variant of Christianity, which I have called "Hellenistic Christianity" because it wasn't based on Judaism but Hellenism.

The "Christianity" you are talking about is what I am calling "Hellenistic Christianity" and this "Christianity" didn't spring into existence in the fourth century, but right back in the first century with the apostle Paul.

As for the "saints who had the light in them," I am assuming you're talking about the Nazarenes. I consider it a mistake that the Later, Orthodox Christians declared them heretics. They were the original followers of Jesus and they understood his teachings much better than the "Orthodox" ones because they knew the original political, social and ideological context of Jesus' teachings and mission.

The Nazarenes were always much closer to the Gospel than followers of any other variant of Christianity, so the "orthodox" Christians, of which we are all "spiritual descendants," had no right to declare them heretics.

My own "roots" are in Hellenistic Christianity but nowadays I take a more "hermeneutical" perspective. I no longer believe in the primacy of Hellenistic Christianity. Most Christians are unaware that their "Christianity" is the Hellenistic variant and the vast majority of Christians (say 99%) are adherents of the Hellenistic variant.
Hi Amica! [or should that be salam? :)]

The sign of a believer are many, i.e he will frequent the mosque, his face will be illuminated [the light of faith can be seen on his face] and basically he will have characteristics of the best of humanity in him; he/she will be humble, loving, caring, generous, etc, etc,

imam Al-Ghazali was a perfect example of such 'signs'; the reason he was called 'hujjatul Islam' [the proof of Islam] is that to start of with imam al-Ghazali was like an average person with traits unbecoming of a good muslim in him, such as arrogance, selfishness, etc, etc, but as he persevered in the islamic duties, he underwent an amazing change where he became a very humble and good person in all respects; thus he was given the title 'the proof of islam', i.e, he was a proof that Islam was the Truth

Some more specific signs is that, on the Day of judgement the face of believers will be illuminated [such as being brighter than the sun? etc,] and near the last day, a strange creature [the beast] will come out of a moutain and mark the faces of the believers with the stick of moses [as] and that will illuminate their faces.

the believers do have a mark on their foreheads too from daily prostations to ALlah, but nowadays a lot of them dont due to them prostating on soft carpets rather than hard ground, but there still could be a slight mark there [allthough it may not be apperantly visible to the naked eye] for in the hadiths it is said that the sinfull beleiver who is to go to hell will have all his body burnt, accept that bit of forehead with the prostation mark on it for the hell-fire will be forbidden to burn that bit

As for the signs of Jewish and Christian Believers, well this only applies to pre-Muhammad [saw] times, for islam has abrogated these two religion thus only a muslim can be a believer now

the believers of aforetime, i.e those who followed their respective prophets in their own times will have similar signs i would think
As for the signs of Jewish and Christian Believers, well this only applies to pre-Muhammad [saw] times, for islam has abrogated these two religion thus only a muslim can be a believer now

certainly that is sales pitch used to sell islam, however as it to being to true, imo its not.

the quran is littered with threats of violance and burning in hell for anyone who does not do what mohamed says, this is fear and intimidation and does not come from God IMO.
certainly that is sales pitch used to sell islam, however as it to being to true, imo its not.

the quran is littered with threats of violance and burning in hell for anyone who does not do what mohamed says, this is fear and intimidation and does not come from God IMO.

The farhead relates to the mind. The song of moses the true interpretation of the books. I believe the sealed do not consist of any one religion but span all religions and they are sealed because they truely know the Creator(s). Some liken god to the devil claiming he does evil acts. Do you know the difference between the two? The sealed do. It doesnt mean they are perfect but it means they will be.
Personally I believe in the rapture, the sealed being caught up to meet who they know prior to the whole universal event. One a universal approach I believe the sealed include life on other planets.
I was sealed in the forehead. It was done in my sleep. It was the mark of the cross in my forehead, and two vertical marks on each side of my head. I discuss it in my book at How you might be Chosen.

This was a precious gift to me from God Almighty Jesus, Yahshua.

Remember, the Koran in Sura 3 42-50 says to obey Yahshua,

Yahshua said John 14 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Elder Robert M. Jackson, MCP

The seal is invisible to the human eye because it consists of elements that cannot be seen by current human technology. However it is visible if human beings had the technology. The cross is the ancient symboll representing the union of body soul and spriit by power of the holy spirit. The mark is the holy spirit. Do I think everyone is sealed with a cross, yes in one sense of the word. Whatever symbol within that persons own religion represents this union is what they are sealed with.
certainly that is sales pitch used to sell islam, however as it to being to true, imo its not.

the quran is littered with threats of violance and burning in hell for anyone who does not do what mohamed says, this is fear and intimidation and does not come from God IMO.

There isnt any one religion that is the true religion, they all are if you know how to correctly interpret or at least know what god truely is. When the rapture happens and there are people taken from all different religions maybe then will everyone realize this.
Peace to all...

My opinion is that the believers true seal is in their heart. In one of the Hadiths, the Prophet Muhammad (s) said concerning the followers of the Dajjal (antichrist) will have a seal on their forehead, a word "kufr" in Arabic which means "the disbeliver".
It could either mean the followers of Dajjal really have a writing on their forehead, which can be seen physically...or it could mean that the followers of Dajjal is sealed on the forehead with the word "disbeliever" in a metaphorical sense. Either one it still points to the same disbelieving faith of the followers of the Dajjal.

The same concept applies to the believers. But then again, it is quite common when we heard a pious man/women, a true believer of God and a faithful servant has an "x-factor" look on their face as if their face radiates light just like the radiance on the face of a new born child. In the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (s) it is know as the look of "nur" (light) on the face.
There are also some Hadiths which describes the "nur" look and figure of Jesus peace be upon him in the end of time when he comes down from heaven to save humanity from the Dajjal. I'll try to look in my references and share with you guys on this...InsyaAllah...God willing...


I believe the seal is the seal of the holy spirit but that it is literally on the bodies but cannot be seen.

I am curious to learn about the seal of the believers from Christians and Muslims.

A friend told me that the Christian prophecies mention that the believers the Christ will have a seal on their forhead. Is the seal going to be of a miraculous origin?

Being a Muslim myself, I know that God Almighty in the Qur'an says that the believers' faces and their forheads show their devotion to Him. I personally know that if a Muslim prays the way he/she should, a certain sign does form on their forheads (even non-islamic sources state this). I wonder about any other islamic sources who might help me find more about the seal of the believers in God.

What do Christians think of the way Muslims understand the sign of the believing? What do Muslims believe about Christian understanding in regards to the sign?

Do Jewish people have anything similar that they believe will distinguish/distinguishes believing Jews?

I personally believe all three religious groups have some kind of sign if they have belief in the Almighty, One and Only. I think that I've read in the Qur'an (maybe I am wrong people--Muslims, please correct if I mention something that is not correct, I will appreciate it since I am a new believer in Islam) that the children of Israel have a sign on their faces showing that they believe. Since Jesus Christ, pbuh, was the Messiah, a miracle to the mankind, perhaps the Christian sign of belief will show itself as a miracle. And Muslims are recongized by their submission and constant prayer of devoution, with face down in worship to the Almighty seals their forheads. This is just my thoughts :)

Well, if you read Prophet Ezekiel in 20:12,20, he does speak of a sign between the Lord our God and His People Israel, that we might know, He is the One Who sanctifies us; and that such a sign is what distinguishes us from other nations as God's peculiar People. He is talking about the observance of the Sabbath as a day of rest. But then again, some groups among Christians have adopted that day without having to convert to Judaism. We do welcome them for the choice, but, we can't help but to compare them to those who anoint themselves with perfume without ever taking a shower.
Ben Masada said:
groups among Christians have adopted that day without having to convert to Judaism
Like the SDA, for instance. To me they seem selectively literal and fundamental and don't represent many Christians at all. I hadn't heard that they were messianic Jews, but maybe they are? There are several denominations that call themselves messianic. I wonder if Catholics are messianic. What would it take for a church to be called messianic?
Well, if you read Prophet Ezekiel in 20:12,20, he does speak of a sign between the Lord our God and His People Israel, that we might know, He is the One Who sanctifies us; and that such a sign is what distinguishes us from other nations as God's peculiar People. He is talking about the observance of the Sabbath as a day of rest. But then again, some groups among Christians have adopted that day without having to convert to Judaism. We do welcome them for the choice, but, we can't help but to compare them to those who anoint themselves with perfume without ever taking a shower.

You can find the sign in every faith. It spells the name of god literally. In Judaism its YHVH. In english its JEHOVAH. In IChing its the four symbols JHVH in chinese with the vowels eoa . Every religion has this name. Its gods name his only name.
You can find the sign in every faith. It spells the name of god literally. In Judaism its YHVH. In english its JEHOVAH. In IChing its the four symbols JHVH in chinese with the vowels eoa . Every religion has this name. Its gods name his only name.
This name means LOVE literally and all good things come fromit compassion ect.
Well, if you read Prophet Ezekiel in 20:12,20, he does speak of a sign between the Lord our God and His People Israel, that we might know, He is the One Who sanctifies us; and that such a sign is what distinguishes us from other nations as God's peculiar People. He is talking about the observance of the Sabbath as a day of rest. But then again, some groups among Christians have adopted that day without having to convert to Judaism. We do welcome them for the choice, but, we can't help but to compare them to those who anoint themselves with perfume without ever taking a shower.

Ezekiel is one of the Archangels.
But then again, some groups among Christians have adopted that day without having to convert to Judaism. We do welcome them for the choice, but, we can't help but to compare them to those who anoint themselves with perfume without ever taking a shower.

so are you saying that Gentiles stink ?
so are you saying that Gentiles stink ?
Dont you think that gods signs are literally miracles? Anyone could claim to be someone or something from him but unless he or she is actually shown to be from a heavenly source and shown by miracles that involve the actual body then anyone could claim to be from god. Then you have false prophets ect.